< WikiProject Luxembourg

WikiProject Luxembourg/Borders

This article or section may contain out-of-date information: The administration levels described here do not match the mapped data.
If you know about the current state of affairs, please help keep everyone informed by updating this information. (Discussion)


The aim of this subproject is the mapping of the several types of administrative boundaries (admin_level=*) in Luxembourg. It is based on a proposal of User:Loll78 as stated here. A general overview of the tagging of boundaries you find here.

We have only a small hierarchy in the Luxembourg administrative regions:

Country (1)

Districts (3)
Cantons (12)
Communes (116)

To form the boundaries we use relations of type=boundary instead of type=multiplygon. They consist of ways (the physical boundaries), are closed and can include relations of lower hierarchies.

Administrative hierarchy (admin_level=*)

The admin level is a numeric representation of the position in the administrative hierarchy. The highest level is admin_level=1 and reserved for supranational boundaries. The national boundary is tagged with level admin_level=2, and then we have country specific levels. In Luxembourg, there we have districts (admin_level=4), within these districts we have cantons (admin_level=5) and within the cantons we have the communes (admin_level=6). Delimitation of a village or town should be tagged with admin_level=8. Additionally, we have the quarters in Luxembourg City and Esch-sur-Alzette, we give them the tag admin_level=9.


To form a border of an administrative area we have at first to create the ways the physical border consists of. We have to take care that the ways is split every time another border is branching, because we have to set different tags depending on the left/right area of the border. May be the hierarchy level changes as well at the node.

We use the following tags for the ways to form administrative boundaries:

Tag Comment
boundary=administrative Type of boundary
admin_level=* Level in administrative hierarchy
(The lowest level number, e.g. the highest level area,
if several levels form a common border!)
name=* The word "Border" followed by the names of left and right areas
(The names of the highest level areas!)
We still use the tags for the left and right areas (in respect with the direction of the way), even they are obsolete because of the relations (see below)

The usage of the left:*=* and right:*=* tags is as follows:

Admin Level Type of border Tag Comment
2 National border left:country=* and right:country=* National Border
4 District border left:state=* and right:state=*
left:region=* and right:region=*

left:county=* and right:county=*

District names, we also add the tags for the underlying cantons and communes
5 Canton border left:region=* and right:region=*
left:county=* and right:county=*
Canton names, we also add the tags for the underlying communes
6 Commune border left:county=* and right:county=* Commune names
7 Old commune border left:county=* and right:county=* Commune names
8 Village or Town limitation The name of the town or village
9 Quarter border left:arrondissement=* and right:arrondissement=* Quarter names (only in Luxembourg City and Esch-sur-Alzette)


To form a closed polygon for administrative areas we connect ways (the borders) to form a ring. If we have enclosed administrative areas (e.g. a District consists of several Cantons and a Canton consists of several communes) we add them to the relation as well. The ways have the role outer (look here for details) and the lower level boundary relations have the role subarea. The relations get special tags:

Tag Comment
type=boundary Type of relation
boundary=administrative Type of boundary
admin_level=* The level of the enclosed administrative area in the hierarchy
name=* Name of the area (with prefix "District", "Canton", "Commune" or "Quarter")
is_in:=* Names of the enclosing administrative areas (e.g. higher level areas
can be: is_in:continent=*, is_in:country=*, is_in:state=*, is_in:region=*

Tag is_in=*

The tag is_in=* is under discussion. The reason is, that the information, where a specific administrative area lies in, can also be geographically obtained from the database. But we use it anyway to make it much more easier to build a hierarchy of administrative areas. Expect of the tag is_in:continent=Europe we define all possible upper is_in=* tags in the lower hierarchies, i.e., the lower the hierarchy level, the higher is the number of is_in=* tags.

National boundary (admin_level=2)

The national border of Luxembourg is a closed relation (ring) consisting of the ways of the physical border lines to Belgium, France and Germany.

Relation Status Browse Sub Relations (Districts)
Luxembourg OK  Browse Diekirch, Grevenmacher, Luxembourg
Tag Comment
is_in:continent=Europe Name of the continent, where Luxembourg is in
name=Groussherzogtum Lëtzebuerg Official country name
name:xx=* Country name in other languages

In addition to the ways of the physical boundary, the relation includes the sub relations in the hierarchy, i.e. the districts Luxembourg, Grevenmacher and Diekirch, and the capital with the role admin_centre.

District boundaries (admin_level=4)

We have three districts in Luxembourg: Diekirch, Grevenmacher and Luxembourg. We use the tag name=* and the tag is_in:country=*:

Tag Comment
name=* Name of the district
is_in:country=Luxembourg Name of the country, where the district is in (admin_level=2)
Relation (District) Status Browse Sub Relations (Cantons)
Diekirch Draft  Browse Clervaux, Diekirch, Redange, Vianden, Wiltz
Grevenmacher Draft  Browse Echternach, Grevenmacher, Remich
Luxembourg Draft  Browse Capellen, Esch, Luxembourg, Mersch

Canton boundaries (admin_level=5)

There are 12 cantons in Luxembourg. We use the is_in tags for country and district.

Tag Comment
name=* Name of the canton
is_in:country=Luxembourg Name of the country, where the canton "is in"
is_in:state=* Name of the district, where the canton "is in"

District Diekirch

Relation (Canton) Status Browse Sub Relations (Communes)
Clervaux OK  Browse Clervaux, Consthum, Heinerscheid, Hosingen, Munshausen, Troisvierges, Weiswampach, Wincrange
Diekirch Draft  Browse Bettendorf, Bourscheid, Diekirch, Ermsdorf, Erpeldange, Ettelbruck, Feulen, Hoscheid, Medernach, Mertzig, Reisdorf, Schieren
Redange OK  Browse Beckerich, Ell, Grosbous, Preizerdaul, Rambrouch, Redange, Saeul, Useldange, Vichten, Wahl
Vianden OK  Browse Putscheid, Tandel, Vianden
Wiltz OK  Browse Boulaide, Esch-sur-Sûre, Eschweiler, Goesdorf, Heiderscheid, Kiischpelt, Lac de la Haute-Sûre, Neunhausen, Wiltz, Winseler

District Grevenmacher

Relation (Canton) Status Browse Sub Relations (Communes)
Echternach Draft  Browse Beaufort, Bech, Berdorf, Consdorf, Echternach, Mompach, Rosport, Waldbillig
Grevenmacher Draft  Browse Betzdorf, Biwer, Flaxweiler, Grevenmacher, Junglinster, Manternach, Mertert, Wormeldange
Remich Draft  Browse Bous, Burmerange, Dalheim, Lenningen, Mondorf-les-Bains, Remich, Schengen, Stadtbredimus, Waldbredimus, Wellenstein

District Luxembourg

Relation (Canton) Status Browse Sub Relations (Communes)
Capellen Draft  Browse Bascharage, Clemency, Dippach, Garnich, Hobscheid, Kehlen, Koerich, Kopstal, Mamer, Septfontaines, Steinfort
Esch-sur-Alzette Draft  Browse Bettembourg, Differdange, Dudelange, Esch-sur-Alzette, Frisange, Kayl, Leudelange, Mondercange, Pétange,
Reckange-sur-Mess, Roeser, Rumelange, Sanem, Schifflange
Luxembourg Draft  Browse Bertrange, Contern, Hesperange, Luxembourg-Ville, Niederanven, Sandweiler, Schuttrange, Steinsel, Strassen,
Walferdange, Weiler-la-Tour
Mersch Draft  Browse Bissen, Boevange-sur Attert, Colmar-Berg, Fischbach, Heffingen, Larochette, Lintgen, Lorentzweiler, Mersch,
Nommern, Tuntange

Commune boundaries (admin_level=6)

Tag Comment
is_in:country=Luxembourg Name of the country (admin_level=2)
is_in:state=* Name of the district (admin_level=4)
Diekirch, Luxembourg, Grevenmacher
is_in:region=* Name of the Canton (admin_level=5)

Below is a list with the current state of the different commune boundaries:

Legend of the status field:

Status Comment
Uncomplete There are some or all border ways missing
Draft All border ways are present, but not double-checked
OK All border ways are present and double-checked

Canton Capellen

Relation Canton Status Browse Remark
Bascharage Capellen OK  Browse Käerjeng (1.1.2012)
Clemency Capellen Draft  Browse Käerjeng (1.1.2012)
Dippach Capellen Draft  Browse
Garnich Capellen Draft  Browse
Hobscheid Capellen Draft  Browse
Kehlen Capellen Draft  Browse
Koerich Capellen Draft  Browse
Kopstal Capellen Draft  Browse
Mamer Capellen Draft  Browse
Septfontaines Capellen Draft  Browse
Steinfort Capellen Draft  Browse

Canton Clervaux

Relation Canton Status Browse Remark
Clervaux Clervaux OK  Browse
Consthum Clervaux OK  Browse Park Housen (1.1.2012)
Heinerscheid Clervaux OK  Browse Park Housen (1.1.2012)
Hosingen Clervaux OK  Browse Park Housen (1.1.2012)
Munshausen Clervaux OK  Browse
Troisvierges Clervaux OK  Browse
Weiswampach Clervaux OK  Browse
Wincrange Clervaux OK  Browse

Canton Diekirch

Relation Canton Status Browse Remark
Bettendorf Diekirch Draft  Browse
Bourscheid Diekirch Draft  Browse
Diekirch Diekirch Draft  Browse
Ermsdorf Diekirch Draft  Browse
Erpeldange Diekirch Draft  Browse
Ettelbruck Diekirch Draft  Browse
Feulen Diekirch Draft  Browse
Hoscheid Diekirch Draft  Browse
Medernach Diekirch Draft  Browse
Mertzig Diekirch Draft  Browse
Reisdorf Diekirch Draft  Browse
Schieren Diekirch Draft  Browse

Canton Echternach

Relation Canton Status Browse Remark
Beaufort Echternach Draft  Browse
Bech Echternach Draft  Browse
Berdorf Echternach Draft  Browse
Consdorf Echternach Draft  Browse
Echternach Echternach Draft  Browse
Mompach Echternach Draft  Browse
Rosport Echternach Draft  Browse
Waldbillig Echternach Draft  Browse

Canton Esch-sur-Alzette

Relation Canton Status Browse Remark
Bettembourg Esch-sur-Alzette Draft  Browse
Differdange Esch-sur-Alzette Draft  Browse
Dudelange Esch-sur-Alzette Draft  Browse
Esch-sur-Alzette Esch-sur-Alzette OK  Browse
Frisange Esch-sur-Alzette Draft  Browse
Kayl Esch-sur-Alzette Draft  Browse
Leudelange Esch-sur-Alzette Draft  Browse
Mondercange Esch-sur-Alzette Draft  Browse
Pétange Esch-sur-Alzette Draft  Browse
Reckange-sur-Mess Esch-sur-Alzette Draft  Browse
Roeser Esch-sur-Alzette Draft  Browse
Rumelange Esch-sur-Alzette Draft  Browse
Sanem Esch-sur-Alzette Draft  Browse
Schifflange Esch-sur-Alzette Draft  Browse

Canton Grevenmacher

Relation Canton Status Browse Remark
Betzdorf Grevenmacher Draft  Browse
Biwer Grevenmacher Draft  Browse
Flaxweiler Grevenmacher Draft  Browse
Grevenmacher Grevenmacher Draft  Browse
Junglinster Grevenmacher Draft  Browse
Manternach Grevenmacher Draft  Browse
Mertert Grevenmacher Draft  Browse
Wormeldange Grevenmacher Draft  Browse

Canton Luxembourg

Relation Canton Status Browse Remark
Bertrange Luxembourg Draft  Browse
Contern Luxembourg Draft  Browse
Hesperange Luxembourg Draft  Browse
Luxembourg Luxembourg Draft  Browse Additional admin_level=8 (copy of admin_level=6) for MapOSMatic
Niederanven Luxembourg Draft  Browse
Sandweiler Luxembourg Draft  Browse
Schuttrange Luxembourg Draft  Browse
Steinsel Luxembourg Draft  Browse
Strassen Luxembourg Draft  Browse
Walferdange Luxembourg Draft  Browse
Weiler-la-Tour Luxembourg Draft  Browse

Canton Mersch

Relation Canton Status Browse Remark
Bissen Mersch Draft  Browse
Boevange-sur-Attert Mersch Draft  Browse
Colmar-Berg Mersch Draft  Browse
Fischbach Mersch Draft  Browse
Heffingen Mersch Draft  Browse
Larochette Mersch Draft  Browse
Lintgen Mersch Draft  Browse
Lorentzweiler Mersch Draft  Browse
Mersch Mersch Draft  Browse
Nommern Mersch Draft  Browse
Tuntange Mersch Draft  Browse

Canton Remich

Relation Canton Status Browse Remark
Bous Remich Draft  Browse
Burmerange Remich Draft  Browse Schengen (1.1.2012)
Dalheim Remich Draft  Browse
Lenningen Remich Draft  Browse
Mondorf-les-Bains Remich Draft  Browse
Remich Remich Draft  Browse
Schengen Remich Draft  Browse Schengen (1.1.2012)
Stadtbredimus Remich Draft  Browse
Waldbredimus Remich Draft  Browse
Wellenstein Remich Draft  Browse Schengen (1.1.2012)

Canton Redange

Relation Canton Status Browse Remark
Beckerich Redange OK  Browse
Ell Redange OK  Browse
Grosbous Redange OK  Browse
Préizerdaul Redange OK  Browse
Rambrouch Redange OK  Browse
Redange Redange OK  Browse
Saeul Redange OK  Browse
Useldange Redange OK  Browse
Vichten Redange OK  Browse
Wahl Redange OK  Browse

Canton Vianden

Relation Canton Status Browse
Putscheid Vianden OK  Browse
Tandel Vianden OK  Browse
Vianden Vianden OK  Browse

Canton Wiltz

Relation Canton Status Browse
Boulaide Wiltz OK  Browse
Esch-sur-Sûre Wiltz OK  Browse
Eschweiler Wiltz OK  Browse
Goesdorf Wiltz OK  Browse
Heiderscheid Wiltz OK  Browse
Kiischpelt Wiltz OK  Browse
Lac de la Haute-Sûre Wiltz OK  Browse
Neunhausen Wiltz OK  Browse
Wiltz Wiltz OK  Browse
Winseler Wiltz OK  Browse

Village / Town Limitation (admin_level=8)

Intersections with roads should be denoted with the tag traffic_sign=city_limit

Quarter boundaries (admin_level=9)


Relation Status Browse
Beggen OK
Belair, OK
Bonneweg, Draft
Cents(-Fetschenhof) Draft
Cessingen Draft
Clausen Draft
Dommeldingen Draft
Eich Draft
Gare Draft
Gasperich Draft
Grund Draft
Hamm Draft
Hollerich Draft
Kirchberg Draft
Limpertsberg Draft
Merl Draft
Mühlenbach Draft
Neudorf-Weimershof Draft
Pfaffenthal(-Siechenhof) Draft
Pulvermühle Draft
Rollingergrund Draft
Verlorenkost Draft
Vielle Ville (Centre) Draft
Weimerskirch Draft


Relation Status Browse
Al Esch Draft
Belval Draft
Brill Draft
Brouch Draft
Dellhéicht Draft
Fettmeth Draft
Grenz Draft
Hiel Uncomplete
Lalleng Draft
Lankhelz Draft
Neiduerf (Neidierfchen) Draft
Park Draft
Raemerech Draft
Schlassgoart Draft
Sommet Draft
Universitéit Draft
Uecht Draft
Wobrécken Draft
Zaepert Draft
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