< Pagina:Agabiti - Ipazia la Filosofa, 1910.djvu
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[[Categoria:Pagine che usano RigaIntestazione|Agabiti - Ipazia la Filosofa, 1910.djvu{{padleft:35|3|0]]among the Gnostics, mainly of the First Two Centuries: a contribution to the study of Chistian origins based on the most recently recovered materials. — The Theosophical Publishing Society. London and Benares, 650 pp. (10 s. 6 d. net.)

Mead G. R. S. — The Pistis Sophia. A Gnostic Gospel. (With Extracts from the Books of the Saviour appended.) Originally translated from Greek into Coptic, and now for the first time Englished from Schwartze’s Latin version of the only known Coptic M. S., and checked by Amelineau’s French Version. With an Introduction and Bibliography, 394 pp. large octavo. Cloth 7 s. 6 d. net. The Theosophical Publishing Society. London and Benares.

Mead G. R. S. — The Theosophy of the Greeks: Plotinus. (With an exhaustive Bibliography. Octavo. Price: Cloth 1 s. net.).

Id. — Orpheus (With three Charts and Bibliography. Will serve as an Introduction to Hellenic Theology. Octavo. Price: Cloth, 4 s. 6 d. net.) Theosophical Publishing Society, 1S96, London.

Id. — Neo-Platonism. (Opuscolo edito dalla Theos. Publ. Soc. London).

Max Muller.Biographical Essays (v. Kingsley, p. 366). Un vol. in 16° di pp. 390. London, Longmans Green and C. 1884.

Id. — Theosophy or Psychological Religion. The Gifford Lectures delivered before the University of Glasgow in 1892 (v. Lecture XII: The Logos. Religion a Bridge between the Visible and Invisible, p. 372 e segg.) London, Longmans Green and Co., 1893. (Un vol. in 16° di pp. XXIII-585).

Nourrisson.Tableau des progrès de la pensée humaine depuis Thalés jusq’à Hegel. 6° Ediz., Paris, 1885. in 16° p. VII-504.

Pauly-Wissowa. — Realencyclopaedie des Classichen Alterthumswissenschaft. Stuttgart, 1894.

Picavet François.Plotin et Saint Paul. (v. Academie des Sciences S. T., nouv. sèrie 61, 1904).

Id. — Plotin et les mysteres d’Éleusis. (In Revue de l’histoire des religions, vol. 47, 1903).

Plotinus.Select works of Plotinus, translated from the Greek, with an introduction containing the substance of Porphyry’s life of Plotinus, by Thomas Taylor, a new edition with Preface and Bibliography by G. R. S. Mead B. A, M. R., A. S. (Cloth, 8vo 5 s. 1895), London, Theosoph. Publ. Society.

Plutarco Cheronese. — Iside e Osiride. Con note di Seb. Ciampi. Firenze, 1823.

Pompa Re.Sommario della storia della filosofia. Napoli, 1865, in 16° p. 264.

Prantl and Lewes. — Hist Phil.

Richter A. — Neuplatonische Studien. Halle, 1867, in 8.°

Ritter H.Histoire de la philosophie ancienne. (Traduite de l’allemand par J. Tissot). Paris, 1835-36, 4 in 8.°

Ritter et Preller. — Hist. phil. Graec et Rom.

Schwegler A.Storia della filosofia. Traduzione di S. Pizzi. Caserta, 1872. in 8° p. 423.

Sinnett A. P.Apollonius of Tyana. (Wrappers, 1 s. net.).

Smith. — Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography, 1870.

Smith and Wace.Dictionary of Christian Biography, 1887 (v. voce: Neoplatonism).

Soulier Henry.La doctrine da Logos chez Philon d’Alexandrie, Turin, 1876.

Strumpell. — Hist. Phil.

Taylor T. — Select Works of Plotinus. London, 1817, 8vo, pp. 560.

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