Arts, sport and culture

Arts, sports and cultural events and resources can help increase awareness of sustainability issues, provoke discussion and exploration of new ideas and solutions.

Community action projects

Benches and seats as public art

Green Fairs

Green Fairs can be a way of promoting sustainability in a relaxed and fun setting. Some pay a lot of attention to their own carbon and environmental footprint.

Street party

A block party or street party is a party in which many members of a single community congregate, either to observe an event of some importance or simply for mutual solidarity and enjoyment. The name comes from the form of the party, which often involves closing an entire city block to vehicle traffic or just a single street. Many times, there will be a celebration in the form of playing music, games and dance and activities like inflatable slides, popcorn machines and barbecues.

As a form of activism street parties are festive and/or artistic efforts to reclaim roadways as public space by large groups of people. They were made known in Western Europe and North America by the actions of Reclaim the Streets, a widespread "dis-organization" dedicated to reclaiming public space from automobiles and consumerism.

From Wikipedia:Block party

Other ideas

  • Advocate and promote Green sports and recreation and associated community sports facilities
  • Advocating environmentally friendly sports events
  • Local distinctiveness events
  • Community maps
  • Community art from recycled materials
  • Adventure playgrounds created from recycled materials
  • Green film festivals
  • Green arts and drama events


  • How To Start A Social Street on Shareable
  • Making is Connecting - site about Making is Connecting project, with extracts, video, etc., by David Gauntlett W


"With the increasing awareness of movements like Extinction Rebellion and Fridays For Future, citizen activism is a social trend that's here to stay. There’s incredible technology at our fingertips and when used strategically, it has the potential to influence millions." Gabriella Tavini [1]

"The twentieth century has transformed the entire planet from a finite world of certainties to an infinite world of questioning and doubt. So, if ever there was a need to stimulate creative imagination and initiative on the part of individuals, communities and whole societies that time is now. The notion of creativity can no longer be restricted to the arts; it must be applied across the full spectrum of human problem-solving." Our Creative Diversity, UNESCO


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Gaia Earth Artwork
By Gaia is a touring artwork by UK artist Luke Jerram, Jun 5, 2019


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By Rising Appalachia, May 13, 2015

Together with the music of Rising Appalachia, the Rise Collective W is used to support many of the Smith sisters' community-based projects uniting the arts and justice. Having themselves been community activists during their travels, Leah and Chloe Smith want their art to also be a source of activism, as well as of cultural development.

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the Citizen Artist
By Lucy Neal, Dec 29, 2015

More video: Belgium, Climate action

News and comment


Rugby bringing African communities together, Feb 4 [2] ...Rwanda

The secret artists creating miniature buildings for street mice, Jan 10 [3]


UK arts' leading figures join call for green recovery from coronavirus crisis [4] Jun 22


Royal Shakespeare Company to end BP sponsorship deal. [5] Oct 2 ...Arts, sport and culture UK

A new, collective business model for traditional crafts in Oaxaca. [6] May 2 ...Mexico

Building a fair art market in a sharing economy. [7] Apr 29


Singing Cicadas Collective amplifies power of creative storytellers in Hong Kong, Dec 17 [8] ...China news

South Bronx teens get creative about climate change, Oct 23 [9] ...New York City

"The mission is to remind people what they have in them already": Common Wealth are making movements from theatre, Sep 3 [10] ...Arts, sport and culture UK


World’s first solar panel mural unveiled in San Antonio, Nov 17 [11] ...Texas

Singing for Peace – Dahab, Egypt, Nov 11 [12]

Berlin's Holzmarkt Shows the Incredible Potential of Urban Villages, Aug 23 [13]

How an open source board game is saving the planet. Students learn how to solve environmental problems while having a good time and contributing to the maker community. Jul 28 [14]

How Crowdfunding and Collaboration Helped Create a Vibrant Cultural Space in Buenos Aires, Apr 17 [15] ...Argentina


Creative Communities and Arts-Based Placemaking, Jun 13 [16]


Linking Sport and the Environment to the Peace and Poverty Agenda in Kenya, UNEP and Underprivileged Children and Youth Kick Off New Reconciliation Initiative [17]


See also

  • Wikipedia: Intangible cultural heritage, Traditional knowledge (category)

Greenlivingpedia: Green sports and recreation

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