< List of applications

List of applications/Multimedia



See the main article: Codecs.

Image viewers

See also Wikipedia:Comparison of image viewers.

Framebuffer image viewers
  • fbi Image viewer for the linux framebuffer console.
https://www.kraxel.org/blog/linux/fbida/ || fbida
  • fbv Very simple graphic file viewer for the framebuffer console.
http://s-tech.elsat.net.pl/fbv/ || fbv
  • fim Highly customizable and scriptable framebuffer image viewer based on fbi.
https://www.nongnu.org/fbi-improved/ || fimAUR
  • jfbview Framebuffer PDF and image viewer based on Imlib2. Features include Vim-like controls, rotation and zoom, zoom-to-fit, and fast multi-threaded rendering.
https://github.com/jichu4n/jfbview || jfbviewAUR
Graphical image viewers
  • CoreImage Simple lightweight easy to use image viewer based on Qt. Part of C-Suite.
https://cubocore.org/ || coreimageAUR
  • Deepin Image Viewer Image viewer for Deepin desktop.
https://www.deepin.org/en/original/deepin-image-viewer/ || deepin-image-viewer
  • Ephoto A light image viewer based on EFL.
https://www.enlightenment.org/about-ephoto || ephoto
  • Eye of GNOME Image viewing and cataloging program, which is a part of the GNOME desktop environment.
https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/EyeOfGnome || eog
  • Eye of MATE Simple graphics viewer for the MATE desktop.
https://github.com/mate-desktop/eom || eom
  • EyeSight Image viewer for the Hawaii desktop environment.
https://github.com/hawaii-desktop/eyesight || eyesightAUR
  • ida X11 application (Motif based) for viewing images. Install the optional dependencies as needed.
https://www.kraxel.org/blog/linux/fbida/ || fbida
  • image-roll Simple and fast GTK image viewer with basic image manipulation tools.
https://github.com/weclaw1/image-roll || image-rollAUR
  • PhotoQt Fast and highly configurable image viewer with a simple and nice interface.
https://photoqt.org/ || photoqtAUR
  • pqiv GTK 3 based command-line image viewer with a minimal UI supporting images in compressed archives, rewrite of qiv.
https://github.com/phillipberndt/pqiv/ || pqiv
  • Vimiv An image viewer with vim-like keybindings. It is written in python3 using the Gtk3 toolkit.
https://karlch.github.io/vimiv/ || vimiv
  • Vimiv (Qt port) An image viewer with vim-like keybindings. It is written in python3 and PyQt5.
https://karlch.github.io/vimiv-qt/ || vimiv-qtAUR

Image organizers

See also Wikipedia:Image organizer.

  • Memories Image viewer and manager designed for elementary OS.
https://anufrij.org/memories/ || showmypicturesAUR
  • Pantheon Photos Photo organizer for Pantheon.
https://launchpad.net/pantheon-photos || pantheon-photos

Image processing

  • CropGUI GTK utility for lossless cropping and rotation of jpeg files
https://github.com/jepler/cropgui || cropguiAUR
  • G'MIC Full-featured open-source framework for image processing, providing several different user interfaces to convert/manipulate/filter/visualize generic image datasets, ranging from 1d scalar signals to 3d+t sequences of multi-spectral volumetric images, including 2d color images.
https://www.gmic.eu/ || gmic
  • pngquant Lossy compression of PNG images.
https://pngquant.org/ || pngquant
    • Trimage Qt-based tool for optimizing PNG and JPG files.
    https://trimage.org/ || trimageAUR

    Raster graphics editors

    See also Wikipedia:Comparison of raster graphics editors.

    https://www.gnu.org/software/gpaint/ || gpaintAUR
    • Krita Digital painting and illustration software included based on the KDE platform.
    https://krita.org/ || krita
    • Swappy Wayland native snapshot editing tool.
    https://github.com/jtheoof/swappy || swappy

      Some image viewers and organizers like digiKam, Ephoto, GNOME Photos, gThumb, ida, nomacs, Pantheon Photos, Phototonic and Shotwell also provide some basic image manipulation functionality.

      Specialized photo editors

      • Hugin Panorama photo stitcher.
      http://hugin.sourceforge.net/ || hugin
      • Rawstudio Raw-image converter written in GTK.
      https://rawstudio.org/ || rawstudioAUR

      Photo geotagging

      • GottenGeography Easy to use photo geotagging application for the GNOME desktop.
      https://launchpad.net/gottengeography || gottengeography

      Vector graphics editors

      See also Wikipedia:Comparison of vector graphics editors.

      • Figma Unofficial desktop application for Figma collaborative design tool. Based on the Electron platform.
      https://github.com/Figma-Linux/figma-linux || figma-linuxAUR
      • OpenOffice Draw Vector graphics editor and diagramming tool included in the OpenOffice suite.
      https://www.openoffice.org/product/draw.html || openoffice-binAUR

      Font editors

      See also Wikipedia:Comparison of font editors.

      • Birdfont Font editor which lets you create vector graphics and export TTF, EOT and SVG fonts.
      https://birdfont.org/ || birdfont

      2D animation

      • Pencil2D Easy, intuitive tool to make 2D hand-drawn animations.
      https://www.pencil2d.org/ || pencil2d
      • Synfig Studio 2D animation software, designed as powerful industrial-strength solution for creating film-quality animation using a vector and bitmap artwork.
      https://www.synfig.org/ || synfigstudio

      The drawing application Krita and the 3D editor Blender (Grease Pencil mode) have both 2D animation features too.

      3D computer graphics

      See also Wikipedia:Comparison of 3D computer graphics software.

      • CloudCompare 3D point cloud and mesh processing software.
      https://cloudcompare.org/ || cloudcompareAUR
      • MeshLab System for processing and editing 3D triangular meshes.
      https://www.meshlab.net/ || meshlabAUR

      Color pickers and palettes

      • Chameleon Simple color picker for X11 which outputs colors to stdout.
      https://github.com/seebye/chameleon || chameleon-gitAUR
      • delicolour Lightweight GTK 3 color finder.
      https://github.com/eepp/delicolour || delicolourAUR
      • Kontrast Tool to check contrast for colors that allows verifying that your colors are correctly accessible. Part of kde-accessibility.
      https://apps.kde.org/kontrast/ || kontrast


      See Screen capture#Screenshot software.

      Digital camera managers

      See gPhoto#Installation.

      Audio systems

      See also the main article Sound system and Wikipedia:Sound server.

      Audio players

      See also Wikipedia:Comparison of audio player software.

      Many applications in the #Video players section also support audio playback.

      • cmus Very feature-rich ncurses-based music player.
      https://cmus.github.io/ || cmus
      • MPFC Gstreamer-based audio player with curses interface.
      https://code.google.com/archive/p/mpfc/ || mpfcAUR
      • Byte Music player designed for elementary OS.
      https://github.com/alainm23/byte || byteAUR
      • Melody Music player for listening to local music files, online radios and audio CD's.
      https://anufrij.org/melody/ || playmymusicAUR
      • Quod Libet Audio player written with GTK, Python and GStreamer with support for regular expressions in playlists.
      https://github.com/quodlibet/quodlibet/ || quodlibet
      • Yarock Modern looking music player, packed with features, that doesn’t depend on any specific desktop environment. Yarock is designed to provide an easy and pretty music browser based on cover art.
      https://seb-apps.github.io/yarock/ || yarockAUR
      • Elisa Simple music player by the KDE community aiming to provide a nice experience for its users.
      https://apps.kde.org/elisa/ || elisa
      • Qmmp Qt-based multimedia player with a user interface that is similar to Winamp or XMMS.
      https://qmmp.ylsoftware.com/ || qmmp

      Internet radio listeners

      • Tuner Minimalist radio station player.
      https://github.com/louis77/tuner || tunerAUR

      Music streaming clients

      • MellowPlayer A free, open source and cross-platform Qt-based desktop application that runs web-based music streaming services in its own window and provides integration with your desktop.
      https://colinduquesnoy.gitlab.io/MellowPlayer/ || mellowplayerAUR
      • id3 Command-line utility to edit ID3 1.x and 2.x tags.
      https://squell.github.io/id3/ || id3AUR
      • Tagutil CLI tool to edit music file's tag. It aims to provide both an easy-to-script interface and ease of use interactively.
      https://github.com/kAworu/tagutil || tagutilAUR
      • GabTag Audio tagging tool written in GTK.
      https://github.com/lachhebo/gabtag || gabtagAUR
      • Thunar Media Tags Plugin Adds special features for media files to the Thunar File Manager, including the ability to edit tags.
      https://goodies.xfce.org/projects/thunar-plugins/thunar-media-tags-plugin || thunar-media-tags-plugin
      Lyrics players
      • Give Me Lyrics See the lyrics of the song that is playing, from any application.
      https://github.com/muriloventuroso/givemelyrics || givemelyricsAUR
        Lyrics downloaders
        Lyrics editors

        Audio converters

        • Flacon Extracts individual tracks from one big audio file containing the entire album of music and saves them as separate audio files.
        https://flacon.github.io/ || flaconAUR
        • Gnac Audio converter for GNOME.
        http://gnac.sourceforge.net/ || gnac

        Audio editors

        See also Wikipedia:Comparison of digital audio editors.

        • Mp3splt Utility to split mp3, ogg vorbis and native FLAC files selecting a begin and an end time position, without decoding.
        http://mp3splt.sourceforge.net/ || CLI: mp3splt, GUI: mp3splt-gtk
        • Polyphone A soundfont editor to create and edit a musical instrument based on samples, using the sf2 format.
        https://www.polyphone-soundfonts.com/ || polyphone

        Digital audio workstations

        See also Professional audio.

        • Frinika Digital audio workstation, features sequencer, soft-synths, realtime effects and audio recording.
        https://www.frinika.com/ || frinikaAUR
        • Non Modular digital audio workstation composed of four main parts: Timeline, Sequencer, Mixer and Session Manager.
        https://non.tuxfamily.org/ || non-timeline, non-sequencer, non-mixer, new-session-manager

        Audio analyzers

        • Baudline Proprietary time-frequency and spectrogram analyzer
        http://www.baudline.com/index.html || baudline-binAUR
        • rtspeccy Real time audio spectrum analyzer.
        https://www.uninformativ.de/git/rtspeccy/ || rtspeccy-gitAUR


        See also LilyPond#Front-ends and Wikipedia:Comparison of scorewriters.

        • Canorus Music score editor. It supports an unlimited number and length of staffs, polyphony, a MIDI playback of notes, chord markings, lyrics, import/export filters to formats like MIDI, MusicXML, ABC Music, MusiXTeX and LilyPond.
        https://sourceforge.net/projects/canorus/ || canorusAUR

        Audio synthesis environments

        See also Wikipedia:Comparison of audio synthesis environments.

        https://github.com/DISTRHO/Cardinal || cardinal
        • Sonic Pi Code-based music creation and performance tool.
        https://sonic-pi.net/ || sonic-pi

        Sound generators

        This section contains drum machines, software samplers and software synthesizers.

        • amsynth Analog Modelling SYNTHesizer. Easy-to-use software synthesizer with a classic subtractive synthesizer topology.
        https://amsynth.github.io/ || amsynth
        • Element A modular LV2/VST3 audio plugin host.
        https://kushview.net/element/ || element
        • Hydrogen Advanced drum machine to create drum sequences.
        https://github.com/hydrogen-music/hydrogen || hydrogen
        • PySynth Suite of simple music synthesizers and helper scripts written in Python 3.
        https://mdoege.github.io/PySynth/ || python-pysynth-gitAUR
        • Qwertone Simple music synthesizer (like a toy-piano), but based on usual qwerty-keyboard for input.
        https://gitlab.com/azymohliad/qwertone || qwertone-gitAUR
        • Vee One Suite Old-school software instruments: synthv1, a polyphonic subtractive synthesizer; samplv1, a polyphonic sampler synthesizer; drumkv1, yet another drum-kit sampler; padthv1, a polyphonic additive synthesizer.
        https://www.rncbc.org/ || synthv1, samplv1, drumkv1, padthv1

        Music trackers

        • FamiStudio Very simple music editor for the Nintendo Entertainment System or Famicom.
        https://famistudio.org/ || famistudioAUR


        • IDJC Powerful yet easy to use source-client for individuals interested in streaming live radio shows over the Internet using Shoutcast or Icecast servers.
        http://idjc.sourceforge.net/ || idjcAUR
        • Mixxx Integrates the tools DJs need to perform creative live mixes with digital music files.
        https://mixxx.org/ || mixxx

        Audio effects

        Audio visualizers

        • Barva Visualizer for PulseAudio that pulses the background of your terminal.
        https://github.com/Kharacternyk/barva/ || barva-gitAUR
        • GLMViz Fully configurable OpenGL music visualizer.
        https://github.com/hannesha/GLMViz || glmviz-gitAUR

        Remote audio

        • netaudio List, configure, and control Audinate Dante network audio devices.
        https://github.com/chris-ritsen/network-audio-controller || python-netaudioAUR

        Volume control

        See also PulseAudio#Front-ends and JACK Audio Connection Kit#Comparison of JACK control GUIs.

        • alsamixer Soundcard mixer for ALSA soundcard driver, with ncurses interface.
        https://alsa-project.org/ || alsa-utils
        • KMix KDE volume control program.
        https://apps.kde.org/kmix/ || kmix
        • Volume Icon Another volume control for your system tray with channel selection, themes and an external mixer.
        http://nullwise.com/volumeicon.html || volumeicon

        CD ripping

        See Optical disc drive#Audio CD.

        Video players

        See also Wikipedia:Comparison of video player software.

        • FFplay Very simple and portable media player using the FFmpeg libraries and the SDL library. It is mostly used as a testbed for the various FFmpeg APIs.
        https://ffmpeg.org/ || ffmpeg
        • Glide Simple and minimalistic media player relying on GStreamer for the multimedia support and GTK for the user interface.
        https://github.com/philn/glide || glide
        • Parole Modern media player based on the GStreamer framework.
        https://docs.xfce.org/apps/parole/start || parole
        • Clip Video player and collection manager utilizing mpv as the backend.
        https://mauikit.org/ || maui-clip
        • Minitube YouTube desktop application written in C++ using mpv and Qt.
        https://flavio.tordini.org/minitube || minitube
        • GNOME MPlayer Simple GTK-based GUI for MPlayer.
        https://sites.google.com/site/kdekorte2/gnomemplayer || gnome-mplayer
        • Kodi Media player and entertainment hub for digital media.
        https://kodi.tv/ || kodi
        • VLC media player Middleweight video player with support for a wide variety of audio and video formats.
        https://www.videolan.org/vlc/ || vlc

        Video converters

        See also Wikipedia:Comparison of video converters and Codecs and containers#Container format tools.

        • MEncoder Free command line video decoding, encoding and filtering tool.
        https://mplayerhq.hu/design7/news.html || mencoder
          • HandBrake Simple yet powerful video transcoder ideal for batch mkv/x264 ripping. GTK version.
          https://handbrake.fr/ || handbrake

          Video editors

          See also Wikipedia:Comparison of video editing software.

          • Blender Fully integrated 3D graphics creation suite with a built-in non-linear video editor.
          https://www.blender.org/ || blender
          • LosslessCut GUI tool for lossless trimming/cutting of video/audio files. Based on the Electron platform.
          https://mifi.no/losslesscut/ || losslesscut-binAUR
          • Pitivi Video editor designed to be intuitive and integrate well in the GNOME desktop.
          https://www.pitivi.org/ || pitivi
          Subtitle players
          • SubtitlesPrinter Print subtitles above a X-screen, independently of the video player.
          https://github.com/OlivierMarty/SubtitlesPrinter || subtitles-printer-gitAUR
          Subtitle downloaders
          • SubDownloader Automatic download/upload of subtitles using fast hashing.
          https://github.com/subdownloader/subdownloader || subdownloader
          Subtitle editors

          See also Wikipedia:Comparison of subtitle editors.


          See Screen capture#Screencast software.


          Miracast is a standard for wireless connections from sending devices to display receivers mainly using Wi-Fi Direct. Use iw dev to check your hardware support.


          See also FFmpeg#Recording webcam and Wikipedia:Comparison of webcam software.

          • Guvcview Simple interface for capturing and viewing video from v4l2 devices.
          https://guvcview.sourceforge.net/ || GTK: guvcview, Qt: guvcview-qt
          • Pantheon Camera Camera application designed for elementary OS.
          https://github.com/elementary/camera || pantheon-camera

          DVD authoring

          See also Wikipedia:List of DVD authoring applications.

          • DVDStyler DVD authoring application for the creation of professional-looking DVDs.
          https://www.dvdstyler.org/ || dvdstyler

          DVD ripping

          See Optical disc drive#DVD-Video.

          Video thumbnails

          Collection managers

          • GCstar GNOME application for organizing various collections (board games, comic books, movies, stamps, etc.).
          http://www.gcstar.org/ || gcstarAUR

          Media servers

          • Emby Proprietary media server, which automatically converts and streams your media on-the-fly to play on any device.
          https://emby.media/ || emby-server
          • Plex Proprietary media server, which organizes your personal video, music, and photo collections and streams them to all of your devices.
          https://www.plex.tv/ || plex-media-serverAUR
          • Universal Media Server UPnP media server, which is capable of sharing video, audio and images between most modern devices. (Fork of PS3 Media Server.)
          https://www.universalmediaserver.com/ || umsAUR


          • ffprobe Gather information from multimedia streams and print it in human- and machine-readable fashion.
          https://ffmpeg.org/ffprobe.html || ffmpeg
          • sndfile-info Obtaining information about the contents of an audio file.
          http://mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/ || libsndfile

          Mobile device managers

          https://kdeconnect.kde.org/ || kdeconnect

          Optical disc burning

          See Optical disc drive#Burning CD/DVD/BD with a GUI.

          Personal video recorders

          • XMLTV Set of utilities to download tv listings and format them in xml.
          http://xmltv.org/wiki/ || xmltvAUR
          This article is issued from Archlinux. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.