< Chanzuns Popularas Ladinas (1898)
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Andrea Vital - Chanzuns Popularas Ladinas (1898)
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Nr. 12.
1. Buna saira, mieu cher cour,
Eau sun darcho accò;
La ti' amur am ho fat gnir,
Nun poss at banduner. <
Be per que, schi rov eau te,
Cha tü t' impaissast eir sün me.
Ròsetta bell' aint in mieu cour,
Chi sto be d' implanter our,
Ntin smancher via me.
2. IIs tieus bels ögls nairs
Am faun inamurer,
La tia buocha cotschna
Il cour am fo alguer.
Schi be per que etc.
3. Eau vegn pel muond intuorn
E tü restast accò.
Saja ch' eau saja cò o na,
Schi eschans da marider.
Schi be per que etc.
4. Üngün non po ans sparaglier,
Oter co la mort;
Las melas laungias tschauntschan bger,
Que ais nos cuffort.
Schi be per que etc.
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