
Lithuania, Europe
latitude: 55.2, longitude: 24
Browse map of Lithuania 55°12′00.00″ N, 24°00′00.00″ E
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Lithuania is a Country in Europe at latitude 55°12′00.00″ North, longitude 24°00′00.00″ East.

Things To Do

Here is a list of the necessary works. This is not a debate :)

Lithuanian road network

There are three kinds of roads in Lithuania maintained by the government:

  • Magistraliniai ("trunk", "A-road") -- the roads having the A-numbers, between major cities and transit routes. 1750 km total length. Part of A1 and A2 are motorways, some more are dual carriageways, but most others are 6-10 m. wide asphalt concrete covered roads.
  • Krašto ("land") -- roads having three-digit numbers, mostly connecting small towns. 4947 km total.
  • Rajoniniai ("regional", or "county") -- roads with four digit numbers, mostly connecting villages. Many of them still have gravel cover. 14626 km total length.

Mapping of OSM road types to Lithuanian roads

Note: lanes are not mapped as separate ways in Lithuania (as usual). The reason is that highway=* road lines are defined as representing carriageways.

Roads outside of cities

The following mapping is proposed:

  • motorway -- A-roads that are motorways or expressways with restricted access... Motorway speed limit - 130 km/h, expressway - 110 km/h...
  • trunk -- all other A-roads;
  • primary -- land roads;
  • secondary -- county roads (paved)
  • tertiary -- county roads (unpaved)
  • unclassified -- other roads, that are not classified.
  • road -- if you do not know which classification the road should get - use "road", this would indicate to other mappers that this way has to be investigated and reclassified. You can check the map of Lithuania with classified roads and surface of them.

Roads in cities

In cities, only streets that turn into major roads have a clearly defined A-road status. Classification of all other streets:

  • A - High-Speed streets (Lithuanian: greito eismo gatvės). No foot or bicycle permitted, only express bus routes
  • B - Main streets (Lithuanian: pagrindinės gatvės)
  • C - Service streets (Lithuanian: aptarnaujančios gatvės)
  • D - Auxiliary streets (Lithuanian: pagalbinės gatvės)
    • D1-1 - Public transportation only (Lithuanian: Viešojo susisiekimo)
    • D1-2 - Light traffic street (Lithuanian: Ramaus eismo gatvė)
    • D1-3 - Park road (Lithuanian: Parko gatvė ar kelias)
    • D2-1 - Pedestrian street (Lithuanian: Pėsčiųjų gatvė)
    • D2-2 - Dead end (Lithuanian: Akligatvis)
    • D2-3 - Alley (Lithuanian: Skersgatvis)
    • D2-4 - Parking street (Lithuanian: Gatvė - automobilių aikštelė)
  • E - Main footways and cycleways (Lithuanian: pagrindinės pėsčiųjų ir dviračių eismo gatvės ir takai)
  • F - Other footways and cycleways (Lithuanian: pagalbiniai pėsčiųjų ir dviračių eismo takai, šaligatviai (juostos)).

Classifying roads in cities (Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda) as trunk, secondary, tertiary, residential, unclassified is mostly a judgement call. The rough guideline, it seems (see Highway tag usage), is that:

  • trunk - High-Speed streets, streets that have 80 km/h or more speed. Transitic A-roads also.
  • primary - the streets with four or more lanes of traffic.
  • secondary or tertiary - streets with two lanes either.
  • unclassified - streets with no centreline, streets used for through traffic.
  • residential - a road generally used only by people that live on that road or roads that branch off it.
  • service - service roads or roads into inner living territories.
  • road - if you do not know what classification should be assigned to given road (this would indicate to other mappers that way has to be investigated and reclassified).

Street names

Street names are defined by city's/town's municipality council. Street name is entered as name + abbreviation, where abbreviation is one of following:

  • aikštė - a.
  • akligatvis - aklg.
  • alėja - al.
  • aplinkkelis - aplinkl.
  • gatvė - g.
  • kelias - kel.
  • plentas - pl.
  • prospektas - pr.
  • skersgatvis - skg.
  • skveras - skv.
  • takas - tak.

Vilniaus miesto savivaldybės sprendimai. Žodžiai pavadinime "gatv pavadinim".


Karlsruhe schema should be used when capturing address information.


You can subscribe to talk-lt list to discuss Lithuania specific issues or get in touch with other Lithuanian OSM'ers.

You can also find us on IRC irc:// #osm-lt.


Provided data imports in Lithuania:

How you can help

  • Fill in names of streets - some streets are mapped but their name is not captured. There is a "noname" layer in main OSM slippy map which will indicate unnamed ways: . If you happen to know name of the street or can go there and check the name - you can add name tag to the street (alternatively, if you are not registered with OSM and do not want to register - you can create bug in and specify street name there).
  • Fill in names/descriptions of points of interest (POIs). For example there could be a fuel station or restaurant without a name. You can survey and add missing name to the map.
  • Fix bugs - some bugs do not require you to have a GPS device. For example a bug maybe referring to situation when two ways are crossing but it is not known if it is intersection, or if one way is bridge or tunnel going above or below another way. You can then fix the problem (either in OSM database if you're registered, or by simply adding a comment to
  • Check missing roads. There is a list of missing roads. You can help deal with that. Detailed procedure is given in that page WikiProject_Lithuania/Roads.
  • Map missing ways - check list of missing roads and trace them.
  • Fix bugs - check Notes, do survey and fix or comment problems
  • Add POIs - there are thousands of places of interest which are not on the map. Check if shops, restaurants, museums, ATMs, castles, hillforts, tourism shelters or interesting places are mapped, if no - get their coordinates and put them on the map.

Note! - you can always consult Map_Features or contact lithuanian mappers list to get information on how to map some particular features.

Thank you and good luck!



External references

Quality Control

This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.