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[[Categoria:Pagine che usano RigaIntestazione|Agabiti - Ipazia la Filosofa, 1910.djvu{{padleft:32|3|0]]Hypatia von Alexandrien in Wahrheit und Dichtung. In Preussische Jahrbücher (aprile, 1906, p. 42-60).
Socrate. — Storia Ecclesiastica. (VII, capitoli 14, 15). — Migne. (Patrol. gr. vol. 67, col. 767).
Suidas. — Lexic. voce: Ὑπατία.
Sinesio. — Epist. 10, 15, 16, 33, 80, 124, 135, 153 (Migne, Patrol. gr. vol. 66). Furono tradotte in italiano da Dionisio Petavio.
Tillemont. — Histoire ecclésiastique, t. XIV. Art. Saint Cyrille.
Tillemont. — Mém. pour servir à l’Histoire Ecclesiastique. Tom. XII, p. 501-512; tom. XIV, p. 274.
Toland. — Hypatia, or the history of a most beatiful, most virtuous, most learned, and every way accomplished lady, who was torn to pieces by the clergy of Alexandria to gratify the pride, emulation, and cruelty of their archbishop Cyril, commonly but underservedly styled Saint Cyril. — London, 1720.
Wernsdorf J. Ch. — Disputationes IV, de Hypatia philosopha Alexandrina, Lipsiae, 1747, 48, in 4.°
Wernsdorf. — Diss. Acad. IV De Hypatia. Wittemberg, 1747.
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1. — Canone o Tavola astronomica, inserita nelle «Tavole Manuali» attribuite a Teone.
2. — Commentario a Diofanto. (Perduto).
3. — Commentario sulle Sezioni Coniche di Apollonio di Perga (Perduto).
Amaravella (Coulomb). — Le secret de l’Absolu. Préface de M. E. Burnouf. Paris. Bibl. de la Renaissance Orientale. L. 3,50. Vol. in 18 jésus. (Ristamp. dalla Librairie de l’Art Indépendant).
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Baudi di Vesme. — Storia dello Spiritismo. Due volumi L. 10, Torino (v. Vol. I, Cap. 1).
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Benn Alfred W. — The philosophy of Greece, considered in relation to the character and history of its people. — 308 pp. 8.° Theos. Publ. Soc., London. (Cloth. 6. s.).
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