Open sustainability

About this device
Keywords 3D printing, spork, fork, spoon, utensil, eating
Uses cooking, development
Authors Forest Andresen
Status prototype
Made? Yes
Replicated? Yes
Designed in United States
Cost USD $ 0.20
Documentation data
Language English
Manifest data
Language English
Updated 2020-06-04
Author Kathy Nativi
Author affiliation Appropedia
Author email

A better way to eat

Project developed by Forest.andresen (talk) 13:20, 25 April 2017 (PDT)

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  1. Everyone eats, some eat with their hands, and some eat with utensils. This is a project focusing around bringing the best utensils to people worldwide, without the usual cost involved. This is the creation of a utensil that can be easily printed by a 3D printer anywhere around the world. Our wish at project spork is to enable all to have a clean and convenient eating experience. The better spork is made to be east to clean and to have significantly better cutting ability than any other spork/knife to date.
  2. Picture of completed print using [[File:|200px|right]]

Bill of Materials

  1. Provide a full BOM -- This part needs only a 3D printer and a filament that is non toxic.
    1. Upload and link to all source files from open source CAD
    2. Upload and link to all STLs

Tools needed for fabrication of the OSAT

  1. A 3D printer
  2. memory card
  3. computer
  4. various printer tools like tweezers

Skills and Knowledge Necessary to Make the OSAT

  • You simply need to be able to download and the part and use a 3D Printer to make it.

Technical Specifications and Assembly Instructions

  1. This device does not need assembly, and will be able to be used right off the print bed.
  2. Print time: approx. 30 minutes
  3. drawing below:

Revised simifinal product

Common Problems and Solutions

  • I recommend including a brim to ensure the spork does not peel off the build plate while printing. This will need someone to chip off the brim when the spork comes out.
  • before loading the stl file into cura, I ran it through netfabb to make sure it would print. it turned out that it had some problems and was not a "water tight" shape yet.
  • I recommend sanding or polishing the parts of the utensil that will touch your mouth, otherwise the sharp areas can be uncomfortable or harm you.

Cost savings

  1. Printing this spork knife will cost under 20 cents. while buying a similar design on amazon will cost more than $8.
  3. In addition to the cost savings, this spork is a better design and specifically has a more effective knife. users can also customize the file before printing to make it the right shape and size for them and their diet.


  • The sources of information (e.g. engineering handbooks, journal articles, government documents, webpages, books, magazine articles etc.). References should use the <ref> </ref> and <references/> tags and can be in any format but should include all the information necessary for someone else to find the same information you did. For example: [1]
  1. web page: Department of Energy (DOE) Landscaping and Energy Efficiency, DOE/GO-10095 (1995) Available:
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