< Pagina:Foscolo, Ugo – Prose, Vol. III, 1920 – BEIC 1824364.djvu
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lungo la francia e l'italia 151

[[Categoria:Pagine che usano RigaIntestazione|Foscolo, Ugo – Prose, Vol. III, 1920 – BEIC 1824364.djvu{{padleft:157|3|0]]

If a sound Head, warme Heart, and breast humane,
Unsullied worth and Soul without a stain;
If mental Powers could ever jusly claim
The well-won The Man, who with gigantic Stride
Mowed down luxuriant Follies far and wide,
Yet what, though keenest knowledge of Mankind
Unseal’ d to him the springs that move the Mind
What did it cost him? ridicul’d, abus’d,
By Fools insulted, and by Prudes accus’d.
In his, mild Reader, wiew they future Fate,
Like him despise, what twere a sin to hale.

This monumental stone was erected to thè memory of the deceased, by two Brother Masons; for althoug He did not live to be a member of their society, yet all his incomparable performances evidently prove him to have acted by Rule and Square; the rejoice in this opportunity of perpetuating his high and irreproachable character to after ages.

W & S.

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