Archiving and compression

The traditional Unix archiving and compression tools are separated according to the Unix philosophy:

  • A file archiver combines several files into one archive file, e.g. tar.
  • A compression tool compresses and decompresses data, e.g. gzip.

These tools are often used in sequence by firstly creating an archive file and then compressing it.

Of course there are also tools that do both, which tend to additionally offer encryption, error detection and recovery.

Archiving only

GNU tartartar(1), infoCore utility for manipulating the ubiquitous tar archives (tarballs), which are used by pacman and the AUR.
Implementation of tar and cpio that also offers a library. Used by pacman and mkinitcpio.
arbinutilsar(1)Legacy Unix archiver before tar. Today only used for creating static library files.
cpiocpiocpio(1)File archiver via stdin/stdout, supports cpio and tar formats.
DARdarAURdar(1)Archiver to backup large live filesystems, takes care of hard links, extended attributes, sparse files and inode types.

See also #Archiving only usage.

Compression tools

Compression only

These compression programs implement their own file format.

NamePackageManualExtTar extDescriptionParallel implementations
bzip2.bz2, .bz.tbz2, .tbzUses the Burrows–Wheeler algorithm., pbzip2
bzip3bzip3.bz3.tbz3Uses the Burrows–Wheeler algorithm.
gzip.gz, .z.tgz, .tazGNU zip, based on DEFLATE algorithm., (part of ),
lrziplrzip(1).lrzImproved version of rzip, uses multiple multithreaded
LZ4lz4.lz4Written in C, focused on compression and decompression speed.Can be multithreaded, though the lz4 is not. See for alternatives.
lzip.lzUses LZMA.
lzop.lzo.tzoUses the LZO library ().
xzxz.xz, .lzma.txz, .tlzUses LZMA, default for GNU coreutils and kernel archive multithreaded, ,
zstd.zstUses Zstandard multithreaded
  • Parallel implementations offer improved speeds by using multiple CPU cores.
  • Tar extensions refers to compressed archives where and the compression tool is used, e.g. is .
  • See also #Compression only usage.

Archiving and compression

p7zip7z(1).7zThe third-party POSIX port of 7-zip's command-line.
7-Zip7-zipAUR, -The upstream Linux version of a file archiver with a high compression ratio.
RAR, .rarBoth the format and the rar utility are proprietary.
t2sz.tar.zst .tzstTar archiving utility in C with member-aligned zstd-compression
tarlz.tar.lz .tlzTar archiving utility in C++ with member-aligned lzip compression
ZIP, unzip, .zipWidely used outside of the Linux world.
Unarchiver, lsar(1)manyCommand-line tool of a Mac application, supports over 40 archive formats.
ZPAQ.zpaqA high compression ratio archiver written in C++, uses several algorithms.
LHa, .lzh (on Amiga: .lha)LZH/LHA archiver, supports the lh7-method.

See also #Archiving and compression usage.

Feature charts

Some of the tools above are capable of handling multiple formats, allowing for fewer installed packages.


  1. 's gunzip can only decompress single member ZIP files.

Usage comparison

Archiving only usage

NameCreate archiveExtract archiveList content
tar(1)tar -tvf archive.tar

Compression only usage

NameCompressDecompressDecompress to stdout
bzip2 file
lrzip -d file.lrz
xz -d file.xz

Archiving and compression usage

NameCompressDecompressDecompress to stdoutList content
rar a archive.rar file1 file2
, unzip
minimal: lha l archive.lzh verbose:

Convenience tools

  • unpack Wrapper script for handling multiple archive formats. || unpack-gitAUR

Determining archive format

To extract an archive, its file format needs to be determined. If the file is properly named you can deduce its format from the file extension.

Otherwise you can use the tool, see .

Esoteric, rare or deprecated tools

ARCarcAUR.arc, .arkWas very popular during the early days of the dial-up BBS. Superseded by ZIP.
ARJ.arjAn archiver used on DOS/Windows in mid-1990s. This is an open source clone.
compress.ZThe de facto standard UNIX compression utility to success the Huffman-based before gzip become a thing.
PAR2.par2Parity archiver for increased data integrity. See also Parchive.
shar.sharCreates self-extracting archives that are valid shell scripts.
Zoo.zooWas mostly popular on the OpenVMS operating system before PKZIP became popular.

File system compression

Some file systems support on-the-fly compression of file data:

  • Btrfs can be configured to compress individual files, directories, or entire volumes by default.
  • On ZFS, compression can be enabled on pools or file systems.

Device mapper compression

There is work being done to mainline (integrate into the Linux kernel project) the recently open-sourced VDO project, which provides a deduplication and compression device mapper layer in the interest of increasing storage efficiency. The following packages are available:

  • vdo Userspace tools for managing VDO volumes || vdoAUR

    Compression libraries

    • Brotli Compression algorithm for data streams using the LZ77 algorithm, Huffman coding and 2nd order context modeling. || brotli


    Garbled Japanese Filenames

    Japanese versions of Windows encode ZIP archives with Shift-JIS. By default, these archives will suffer from mojibake filenames when extracted. To extract properly, use unzip in the command-line using the shift-jis option.

    $ unzip -O shift-jis

    See also

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