Occupy Sustainability

Below is a living collection of technologies that can be (or are being) implemented at various Occupy camps and other temporary, autonomous camps. This is just a start, please add to it by clicking edit or discuss the page on the talk page.

Energy generation

Human power

Using a bike, you can generate around 150W of continuous power. E.g.:

Solar and wind

A 100W photovoltaic panel can cost under $100 will produce 100W for a certain number of hours a day depending on the amount of full sun as found at http://www.nrel.gov/gis/solar.html. Solar photovoltaic software lists software that can help with design and Photovoltaics#Sizing a PV System covers some of the basics. Example systems include:

Cooking and dehydrating

Cooling and refrigeration

Used cooking oil and fats combined heat and power systems (CHP)



Water may be plentiful in the city when it's raining (especially if you can access the outlet of a drainpipe) but will be affected by pollutants, and needs to be properly filtered before use for drinking cooking. Wait for the water to run for a while first (at least 15 min, depending how heavy the rain is - longer is better) - this lets the water wash away pollutants from the air and the roof, leaving you with much cleaner water.


Wastewater treatment

Human waste


Other structures

Information technology

Some images


  1. Sanitation Issues Faced By Occupy Wall Street Protesters, Janelle Vaesa, Decoded Science, October 15, 2011

See also

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