< Congo-Kinshasa

Congo-Kinshasa/2017 Ebola Outbreak OSM Response

General Information

2017 DRC Ebola outbreak OpenStreetMap response:

As of 23 May 2017, 43 suspected Ebola cases (including 3 deaths signaled in 13 May) have been reported in #DRC in the Bas-Uele province. Full extent of the outbreak still not yet clear with ongoing extensive investigation & risk assessments are ongoing while humanitarian response is getting organized.

This OpenStreetMap Crisis Mapping project is set up to help to respond efficiently to the outbreak...

For aid organizations

Map and data services

About OpenStreetMap

OpenStreetMap offers an online map (and spatial database) which is updated by the minute. Various tools and services allow data extracts for GIS specialists, Routable Garmin GPS data, Smartphone GPS navigation, and other device-compatible downloads. With an internet connection, regular syncing is possible with open access to the community contributed data as it comes in, with OpenStreetMap's bulk data downloads ideal for use offline. In addition, maps can also be printed to paper.

Browse the (example) Activation Area to get a feel for the data that is currently available. Different map styles including an Humanitarian style can be selected on the right side, and some data may not render (appear) on the map, but could be exported from the underlying database (See export section below).

Paper maps

Poster size Maps and normal sized paper atlases of custom areas can be printed:

  • FieldPapers Paper Maps with grid for field survey or general navigation purposes,
  • MapOSMatic Large Paper Maps with grid, street index and POI, good for command centers, hospitals, etc.

Exporting OpenStreetMap data

Offline road navigation with small devices

With the availibility of Small communication devices, Navigation Offline data proves to be very useful to the humanitarians deployed in foreign countries. We support the humanitarian NGO's using navigation data and invite them to give us feedback on the utilization of these devices in the context of field deployment.

  • Add additional data sources here...

Usage of OSM data for Humanitarian Missions

  • Please post links/reports here...

About this disaster mapping project

Effort made

  • As of 13-May 2017 (+48hours), at the request of DLM (Direction de Lutte contre la Maladie) and INRB (Institut National de Recherche Biomédicale), 4 mapping tasks had been set on the HOT US Inc Tasking Manager instance in Bas-Uélé, DRC. Focus is on road networks, human settlements, and health facilities to help future deployment in the area.

Media coverage

English media coverage

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Other responses initiatives relevant to this mapping response

For mappers

  • Thank you, mapping complete!

How you can contribute

Learn to Map

Mapping priority

  • Please choose from highest priority first
  • Experienced mappers are also asked to participate in validating completed tasks. Information on validating can be found here
Job No. Priority Location What to map Imagery Source Task Mapping Status Task Validation Status
Completed/archived crisis mapping jobs
2017 Ebola outbreak in Bas-Uélé, DRC #15Urgent priorityNord-Ubangi 1 (forest area to the East of the province, between its border to the South and Uélé river to the North)Road networks, settlementsDigital GlobeComplete (100%)Complete (100%)
2017 Ebola outbreak in Bas-Uélé, DRC #14Urgent priorityBas-Uélé 8 (North and South periphery of Likati, Zongao, Magumbu)Buildings to improveDigital GlobeAlmost complete (99%)Almost complete (99%)
2017 Ebola outbreak in Bas-Uélé, DRC #13Urgent priorityBas-Uélé 13 (South-East of Monga, Uélé river on the border with and to the East of Nord-Ubangi province)Road network, settlementsDigital GlobeComplete (100%)Complete (100%)
2017 Ebola outbreak in Bas-Uélé, DRC #12Urgent priorityBas-Uélé 12 (South of Monga, Uélé river on the border with and to the East of Nord-Ubangi province) ; partly completed in task 1Road network, settlementsDigital GlobeAlmost complete (99%)Complete (100%)
2017 Ebola outbreak in Bas-Uélé, DRC #11Urgent priorityBas-Uélé 7 (West of Likati, Yalanga, Nzongia, Libongo, Baku, Biala, Longwe, Doka, Mapwale, Niei)Buildings to improveDigital GlobeAlmost complete (99%)Almost complete (99%)
2017 Ebola outbreak in Bas-Uélé, DRC #10Urgent priorityBas-Uélé 6 (Kulu, Gumba, Bandu, Beleulu, Dendu)Buildings to improveDigital GlobeAlmost complete (99%)Almost complete (99%)
2017 Ebola outbreak in Bas-Uélé, Likati, DRC #9Urgent priorityBas-Uélé 5 (city of Likati, crisis hub)Buildings to improveDigital GlobeAlmost complete (99%)Almost complete (99%)
2017 Ebola outbreak in Bas-Uélé, DRC #8Urgent priorityBas-Uélé 8 (North and South of periphery Likati, Zongao, Magumbu)Road network, settlementsDigital GlobeComplete (100%)Complete (100%)
2017 Ebola outbreak in Bas-Uélé, DRC #7Urgent priorityBas-Uélé 7 (West of Likati and Zangao, Nzongia, Yalanga, Baku, Biala, Niei)Road network, buildingsDigital GlobeAlmost complete (99%)Almost complete (99%)
2017 Ebola outbreak in Bas-Uélé, DRC #6Urgent priorityBas-Uélé 6 (Kulu, Gumba, Bandu, Beleulu, Dendu)Road network, settlementsDigital GlobeComplete (100%)Complete (100%)
2017 Ebola outbreak in Bas-Uélé, Likati, DRC #5Middle priorityBas-Uélé 5 (city of Likati, crisis hub)Road network, buildingsDigital GlobeComplete (100%)Complete (100%)
2017 Ebola outbreak in Bas-Uélé, DRC #4Middle priorityBas-Uélé 4 (North of Uélé River, from Ouango and Monga to Api; Ouango, in Mbomou prefecture, Centrafrican Republic)Road network, settlementsDigital GlobeComplete (100%)Complete (100%)
2017 Ebola outbreak in Bas-Uélé, DRC #3Urgent priorityBas-Uélé 3 (South-West of the province, Bunduki, Aketi, and East of Mongala province, North of Bokala)Road network, settlementsDigital GlobeComplete (100%)Complete (100%)
2017 Ebola outbreak in Bas-Uélé, DRC #2Middle priorityBas-Uélé 2 (East of Likati River, between Uélé and Rubi rivers, Diula, Kotili, Buta, road to Kole in Tshopo province)Road network, settlementsDigital GlobeAlmost complete (99%)Complete (100%)
2017 Ebola outbreak in Bas-Uélé, DRC #1Middle priorityBas-Uélé 1 (West of Kulu, South of Monga and Kemba, Yakoma, East of bordering Nord-Ubangi and Mongala provinces)Road network, settlements (buildings)Digital GlobeComplete (100%)Complete (100%)

Available imagery

OSM default imagery sources


DigitalGlobe provides a global imagery data source which is the 'default' Imagery available for this OSM mapping response.

A new high precision imagery in colors has been specially put for this crisis mapping (only within delimited sectors: the URL is specified in the description of each HOT Task which uses its own tileservice ID; it may not persist after completion of tasks).

Access to this imagery is subject to the following licence contract that must be accepted by contributors:

DigitalGlobe Satellite EULA: DigitalGlobe, Inc. is pleased to provide its high resolution satellite imagery to OpenStreetMap in support of its mapping initiatives. By using our imagery in the OSM editor, you understand and agree that you may only use our imagery to trace, and validate edits that must be contributed back to OSM. You cannot download our imagery or use our imagery for any other purpose. We retain all right, title and interest in and to our imagery. We provide our imagery “as is,” with all faults and as available; we disclaim all warranties, express or implied, to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can recover from us only direct damages up to an amount equal to the fees you have paid to us to use our imagery on OSM, if any. We are not liable for any other damages, including consequential, lost profits, special, indirect, incidental or punitive damages. Happy mapping! Attribution should be:
source=DigitalGlobe. Original Source: DigitalGlobe Satellite EULA https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DigitalGlobe

By using DigitalGlobe imagery in an OSM editor, you understand and agree that you may only use the imagery to trace, and validate edits that must be contributed back to OSM. You cannot download the imagery or use the imagery for any other purpose.


Bing provides a global imagery data source and should be compared to Bing (follow Tasking Manager guidance).


Mapbox provides a global imagery source and should be compared to Bing (follow Tasking Manager guidance).

Alternative imagery sources

How to add/use alternative imagery

In many cases better imagery is available than the default; when possible we set up a remote link directly via the Tasking Manager, so there is nothing to do, the iD editor and (as long as enabled) JOSM will automatically add the imagery.

Additionally, with JOSM, it's relatively easy to add special imagery if the license is appropriate for tracing into OSM. For more details see JOSM Imagery Help

Potential datasources

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Historical maps

  • Provide links to historical maps of the impacted area if any...


  • 13-May 2017 Lomé (Togo) 35 Western African mappers from Burkina, Togo, Bénin, Côte d'Ivoire, Niger, Mali and France held 2 mapping sessions at Lomé AUF Campus Numérique Francophone (CNF) and CIREL - Village du Bénin.

Past events

This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.