
butere (Altenglisch)

Substantiv, f



Nominativ butere

Genitiv buteran

Dativ buteran

Akkusativ buteran


bu·te·re, kein Plural


IPA: [ˈbutere]


[1] die Butter


[1] „do þonne ōf þa rinda and do niwe ōn innan þæt ilce wos do swa þripa aseoh þonne clæne swa hatne þone drenc and do þonne mele fulne buteran ōn swa hatne and gehrere togædere læt standan twa niht oþþe þreo, ādo þonne of þa buteran and genīm þonne gagel croppan and ifig croppan heldan and betonican eolonan redic banwyrt eorð mistel gebeāt togādere wylle on þære buteran ado þonne þa buteran clæne of þam wyrtum þær þe mon mæge“[1]
[1] „Wyre smeþe eagrealfe nim buteran wyl on pannan afleot þæt fam ōf and ahlytte þa buteran on blede“[2]


Referenzen und weiterführende Informationen:
[1] Bosworth-Toller Anglo-Saxon Dictionary: „butere


  1. Leechdoms, wortcunning, and starcraft of early England. Being a collection of documents, for the most part never before printed, illustrating the history of science in this country before the Norman conquest. Collected and edited by the Rev. Oswald Cockayne., London 1864, Leech Book I, Chapter 36, Seite 86.
  2. Leechdoms, wortcunning, and starcraft of early England. Being a collection of documents, for the most part never before printed, illustrating the history of science in this country before the Norman conquest. Collected and edited by the Rev. Oswald Cockayne., London 1864, Leech Book III, Chapter 2,6, Seite 308.
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