
Site/building/object registered by an official heritage organisation 
Used on these elements
Useful combination
Status: de facto

heritage=* should be used on geographical, permanent objects : sites, areas, buildings, parts of buildings, fixed sculpture, fresco. They can't be used on a non static object (painting...).

How to map

Case: a single object e.g. a building is under protection

Add to the object: heritage=*, heritage:operator=xxx, ref:xxx=* and more see table.

  1. Create a Relation:site by tagging type=site.
  2. Add heritage=*. (site:type=heritage was previously suggested here, but this is non-conformal with the standard site=* used in site=parking. It may not be necessary in the first place when heritage=* is already used, when comparing with the practice in power=plant.).
  3. Further attributes heritage:operator=xxx, ref:xxx=*, and more see table.
  4. All objects are added as a member.

Example  3377386

Case: a simple area is under protection e.g. Old town, Whole settlement, Nature reserve

Draw the shape of the area and add:

An older approach relies on arbitrarily chosen numeric values of protect_class=*:


  1. Create a Relation:multipolygon by tagging type=multipolygon.
  2. Add heritage=*.
  3. Further attributes heritage:operator=xxx, ref:xxx=*, and more see table.
  4. All areas (outlines and inner holes) are added as a member .

An older approach relies on arbitrarily chosen numeric values of protect_class=*:


Case: more spatially separate objects are under protection

Treat them as individual objects, each with the same characteristics.


Tags to use in combination

heritage1-10according to the admin level
namenameName of object
heritage:operatorxxxsee table under abbreviation
ref:xxxnumberNumber in the list of monuments
xxx:criteriaCriterion, see table below
heritage:websiteWebsite of the monument list
xxx:inscription_dateDate when the object was added to the preservation list

Tagging organisations

International Heritage Registration Organisations


UNESCO, World Heritage Centre [1]
abbreviation : whc
  • heritage=1
  • name=*
    • name:ar=* — name in Arabic, official language of the UNESCO
    • name:en=* — name in English, official language of the UNESCO
    • name:es=* — name in Spanish, official language of the UNESCO
    • name:fr=* — name in French, official language of the UNESCO
    • name:ru=* — name in Russian, official language of the UNESCO
    • name:zh=* — name in Chinese, official language of the UNESCO

European Union

This scheme is not yet widely used, please improve the wiki if you start using it

  • European Heritage Label [2]
heritage=*1admin_level for European Union
name=*namename in the local language, and ideally other languages of the European Union
heritage:operator=ehlehl stands for European Heritage Label
ref:ehl=* none!No id available as of 2020
ehl:inscription_date=*YYYYThe year where the label was given

Additionally wikidata=*, start_date=*, description=*.


This scheme is not yet widely used, please improve the wiki if you start using it

Historic Sites and Monuments in Antarctica protected under the Antarctic Treaty System [3]

heritage=*1admin level equivalent for an International Treaty ?
name=*nameName of the site or monument.

Suggested languages :

  • English, French, Russian and Spanish languages : any of the official languages in which the on-site notice should be translated
  • language(s) of the "Original proposing Party" and "Party undertaking management"
heritage:operator=hsmaq hsmaq stands for Historic Sites and Monuments in Antarctica ("aq" being the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 for Antarctica)
ref:hsmaq=*numberNumber in the latest list of Historic Sites and Monuments[3]
heritage:website=*URLspecific URL can be found via
hsmaq:inscription_date=*YYYYDate when the object was added to the preservation list (see wikipedia list)
hsmaq:operator=*CCwhere CC is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country or countries (values separated by ";") identified as "Party undertaking management"

Additionally wikidata=*, start_date=*, description=*.

Heritage Registration Organisations


National Heritage List (Australia)

abbreviation: nhla

Queensland Heritage Register

abbreviation: qhr




abbreviation bda


Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus
abbreviation mcrb
  • heritage=2
    • heritage:operator=mcrb
    • ref:mcrb=*
    • mcrb:criteria=2
      • mcrb:criteria=0 - inscribed or proposed for inscription on the World Heritage List;
      • mcrb:criteria=1 - otherwise of international significance;
      • mcrb:criteria=2 - of national importance;
      • mcrb:criteria=3 - of regional importance



Onroerend Erfgoed :

Abbreviations used as values in the key "OnroerendErfgoed:criteria"
Abbreviation Dutch
AE Archeologisch element
AG Archeologisch geheel
BE Bouwkundig element
BG Bouwkundig geheel
LE Landschappelijk element
LG Landschappelijk geheel
VE Varend element
VG Varend geheel

In the past, Onroerend Erfgoed used to have different reference codes. We updated ref:OnroerendErfgoed=* accordingly in july 2020. You will still see a lot of these old reference codes on objects. For reference purposes, these were the old values: A: Archeology (Archeologie), M: Monument (Bouwkundig Erfgoed), L: Landscape (Landschap), VM: Maritime (Het varend en maritiem erfgoed), DL: Part of Landscape or Shared Landscape (Deel Landschap), S: Sight (Gezicht).


Agence Wallonne du Patrimoine[4]

abbreviation : AWaP, part of Direction générale opérationnelle - Aménagement du territoire, Logement, Patrimoine et Énergie (DG04).

Exceptional heritage is in the list "patrimoine exceptionnel de wallonie", published in a decree fr/nl. There is also a wikipedia page.

Protected heritage is in the list "patrimoine immobilier classé" and on wikipedia.

Exception : determines if the location is part of the exceptional.

Criterial : M : Monument - Building S : Site - Zone ZP : Zone de protection - Protected zone EA : Ensemble architectural - Architectural group SA : Site archéologique - Archeological site

Restricted : if only a restricted part of the building is on the heritage list (reconnaissance ponctuelle du caractère exceptionnel de certains éléments) e.g. only the stairs or only the fireplace.

If the place has a wikipedia page, use the tag wikipedia=*.


Monuments et sites -

It seems that there is no 'exceptional' category in Brussels. P : Protection (for old and/or partially destroyed buildings) R : Restauration (For old building in good shape that must be kept as is) S : Site - Zone SA : Site archéologique - Archeological site

German-speaking Community

Kulturerbe der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft -

The items are not numbered by Ministerium der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens D: Building (German: Denkmal) E: architectural group (German: Ensemble) L: Landscape (Landschaft)

Bosnia and Herzegovina

The commission which designates national monuments at state level is Commission to Preserve National Monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina (English Wikipedia page); in Serbo-Croatian: Komisija za očuvanje nacionalnih spomenika Bosne i Hercegovine (offical website)); an old website serves as an online registry and documentation archive: old.kons;

  • abbreviation: kons


  • kons:criteria=*

Criteria for inclusion

I. Subjects of legal protection:

A) Portable cultural property, individual or in collections, classified as follows: small objects (home furnishings, clothing, working equipment, tools, handicraft products, etc.), paintings, books, sculptures, building fragments, inscriptions, etc.

B) Immovable cultural property

1. Historic buildings and monuments: residential, religious, public, commercial, infrastructure, military, hygienic, agricultural, industrial, etc.

2. Groups of buildings (which are either part of a composition with a certain purpose or an agglomeration which is the result of continuous building in a historic core): residential, religious, educational, administrative, public, commercial, infrastructure, military, hygienic, agricultural, industrial, etc.

3. Sites: urban, rural, archaeological, historical, industrial, cultural landscape, natural site related to some ritual or tradition, natural-scientific, mixed.

II. Value

A. Time frame (properties arisen from the prehistoric times until the end of XX century)

B. Historic value (association of a building, or group or place to a historic figure in the history or a significant event in the history)

C. Artistic and aesthetic value: i. quality of workmanship, ii. quality of material, iii. proportions, iv. composition, v. value of a detail, vi. structural value.

D. Clarity (documentary, scientific and educational or pedagogic value): i. material evidence about less known historic era, ii. evidence of historic changes, iii. work of a famous artist or builder, iv. evidence of certain type, style or regional manner, v. evidence of a typical lifestyle in the certain era.

E. Symbolic value: i. ontology value, ii. sacral value, iii. traditional value, iv. relation to the rituals or traditions, v. significance for the identity of a group of people

F. Townscape/Landscape value: i. relation of the form in the comparison with other parts of the group, ii. meaning in the townscape, iii. building or a group of buildings is a part of a group or site.

G. Authenticity: i. form and design, ii. materials and substance, iii. use and function, iv. traditions and techniques, v. location and setting, vi. spirit and feeling, and vii. other internal and external factors.

H. Uniqueness/rarity: i. single or rare example of a object type or style, ii. masterpiece of workmanship or course, iii. work of a prominent artist/ architect, craftsman

I. Integrity (groups, sites, collections): i. material wholeness, ii. homogeneity, iii. completeness, iv. unimpaired condition.


The governmental organization nationally responsible for this matter is the National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage (Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional, abbreviated "IPHAN"; official website).

The books in which the element is listed. There are four:
If listed in more than one book, the values can be separated by semicolons.
  • iphan:inscription_date=*
If listed in more than one book and in different dates, each date of inscription can be tagged as in the following examples: iphan:inscription_date:AEP=1974-10, iphan:inscription_date:H=1948-12
  • iphan:classification=*
  • conj_urbano - “Conjunto Urbano” (urban complex)
  • conj_arquitetônico - “Conjunto Arquitetônico” (architectural complex)
  • arqueológico - “Sítio Arqueológico” (archaeological site)
  • edificação - “Edificação” (building)
  • edificação_acervo - “Edificação e Acervo” (building and collection)
  • natural - “Patrimônio Natural” (natural heritage)
  • infraestrutura - “Infraestrutura ou Equipamento Urbano” (infrastructure or urban equipment)
  • jardim - “Jardim Histórico” (historical garden)
  • quilombo - “Quilombo”
  • ruína - “Ruína” (ruins)
  • iphan:status=*
  • tombado - “Tombado” (listed)
  • provisório - “Tombamento provisório” (provisionally listed)
  • anexado - “Anexado” (attached)
  • emergencial - “Tombamento emergencial” (emergencial listing)
  • rerratificado - “Rerratificado” (ratified)


National Institute of Immovable Cultural Heritage (NIICH) (Bulgarian: "Национален институт за недвижимо културно наследство")


Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada
abbreviation hsmbc
Federal Heritage Buildings Review Office
abbreviation fhbro


  • 全国重点文物保护单位/Major Historical and Cultural Site Protected at the National Level
  • 省级文物保护单位/Historical and Cultural Sites Protected at the Provincial Level
  • 设区的市;自治州级文物保护单位/Historical and Cultural Sites Protected at the Level of a City Divided into Districts or at the Level of an Autonomous Prefecture
  • 县级文物保护单位/Historical and Cultural Sites Protected at the County Level
Hong Kong

114 Declared monuments of Hong Kong

212 Grade I historic buildings in Hong Kong

366 Grade II historic buildings in Hong Kong

576 Grade III historic buildings in Hong Kong



Buildings of Architectural Interest

Classified Complexes

Classified Sites


Czech Republic

Národní památkový ústav
abreviation npu[5]


Monuments historiques et sites
abreviation mhs [6]

Plus d'infos sur la page ref:mhs=*

Ireland, Republic of

National Monuments
abbreviation IE:nm
National Monuments Service

Sites and Monuments Records - before 1700 (some of those are National Monuments, but most of them are not)

abbreviation IE:smr [7]
National Inventory of Architectural Heritage

Sites and Monuments Records - after 1700

abbreviation IE:niah [8]

Historic Environment Viewer red=IE:smr blue=IE:niah


Valsts kultūras pieminekļu aizsardzības inspekcija
abreviation vkpai


Service des sites et monuments nationaux
abreviation ssmn

Administration de la nature et des forêts

abreviation anf

  • heritage=2
    • heritage:operator=anf


Rijksmonuments (national)

Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed : abbreviation : rce [9]

Provinciale monuments (provincial)
Gemeentelijke monuments (municipal)

Republic of Korea(ROK)

Site referenced to the translated content[10]

국가지정문화재 (State-designated Heritage)
시도지정문화재 (City- or Province-designated Heritage)

문화재자료 (Cultural Heritage Material)

국가등록문화재 (Registered Cultural Heritage)

비지정문화재 (Undesignated Cultural Heritage)

North Korea (DPRK, Democratic People's Republic of Korea)

국보 (National Treasures)

Central Cultural Conservation Union (중앙문화유물보존지도기관) : abbreviation : ccukp

천연기념물 (Natural monuments)

Korean Natural Conservation Union (국가자연보호연맹) : abbreviation : ncukp


Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa : abbreviation : nid [11]


Heritage classification in Portugal
  • The official organization responsible for managing the cultural heritage in Portugal is Direção Geral do Património Cultural (DGPC).
Imóveis de Interesse Nacional (Monumentos Nacionais)

An heritage is considered of national interest when the respective protection and valorization, in whole or in part, represents a cultural value of significance for the Nation, and for real estate classified as of national interest, whether they are monuments, collections or sites, the name "Monumento Nacional" will be adopted.

heritage=*2Valor fixo, que corresponde ao admin_level=* de nível nacional
name=* *Nome oficial do Monumento Nacional
heritage:operator=*dgpcDireção-Geral do Património Cultural (DGPC)
ref:dgpc=*xyzem que xyz é o número/código na lista de monumentos da DGPC. Corresponde a em que xyz é o número na lista de monumentos da DGPC
protection_title=*Monumento NacionalNome da categoria de proteção em que o imóvel está classificado.
heritage:website=*https://...Website da ficha do monumento na DGPC
dgpc:inscription_date=*YYYY-MM-DD Data do Diário da República em que foi classificado como Monumento Nacional
Imóveis de Interesse Público

An heritage is considered to be in the public interest when the respective protection and enhancement still represents a cultural value of national importance, but for which the protection regime inherent in the classification as being of national interest proves to be disproportionate.

heritage=*2Valor fixo, que corresponde ao admin_level=* de nível nacional
name=* *Nome oficial do Monumento, Conjunto ou Sítio de Interesse Público
heritage:operator=*dgpcDireção-Geral do Património Cultural (DGPC)
ref:dgpc=*xyzem que xyz é o número/código na lista de monumentos da DGPC. Corresponde a em que xyz é o número na lista de monumentos da DGPC
protection_title=*Monumento/Conjunto/Sítio de Interesse PúblicoNome da categoria de proteção em que o imóvel está classificado.
heritage:website=*https://...Website da ficha do monumento na DGPC
dgpc:inscription_date=*YYYY-MM-DD Data do Diário da República em que o imóvel foi classificado
Imóveis de Interesse Municipal

Heritages whose protection and valorization, in whole or in part, represent a cultural value of predominant significance for a municipality are considered of municipal interest.

heritage=*7Valor fixo, que corresponde ao admin_level=* de nível municipal
name=* *Nome oficial do Monumento, Conjunto ou Sítio de Interesse Municipal
heritage:operator=*dgpcDireção-Geral do Património Cultural (DGPC)
ref:dgpc=*xyzem que xyz é o número/código na lista de monumentos da DGPC. Corresponde a em que xyz é o número na lista de monumentos da DGPC
protection_title=*Monumento/Conjunto/Sítio de Interesse PúblicoNome da categoria de proteção em que o imóvel está classificado.
heritage:website=*https://...Website da ficha do monumento na DGPC
dgpc:inscription_date=*YYYY-MM-DD Data do Diário da República em que o imóvel foi classificado


Monumente istorice

Monument istoric : abbreviation : lmi [12]


Reference data is available at

You can check already entered Serbian Cultural Heritage data at This site also allows you to edit data.

Tutorial for entering data in OSM is available in Serbian language at For help and discussion about this topic visit forum at

Set tags as described further:

heritage=*1,21 for World Heritage and 2 for only Serbian National Heritage preservation level.
name=* name:sr=* name:sr-Latn=* *Name, according to the naming scheme in Serbia
heritage:operator=**Operator (abbreviation) of the hertage (note that institution in charge for protection does not have to be operator too (and usaly it is not)
ref:RS:nkd=*XXXnnnOfficial Serbian Heritage designation as designated by Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia
heritage:RS:criteria=*XXXnnnImportance level: exceptional, great. Tag sholud not be set if heritage does not belong to these two categories
heritage:website=*https://...Website dedicated to the heritage
heritage:RS:inscription_date=*YYYY-MM-DDDate when the object was added to the preservation list for Serbian National Heritage preservation.
Institutions in Serbia in charge for protection

If any other entity is used for heritage data (like as operator) it should be added to this list and assigned abbreviation.

Institutions should be set as operators (heritage:operator=*) only if there are actually operator. Operator may be somebody else, like museum or other institution or actual owner of the property.


Monuments are separated in four groups, each using it's own reference ID scheme (difference is in prefix). Those references should be placed in tag ref:RS:nkd=*.

In original documents reference ID contains Cyrillic letters that should be converted to Latin like:

СК -> SK (Example: СК 12 -> CK 12)

ЗМ -> ZM

АН -> AN


Note that in original document reference ID, after letter comes one or more spaces and then numbers. Remove spaces when putting reference into OSM.

  • Monument of Culture / Spomenik kulture
  • Landmark / Znamenito mesto
  • Archeological site / Arheološko nalazište
  • Spatial Cultural-Historical Unit / Prostorna kulturno-istorijska celina

Some monuments are also categorized in two categories that should be tagged using heritage:RS:criteria=*. Possible values are:

- exceptional - Immovable Cultural Property of Exceptional Importance

- great - Immovable Cultural Property of Great Importance

Not all monuments belong to these categories. For those [[Key:|]]=heritage:RS:criteria should not be set.

Data may be found at as column 'importance'.

  • Immovable Cultural Property of Exceptional Importance / Nepokretno kulturno dobro od izuzetnog značaja
  • Immovable Cultural Property of Great Importance / Nepokretno kulturno dobro od velikog značaja


(See also Zoznam kultúrnych pamiatok na Slovensku (slovak) or Denkmalgeschützte Objekte in der Slowakei (german)


Historic monuments and sites officially recognized as  Bien de Interés Cultural (also known as BIC) by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the Spanish Goverment.[14]

  • protection_title=Bien de Interés Cultural
  • protection_title:category=* The Spanish Governmet recognizes five categories of BIC. The possible values are:
  • Monument (Monument)
  • Complejo histórico (Historic complex)
  • Sitio histórico (Historic site)
  • Jardín Histórico (Historic garden)
  • Zona arqueológica (Archaeological site)
  • historic=* To indicate the type of historic object. Please, use a precise value according to the object. See the list of possible values in Taginfo. The most common values are:
  • monument (corresponding to Monumento)
  • complex (corresponding to Conjunto histórico)
  • site (corresponding to Sitio histórico)
  • garden (corresponding to Jardín histórico)
  • archaeological_site (corresponding to Zona arqueológica)
  • Other possible values: castle, church, aqueduct, etc.

The JOSM preset BIC Spain integrates the tags described above.


Riksantikvarieämbetet : abbreviation : raa [15]


 State Register of Immovable Landmarks of Ukraine (Ukrainian: Державний реєстр нерухомих пам'яток України) abbreviation - drnpu

Values for drnpu:criteria=*
Abbreviation Full name
A Archeological (Ukrainian: Археологічні)
I Historic (Ukrainian: Історичні)
OMM Objects of monumental art (Ukrainian: Об'єкти монументального мистецтва)
OA Architecture (Ukrainian: Об'єкти архітектури)
OM Urban planning (Ukrainian: Об'єкти містобудування)
OSPM Parks and gardens (Ukrainian: Об'єкти садово-паркового мистецтва)
L Landscape (Ukrainian: Ландшафтні)
ONT Science and technology (Ukrainian: Об'єкти науки і техніки)

(in accordance with the law on cultural heritage)

United Kingdom

Heritage registration is delegated to the four home countries England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Discussion on Talk-GB July 7 August 2021 agreed the use of full names for heritage operator, GB namespaced ref tags, and the ref tags namespaced for the actual list used where known (e.g. nhle - National Heritage List for England)


Historic England [16]

Abbreviation: he

NOTE: listed_status=* is often used instead/together with this tag. Note that given the geography the listing body can be determined by location in the UK.

Note: On 19 July 2020 Taginfo shows abbreviation he was used 261 times and Historic England 5581 times. Historic England is suggested in Key:listed status

Isle of Man

Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland Environment Agency [17]

Abbreviation: niea

Historic Environment Record of Northern Ireland (HERoNI)

Abbreviation not established as of December 2022, but heroni would be an option, preferably without the "GB", because it's wrong.


Historic Environment Scotland [18] (formerly Historic Scotland).

Abbreviation: hs


Cadw [19]

Abbreviation: cadw

United States

Table Heritage Registration Organisation by country

Country Organisation Abbreviation Level[20] Tags Icon Comment
WorldUNESCO, World Heritage Centrewhc1heritage=1 + heritage:operator=whc + ref:whc=N + whc:criteria=ii,iv + whc:inscription_date=* [21]
AustriaBundesdenkmalamtbda2heritage=2 + heritage:operator=bda + ref:at:bda=N[22]
BelarusMinistry of Culture of the Republic of Belarusmcrb2heritage=2 + heritage:operator=mcrb + ref:mcrb=N + mcrb:criteria=0,1,2,3[23]
Belgium - BrusselsMonuments et Sitesaatl4heritage=4 + heritage:operator=aatl + ref:aatl=N + aatl:criteria=P,R,S,SA [24]
Belgium - FlandersVlaams Instituut van Onroerend ErfgoedOnroerendErfgoed4heritage=4 + heritage:operator=OnroerendErfgoed + ref:OnroerendErfgoed=N + OnroerendErfgoed:criteria=A;M;L;DL;VM;S [25]
Belgium - WalloniaAgence Wallonne du Patrimoineclt4heritage=4 + heritage:operator=clt + ref:clt=N + clt:exception=Y,N + clt:criteria=M,S,ZP,EA,SA + clt:inscription_date=* [26]
Belgium - German-speeking Community Ministerium der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft MDG 4 heritage=4 + heritage:operator=MDG + ref:MDG=N + MDG:criteria=D,E,L + MDG:inscription_date=* [27]
BrazilInstituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacionaliphan2heritage=2 + heritage:operator=iphan + ref:iphan=N[28]
CanadaNational Historic Sitehsmbc2heritage=2 + heritage:operator=hsmbc + hsmbc:criteria=nhs + ref:hsmbc=N[29]
CanadaFederal Heritage Buildingfhbro2heritage=2 + heritage:operator=fhbro + ref:fhbro=N[30]
CroatiaUprava za zaštitu kulturne baštineuzkb2,3,4heritage=2/heritage=3/heritage=4 + heritage:operator=uzkb + ref:hr:uzkb=*[31]
Czech RepublicNárodní památkový ústavnpu2,3heritage=2 + heritage:operator=npu + ref:npu=N[32]
FranceMonuments historiques et sitesmhs2, 6heritage=2 / heritage=3 + heritage:operator=mhs + ref:mhs=N + mhs:inscription_date=*[33]
Germany - Baden-WürttembergLandesamt für Denkmalpflege Baden-Württemberglda4heritage=4 + heritage:operator=lda + ref:lda=N
Germany - BayernBayerisches Landesamt für DenkmalpflegeBLfD4heritage=4 + heritage:operator=BLfD + ref:BLfD=N[34]
Germany - BerlinLandesdenkmalamt Berlinlda4heritage=4 + heritage:operator=lda + ref:lda=N[35]
Germany - BrandenburgBrandenburgisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologisches Landesmuseumbldam4heritage=4 + heritage:operator=bldam + ref:bldam=N[36]
Germany - BremenLandesamt für Denkmalpflege Bremenlfd4heritage=4 + heritage:operator=lfd + ref:lfd=N[37]
Germany - HamburgDenkmalschutzamt Hamburgdsa4heritage=4 + heritage:operator=dsa + ref:dsa=N
Germany - HessenLandesamt für Denkmalpflege HessenLfDH4heritage=4 + heritage:operator=LfDH + ref:LfDH=N
Germany - Mecklenburg-VorpommernLandesamt für Kultur und Denkmalpflege4
Germany - NiedersachsenNiedersächsisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflegenld4heritage=4 + heritage:operator=nld + ref:nld=N
Germany - Nordrhein-WestfalenBezirksregierung für die bundes- und landeseigenen DenkmälerBezirksRegierung5heritage=5 + heritage:operator=BezirksRegierung
Germany - Nordrhein-WestfalenUntere Denkmalbehörde für alle Baudenkmäler, Institut für Denkmalschutz und DenkmalpflegeUntere Denkmalbehörde8heritage=8 + heritage:operator=UntereDenkmalbehörde
Germany - Rheinland-PfalzGeneraldirektion Kulturelles Erbe Rheinland-Pfalzgdke4heritage=4 + heritage:operator=gdke + ref:gdke=N
Germany - SaarlandLandesdenkmalamt Saarlandlda4heritage=4 + heritage:operator=lda + ref:lda=N
Germany - SachsenLandesamt für Denkmalpflege Sachsenlfd4heritage=4 + heritage:operator=lfd + ref:lfd=N
Germany - Sachsen-AnhaltLandesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhaltlda4heritage=4 + heritage:operator= lda + ref:lda=N
Germany - Schleswig-HolsteinLandesamt für Denkmalpflege Schleswig-Holsteinlfd4heritage=4 + heritage:operator=lfd + ref:lfd=N[38]
Germany - Schleswig-HolsteinArchäologisches Landesamt Schleswig-Holsteinalsh4heritage=4 + heritage:operator=alsh + ref:alsh=N[39]
Germany - ThüringenThüringisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologietlda4heritage=4 + heritage:operator=tlda + ref:tlda=N
Ireland Tree Council of Ireland / Comhairle Crann na hÉireann tcoi 2 heritage=2 + heritage:operator=tcoi + ref:ie:tcoi=N [40]
Ireland, Republic of National Monuments IE:nm 2 heritage=2 + heritage:operator=IE:nm + ref:IE:nm=N
Ireland, Republic of National Monuments Service (Sites and Monuments Records) - before 1700 IE:smr 2 heritage=2 + heritage:operator=IE:smr + ref:IE:smr=N [41]
Ireland, Republic of National Inventory of Architectural Heritage - after 1700 IE:niah 2 heritage=2 + heritage:operator=IE:niah + ref:IE:niah=N [42]
LatviaValsts kultūras pieminekļu aizsardzības inspekcijavkpai2heritage=2 + heritage:operator=vkpai + ref:lv:vkpai=N
LuxembourgService des sites et monuments nationauxssmn2heritage=2 + heritage:operator=ssmn + ref:ssmn=N[43]
NetherlandsRijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoedrce2heritage=2 + heritage:operator=rce + ref:rce=N
NetherlandsProvinciale monumentsRijksmonuments4
PolandNarodowy Instytut Dziedzictwanid2heritage=2 + heritage:operator=nid + ref:nid=N
Portugal Direção-Geral do Património Cultural dgpc 2,7 heritage=2 / heritage=7 + heritage:operator=dgpc + ref:dgpc=N + dgpc:inscription_date=*
RomaniaMonument istoriclmi2heritage=2 + heritage:operator=lmi + ref:ro:lmi=N
Saudi Arabia Saudi Commission for Tourism & National Heritage, Ministry of Tourism sctnh 2 heritage=2 + heritage:operator=sctnh
SlovakiaPamiatkový úrad Slovenskej republikypusr2heritage=2 + heritage:operator=pusr + ref:pusr=N[44]
SpainMinisterio de Educación, Cultura y Deportemecd2heritage=2 + heritage:operator=mecd + ref:bic=N + bic:criteria=M;CH;JH;SH;ZA + bic:inscription_date=*[45]
SwedenRiksantikvarieämbetetraa4heritage=4 + heritage:operator=raa + ref:raa=N
United Kingdom, EnglandHistoric Englandheheritage=2 + heritage:operator=Historic England + ref:GB:nhle=*[46]
United Kingdom, Northern IrelandNorthern Ireland Environment Agencynieaheritage=2 + heritage:operator=niea + ref:niea=*[47]
United Kingdom, ScotlandHistoric Scotlandhsheritage=2 + heritage:operator=hs + ref:hs=*[48]
United Kingdom, WalesCadwcadw2heritage=2 + heritage:operator=cadw + ref:cadw=*[49]
United StatesNational Historic Landmarknhl2heritage=2 + heritage:operator=nrhp + nrhp:nhl=yes[50]
United StatesNational Register of Historic Placesnrhp2heritage=2 + heritage:operator=nrhp + ref:nrhp=N[51]


Preset JOSM


  1. see : UNESCO web site
  2. European Heritage Label on European commission website
  3. 1 2 latest list of Historic Sites and Monuments in Antarctica
  4. Since 2018
  5. Dabatase
  6. [ Mérimée] database via the « pop » search engine.
  7. see: National Monuments Service
  8. see: National Inventory of Architectural Heritage
  9. Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed
  10. see: [[Site referenced]]
  12. Lista monumentelor istorice
  13. see: databazy
  14. Definición de bienes culturales protegidos by the Spanish Government.
  15. see: Swedish National Heritage Board
  16. see: Historic England
  17. see: Northern Ireland Environment Agency
  18. see: Historic Environment Scotland
  19. see: Cadw
  20. See Admin level
  21. see: unesco web site
  22. see: Bundesdenkmalamt
  23. see: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus
  24. see: Monumenten en Landschappen
  25. see: Onroerend Erfgoed
  26. Abbreviation "clt" has an older origin and refers to the classification code
  27. see: Ostbelgien Kulturerbe Web site
  28. see: Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional
  29. See National Historic Sites of Canada
  30. See Federal Heritage Buildings Review Office
  31. see: Uprava za zaštitu kulturne baštine
  32. see: Národní památkový ústav
  33. see: Monuments historiques et sites
  34. see: Bayerische Denkmalliste
  35. see: Kulturdenkmale in Berlin
  36. see: Denkmalliste des Landes Brandenburg
  37. see: Bremen/Kulturdenkmäler
  38. see: Landesamt für Denkmalpflege
  39. See Archäologisches Landesamt Schleswig-Holstein
  41. see: HistoricEnvironment
  42. see:
  43. see: Service des sites et monuments nationaux
  44. see: databazy
  45. see: Definición de bienes culturales protegidos by the Spanish Government.
  46. see: Historic England
  47. see: Northern Ireland Environment Agency
  48. see: Historic Scotland
  49. see: Cadw
  50. See National Historic Landmark
  51. See National Register of Historic Places
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