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[[Categoria:Pagine che usano RigaIntestazione|Marinetti - La cucina futurista, 1932.djvu{{padleft:74|3|0]]be the elimination of edible pastes from the diet of Italians», Marinetti writes.
Modern Science will be employed in the preparation of sauces and a device similar to litmus paper will be used in a Futuristic kitchen in order to determine the proper degree of acidity or alkalinity in any given sauce.
Music will be banished from the table except in rare instances when it whill be used to sustain the mood of a former course until the next can be served.
The new Futuristic meal will permit a literary influence to pervade the dining-room, for whith ideal rapid service, by means of single successive mouthfuls, an experience such as a love affair or a journey may be suggested.
Among the new kitchen and dining-room instruments suggested by Marinetti is an «ozonizer» which will give to liquids the taste and perfume of the ozone, also ultra-violet lamps to render certain chemicals in the cooking more active.
Also certain dishes will be cooked under high pressure, in order to vary the effects of heat. Electrolysis will also be used to decompose sugar and other extracts.
As a model for the presentation of a Futuristic meal, M. Marinetti calls attention to a Futuristic painting of a synthetic landscape made up of food-stuffs, by Fillìa. The landscape is composed of a roast of veal, stuffed with eleven
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[[Categoria:Pagine che usano RigaIntestazione|Marinetti - La cucina futurista, 1932.djvu{{padleft:74|3|0]]