< List of applications

List of applications/Security


For detailed guides, see the main ArchWiki page, Security.

Network security

See also Wikipedia:Comparison of packet analyzers.

  • airgeddon Multi-use bash script to audit wireless networks
https://github.com/v1s1t0r1sh3r3/airgeddon || airgeddon-gitAUR
  • Arpwatch Tool that monitors ethernet activity and keeps a database of Ethernet/IP address pairings.
https://ee.lbl.gov/ || arpwatch
  • bettercap Swiss army knife for network attacks and monitoring.
https://www.bettercap.org/ || bettercap
  • darkstat Captures network traffic, calculates statistics about usage, and serves reports over HTTP.
https://unix4lyfe.org/darkstat/ || darkstat
  • dsniff Collection of tools for network auditing and penetration testing.
https://www.monkey.org/~dugsong/dsniff/ || dsniff
  • EtherApe Graphical network monitor for Unix modeled after etherman. Featuring link layer, IP and TCP modes, it displays network activity graphically. Hosts and links change in size with traffic. Color coded protocols display.
https://etherape.sourceforge.io/ || etherape
  • Ettercap Multipurpose Network sniffer/analyser/interceptor/logger.
https://ettercap.github.io/ettercap/ || CLI: ettercap, GUI: ettercap-gtk
  • GNOME Network Tools GNOME interface for various networking tools.
https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-nettool || gnome-nettool
  • Honeyd Tool that allows the user to set up and run multiple virtual hosts on a computer network.
http://www.honeyd.org/ || honeydAUR
  • hping Command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer.
http://hping.org/ || hping
  • LinSSID Graphical wireless scanner.
https://sourceforge.net/projects/linssid/ || linssid
  • Net Activity Viewer Graphical network connections viewer, similar in functionality with Netstat.
http://netactview.sourceforge.net/ || netactviewAUR
  • ngrep grep-like utility that allows you to search for network packets on an interface.
https://github.com/jpr5/ngrep || ngrep
  • Sshguard Daemon that protects SSH and other services against brute-force attacks, similar to Fail2ban.
https://www.sshguard.net/ || sshguard
  • vnStat Console-based network traffic monitor that keeps a log of network traffic for the selected interfaces.
https://humdi.net/vnstat/ || vnstat

Firewall management

See iptables#Front-ends.

Threat and vulnerability detection

  • Metasploit Framework An advanced open-source platform for developing, testing, and using exploit code.
https://www.metasploit.com/ || metasploit
  • Tiger Security tool that can be used both as a security audit and intrusion detection system.
https://www.nongnu.org/tiger/ || tigerAUR

    File security

    Anti malware

    • Linux Malware Detect Malware scanner designed around the threats faced in shared hosted environments.
    https://www.rfxn.com/projects/linux-malware-detect/ || maldetAUR

    Screen lockers

    See also Session lock.

    • Cinnamon Screensaver Screen locker for the Cinnamon desktop.
    https://github.com/linuxmint/cinnamon-screensaver || cinnamon-screensaver
    • i3lock-blur Fork of i3lock which can use your desktop with the blur effect applied as a background.
    https://github.com/karulont/i3lock-blur || i3lock-blurAUR
    • sxlock Fork of sflock with a few enhancements. Provides basic user feedback, uses PAM authentication, supports DPMS and RandR. Supports sxlock.service to lock the screen on suspend/hibernation. See the README for more information.
    https://github.com/lahwaacz/sxlock || sxlock-gitAUR
    • XScreenSaver Screen saver and locker for the X Window System.
    https://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/ || xscreensaver

    Password auditing


    • gopass Advanced console based password manager, supporting GnuPG and other backends.
    https://github.com/justwatchcom/gopass || gopass
    • pass Simple console-based password manager featuring flat text file organization and GnuPG encryption.
    https://www.passwordstore.org/ || pass


    • Bitwarden Open source password manager with desktop, mobile, browser, and CLI versions. Cloud or self-hosted.
    https://bitwarden.com/ || bitwarden
    • Keysmith OTP generation software by KDE.
    https://apps.kde.org/keysmith/ || keysmith
    • Passbook Modern password manager for GNOME.
    https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Passbook || passbookAUR
    • Universal Password Manager Allows you to store usernames, passwords, URLs and generic notes in an encrypted database protected by one master password.
    https://upm.sourceforge.net/ || universal-password-managerAUR

    Hash checkers

    • RHash Utility for verifying hash sums (SFV, CRC, etc). Supports lots of algorithms.
    https://github.com/rhash/RHash/ || rhash

    Encryption, signing, steganography

    • Enigmail A security extension to Mozilla Thunderbird and Seamonkey. It enables you to write and receive email messages signed and/or encrypted with the OpenPGP standard.
    https://enigmail.net || thunderbird-extension-enigmail-gitAUR
    • KGpg Simple interface for GnuPG, for KDE.
    https://apps.kde.org/kgpg/ || kgpg
    • passphrase2pgp Reproducibly generate private key in OpenPGP/OpenSSH formats accroding to user input passphrase and optionally sign message in one go
    https://github.com/skeeto/passphrase2pgp || passphrase2pgpAUR

    Data-at-rest encryption

    See Data-at-rest encryption.

    Privilege elevation

    • sudo Command to delegate the ability to run commands as root or another user while providing an audit trail.
    https://www.sudo.ws/sudo/ || sudo
    This article is issued from Archlinux. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.