< OSNCamp 2008

OSNCamp 2008/FAQ

OSNCamp 2008 is complete. See the Experiences‎, or check the main OSNCamp page.
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Questions with answers

Are any scholarships available to support attendance at OSNCamp?

Answer: Unfortunately, we have no scholarships at this time to cover travel or other expenses to this free conference. We are looking into ways to support remote attendance, such as providing live audio and/or video. Perhaps we could build on this idea and allow presentations to be delivered via the web, or phone. Possibly someone could deliver the presentation on behalf of a remote attendee, and the remote attendee could answer questions remotely. We can brainstorm on some remote solutions.

If a sponsor wishes to provide funding for such travel, or for enabling better participation for those in other parts of the world, this would of course be very welcome.

Questions looking for answers

(add your questions here) I am coordinating a forthcoming west african youth entrepreneurship summit from 25-27 september 2007 and would like to attend the open sustainabilty camp to share the experience of best practices in this part of the world. I however cannot afford the transport to attend. Are there any any possibilities for schorlarship assistance?


I have created a young farmers forum for food sustainability and running a sustainable agriculture for youth empowerment project in west Africa,Liberia. I also work with youth on socialentrepenuership for communities development and sustainabilities, i want to share my experience and contribute to the camp glabol sustainbility ideas, but not able to transport myself and my accomdation, could i be giving a schorlarship?

I also want to known if food sustainabilty is a major part of our camp topic?

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