< Taiwan < state


  • highway=motorway Freeway (高速公路), 國道 with numbers in the plum flower shaped signs with green brim.
ref=1, ref:zh=國道1號, ref:en=Freeway 1

National freeways

Ref Relation Status check by 註解
1 關係尚未為中山高速公路定義
2 關係尚未為國道二號 (中華民國)定義
2甲 關係尚未為大園支線定義
3 關係尚未為福爾摩沙高速公路定義
3甲 關係尚未為國道三號甲線 (中華民國)定義
4 關係尚未為國道四號 (中華民國)定義
5 關係尚未為蔣渭水高速公路定義
6 關係尚未為水沙連高速公路定義
7 關係尚未為高雄港東側聯外高速公路定義
8 關係尚未為國道八號 (中華民國)定義
10 關係尚未為國道十號 (中華民國)定義




  • 容易:未繪製但有衛星圖
    • 大華系統
    • 南屯
    • 王田(形狀複雜注意)
    • 彰化(雲朵不影響交流道完整性)</strike
    • 雲林系統
    • 嘉義
  • 困難,無清楚衛星圖資
    • 幼獅(無GPS軌跡)
    • 楊梅(無GPS軌跡)
    • 湖口(無GPS軌跡)
    • 銅鑼(衛星圖還在施工時期,無GPS軌跡)
    • 員林(被雲擋住,無GPS軌跡)
    • 后里(無GPS軌跡)
  • 困難:未繪製且無衛星圖

    Colour and symbol legend

    The status of the motorways is indicated by a symbol, which describes the type of feature, and a colour, which indicates the completeness of that feature

    Meaning of symbols

    • - The Motorway is completly mapped.(highway=motorway) - Key: c
    • - All Exits are present.(highway=motorway_link) - Key: ex
    • - All Motorway Service Utilities are present (Parking with -WC, motorway service area,...). - Key: se
    • - All Exit Names and Exit numbers mapped .(highway=motorway_junction, ref=* and name=* on the exit node) - Key: ju
    • - All Lane information complete (lanes=*). - Key: ln
    • - Speed limitations tagged. (maxspeed=*) - Key: sp
    • - Traffic Message Channel information tagged. (TMC=*) - Key: tm
    • - The Motorway is linked to a Relation . (Relation type=route) - Key: rl

    Meaning of colours

    Colour Meaning Use for navigation To do Value
    The map needs checking, status unknownAvailability unknownPlease check(none)
    The map contains no or little dataNot to be usedPlease complete0
    The map contains partial dataLimited usabilityPlease complete1
    The map is largely complete (please describe missing data)Use with restrictionsPlease complete (missing data, streets etc.)2
    The map is complete (in the opinion of a mapper)Suitable for usePlease check and correct any errors3
    The map is complete (verified by 2 mappers) ; please indicate Date when checked)Suitable for usePlease update as needed4
    This attribute is not existing in the mapped area (e.g. no petrol station existing).Suitable for usePlease update as neededX

    This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.

    This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.