WikiProject Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein, Europe
latitude: 47.15, longitude: 9.55
Browse map of Liechtenstein 47°09′00.00″ N, 9°33′00.00″ E
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Use this template for your city

Liechtenstein is a Country in Europe at latitude 47°09′00.00″ North, longitude 9°33′00.00″ East. This page contains information relating to mapping activity that is specific to Liechtenstein.




Town Status Comments Cartographer / Checked by
Eschen (47.373,8.580), Wikipedia, map)
Nendeln (47.373,8.580), Wikipedia, map)


Town Status Comments Cartographer / Checked by
Bendern (47.373,8.580), Wikipedia, map)
Gamprin (47.373,8.580), Wikipedia, map)


Town Status Comments Cartographer / Checked by
Mauren (47.373,8.580), Wikipedia, map)
Schaanwald (47.373,8.580), Wikipedia, map)


Town Status Comments Cartographer / Checked by
Ruggell (47.373,8.580), Wikipedia, map)


Town Status Comments Cartographer / Checked by
Hinterschellenberg (47.373,8.580), Wikipedia, map)
Schellenberg (47.373,8.580), Wikipedia, map)



Town Status Comments Cartographer / Checked by
Balzers (47.373,8.580), Wikipedia, map)
Mäls (47.373,8.580), Wikipedia, map)


Town Status Comments Cartographer / Checked by
Planken (47.373,8.580), Wikipedia, map)


Town Status Comments Cartographer / Checked by
Mühleholz (47.373,8.580), Wikipedia, map)
Schaan (47.373,8.580), Wikipedia, map)


Town Status Comments Cartographer / Checked by
Triesen (47.373,8.580), Wikipedia, map)


Town Status Comments Cartographer / Checked by
Gaflei (47.373,8.580), Wikipedia, map)
Malbun (47.373,8.580), Wikipedia, map)
Masescha (47.373,8.580), Wikipedia, map)
Rotenboden (47.373,8.580), Wikipedia, map)
Samina (47.373,8.580), Wikipedia, map)
Silum (47.373,8.580), Wikipedia, map)
Steg (47.373,8.580), Wikipedia, map)
Sücka (47.373,8.580), Wikipedia, map)
Wangerberg (47.373,8.580), Wikipedia, map)


Town Status Comments Cartographer / Checked by
Ebenholz (47.373,8.580), Wikipedia, map)
Vaduz (47.373,8.580), Wikipedia, map)

Public Transports

Linie Strecke Teilstrecken Status Stand Anmerkungen
11Sargans - Feldkirch


Sargans - Feldkirch  8863268

Trübbach - Feldkirch  8910679

Balzers - Feldkirch  8910678

Feldkirch - Trübbach  9070094

Feldkirch - Sargans  9070096

Schaanwald - Sargans  9070095

09.2020Linien nach Österreich sind zu 100 % erfasst
12(Triesen) - Schaan - Buchs  ?%
12ESargans - Balzers - Triesen - Vaduz  ?%
13Trübbach - Feldkirch


Schaan - Eschen  9345551

Eschen - Schaan  11326971

Balzers - Schaanwald  9345552

Schaanwald - Balzers  11326970

Trübbach - Schaanwald  11326969

Schaanwald - Trübbach  1929850

Trübbach - Feldkirch  9142317

Feldkirch - Trübbach  11326968

 ?% 09.2020Linien nach Österreich sind zu 100 % erfasst
14Vaduz - Feldkirch


Schaan - Feldkirch  8139236

Feldkirch - Schaan  8139259

Vaduz - Feldkirch  8141251

Feldkirch - Vaduz  8142959

 ?% 09.2020Linien nach Österreich sind zu 100 % erfasst
21(Malbun) - Triesenberg - Vaduz  ?%
22Gaflei - Triesenberg  ?%
24Sevelen - Vaduz  ?%
26Planken - Schaan  ?%
31Eschen - Bendern - Ruggell  ?%
32(Mauren) - Eschen - Ruggell - Schellenberg  ?%
33Mauren - Schellenberg  ?%
35(Nendeln) - Eschen - Gamprin - Hinterschellenberg  ?%
36ETriesen - Gisingen


Vaduz - Gisingen  8133601

Gisingen - Vaduz  8133542

Triesen - Gisingen  8134206

Giesingen - Triesen  8134437

 ?% 09.2020Linien nach Österreich sind zu 100 % erfasst
40Ortsbus Triesen  ?%
42Ortsbus Triesenberg  ?%
70Schaan - Bendern - Nendeln - Feldkirch - Klaus  ?%

Colour and symbol legend

The status of each map region is indicated by a symbol, which describes the type of feature, and a colour, which indicates the completeness of that feature in a map region.


The status is displayed using a template Template:State

progress - 1/2/3/4/NA

Meaning of symbols

  • - Street names are labelled. This means that the map can be used to find an address - Key: l
  • - All housenumbers are present - Key: h
  • - All footways are present - Key: fo
  • - All wheelchair access is present - Key: d
  • - All cycleways, and field and forest roads suitable for bicycles are present - Key: b
  • - Roads for car traffic are present. One way streets and pedestrian streets are present. This means that the map can be used for car navigation - Key: c
  • - All public transports are present (including name of the bus stop/station names) - Key: tr
    • - All stop/station/harbour names are present - Key: ha
    • - All bus lines are present (including name of the bus stop names) - Key: bu
    • - All trolley/guided bus lines are present (including name of the station names) - Key: ty
    • - All tram lines are present (including name of the tram station names) - Key: tm
    • - All fast railway lines transports are present (including name of the train station names) - Key: tn
      • - All U-Bahn (subway in Germany) lines are present (including name of the station names) - Key: u
      • - All S-Bahn (regional commuter train in Germany) lines are present (including name of the station names) - Key: s
      • - All steam railway lines transports are present (including name of the train station names) - Key: st
    • - All ship lines are present (including name of the harbour station names) - Key: sh
  • - All public institutions are present (Churches, sports facilities, venues, schools, hospitals, city hall) - Key: p
    • - All emergency services (hospitals...) are present - Key: em
  • - All petrol stations are present - Key: fu
  • - All restaurants and hotels are present - Key: r
  • - All tourist attractions are present - Key: t
  • - All natural resources are mapped (e.g Water, Lakes and Woodland) - Key: n

Meaning of colours

Background colour Meaning Use for navigation To do value
The map needs checking, status unknownAvailability unknownPlease check(None)
The map contains no or little dataNot to be usedPlease complete0
The map contains partial dataLimited usabilityPlease complete1
The map is largely complete (please describe missing data)Use with restrictionsPlease complete (missing data, streets etc.)2
The map is complete (in the opinion of a mapper)Suitable for usePlease check and correct any errors3
The map is complete (verified by 2 mappers) ; please indicate Date when checked)Suitable for usePlease update as needed4
This attribute does not exist in the mapped area (e.g. no petrol stations)Suitable for usePlease update as neededX
The English translation is Editable here.
This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.