< List of applications

List of applications/Science


Note: For possibly more up to date selection of scientific applications, try checking the AUR 'science' category


See also Wikipedia:Comparison of software calculators.

  • bc Arbitrary precision calculator language.
https://www.gnu.org/software/bc/ || bc
  • calc Arbitrary precision console calculator.
http://www.isthe.com/chongo/tech/comp/calc/ || calc
  • clac Command-line, stack-based calculator with postfix notation.
https://github.com/soveran/clac || clacAUR
  • kalker Command-line calculator with math syntax that supports user-defined variables and functions, complex numbers, and estimation of derivatives and integrals.
https://github.com/PaddiM8/kalker || kalkerAUR
  • qalc Command-line calculator and equation solver with fault-tolerant parsing, constant recognition and units.
https://qalculate.github.io/ || libqalculate
  • Deepin Calculator Easy to use calculator for Deepin desktop.
https://www.deepin.org/en/original/deepin-calculator/ || deepin-calculator
  • Extcalc Qt-based scientific graphical calculator.
http://extcalc-linux.sourceforge.net/ || extcalcAUR
  • FOX Calculator Simple desktop calculator.
http://fox-toolkit.org/ || fox
  • galculator GTK-based scientific calculator.
http://galculator.mnim.org/ || galculator
  • Liri Calculator Calculator for Liri.
https://github.com/lirios/calculator || liri-calculator
  • MATE Calc Calculator for the MATE desktop environment.
https://mate-desktop.org/ || mate-calc

Computer algebra system

See also Wikipedia:Comparison of computer algebra systems.

http://maxima.sourceforge.net/ || maxima
  • PARI/GP Computer algebra system designed for fast computations in number theory.
https://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr/ || pari

Visualization of networks/graphs

Scientific or technical computing

See also Wikipedia:Comparison of numerical analysis software.

  • FFTW A Fast Fourier Transform library for computing discrete Fourier transforms. Used for a wide variety of numerical applications, which includes spectral methods.
https://www.fftw.org/ || fftw
  • Julia High-level, high-performance dynamic language for technical computing.
https://julialang.org/ || julia


See also Wikipedia:Comparison of statistical packages.

  • jamovi Statistics package, which is easy to use, and designed to be familiar to users of SPSS. Based on the Electron platform.
https://www.jamovi.org/ || jamovi-gitAUR
  • RKWard Frontend for the statistical language R.
https://rkward.kde.org/ || rkward

    Data analysis and plotting

    See also Wikipedia:List of information graphics software.

    • Gnuplot Command-line program that can generate 2D and 3D plots of functions, data, and data fits.
    http://www.gnuplot.info/ || gnuplot
    • Rocs Graph Theory IDE for everybody interested in designing and analyzing graph algorithms (e.g., lecturers, students, researchers). Part of kde-education.
    https://apps.kde.org/rocs/ || rocs

      See also List of applications/Documents#Spreadsheets.

      Proof assistants

      See also Wikipedia:Proof assistant.

      Physics simulation

      • Code_Aster Software package for Civil and Structural Engineering finite element analysis (FEA) and numeric simulation in structural mechanics.
      https://www.code-aster.org/V2/spip.php?rubrique2[dead link 2022-09-20 ] || asterAUR
      • FEBio An open-source software tool for nonlinear finite element analysis specifically focused on solving nonlinear large deformation problems in biomechanics and biophysics, able to solve problems in mixture mechanics (i.e. biphasic or multiphasic materials), fluid mechanics, reaction-diffusion, and heat transfer, including fluid-solid interactions.
      https://febio.org/ || not packaged? search in AUR
      • SWMM Storm Water Management Model is a dynamic rainfall-runoff-subsurface runoff simulation model used for simulation of the surface/subsurface hydrology quantity and quality.
      https://www.epa.gov/ || swmm5-gitAUR

      Unit conversion


      See also Wikipedia:List of molecular graphics systems.

      • VMD VMD is a molecular visualization program for displaying, animating, and analyzing large biomolecular systems using 3-D graphics and built-in scripting.
      https://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/ || vmdAUR
      http://gabedit.sourceforge.net/ || gabeditAUR
      • PMEMD PMEMD module of AMBER software package.
      https://ambermd.org/AmberMD.php || pmemdAUR

      Periodic table

      • eperiodique A simple Periodic Table Of Elements viewer using the EFL.
      http://eperiodique.sourceforge.net/ || eperiodiqueAUR


      • Gpredict Real-time satellite tracking and orbit prediction application.
      http://gpredict.oz9aec.net/ || gpredictAUR
      • GpsPrune View, edit and convert coordinate data from GPS systems.
      https://activityworkshop.net/software/gpsprune/ || gpsprune
      • Marble Virtual Globe and World Atlas that can be used to learn more about the Earth. Part of kde-education.
      https://marble.kde.org/ || KDE: marble, Qt: marble-qt
      • OffRoad Offline vector map display ported from OsmAnd.
      https://sourceforge.net/projects/offroadosm/ || offroad


      • GNOME Weather Small application for GNOME that allows you to monitor the current weather conditions for your city, or anywhere in the world, and to access updated forecasts provided by various internet services.
      https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Weather || gnome-weather


      • Celestia 3D astronomy simulation program that allows users to travel through an extensive universe, modeled after reality, at any speed, in any direction and at any time in history.
      https://celestia.space/ || celestiaAUR
      • SPICE A comprehensive toolkit and api to design, simulate and analyse space missions
      https://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/naif/index.html || cspiceAUR

      Computational biology and bioinformatics

      See also Wikipedia:List of open source bioinformatics software.

      • EMBOSS (European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite) Open source software analysis package specially developed for the needs of the molecular biology and bioinformatics user community.
      https://emboss.sourceforge.net/ || embossAUR
      • UGENE Application that integrates dozens of well-known biological tools and algorithms, providing both graphical user and command-line interfaces.
      https://ugene.net/ || ugene-binAUR, ugene-gitAUR


          Image manipulation

          DICOM viewers and volume rendering

          https://www.slicer.org/ || 3dslicerAUR

            Computer-aided design

            See also Wikipedia:List of computer-aided design editors.

            • LeoCAD CAD program for creating virtual LEGO models. It has an easy to use interface and currently includes over 10,000 different pieces created by the LDraw community.
            https://www.leocad.org/ || leocad

            3D printing

            See also RepRap.


            Slicers convert 3D models into a format supported by the 3D printer, usually this format is G-code.

            • SuperSlicer Community maintained improved fork of PrusaSlicer. Not brand specific. Open source.
            https://github.com/supermerill/SuperSlicer || superslicer
            • icesl Modelling software with integrated slicer. Not brand specific. Closed source.
            https://icesl.loria.fr/ || iceslAUR
              Control software

              Software for controlling 3D printers, usually over a cable or wireless.


              See also Wikipedia:Comparison of EDA software.

              Digital logic

              Digital logic software are mainly simple educational tools that intended for only designing and simulating logic circuits.

              • GTKWave Fully featured GTK-based wave viewer which reads LXT, LXT2, VZT, FST, and GHW files as well as standard Verilog VCD/EVCD files and allows their viewing.
              https://gtkwave.sourceforge.net/ || gtkwave

              Also see Wikipedia:Hardware description language.

              • Gowin EDA Edu IDE An IDE for Gowin's FGPA devices, including Sipeed Tang Nano and Sipeed Tang Nano 4K.
              http://www.gowinsemi.com.cn/faq.aspx || gowin-eda-edu-ideAUR
              https://www.xilinx.com/products/design-tools/ise-design-suite/ise-webpack.html || see Xilinx ISE WebPACK
              MCU IDE and programmers
              • AVRDUDE Download/upload/manipulate the ROM and EEPROM contents of AVR microcontrollers.
              https://www.nongnu.org/avrdude/ || avrdude
              Electronic circuit simulation and schematic capture editing
              • easy_spice Electronic circuit simulator. SPICE frontend, using gschem for schematics and ngspice as simulator.
              http://easy-spice.sourceforge.net || easy_spiceAUR
              • qucs-s Electronics circuit simulator that gives you the ability to set up a circuit with a GUI and simulate it. Fork of qucs that uses external, better, programs to do actual simulation.
              https://ra3xdh.github.io/ || qucs-sAUR
                Electronic design and schematic capture editing
                • KiCad Software suite for electronic design automation (EDA) that facilitates the design of schematics for electronic circuits and their conversion to PCB (printed circuit board).
                https://kicad.org/ || kicad


                  • SDR# The most popular SDR program.
                  https://airspy.com/ || sdrsharpAUR

                    Amateur radio

                    See the main article: Amateur radio#Software list.

                    See also Wikipedia:List of software-defined radios.

                    Simulation modeling

                    • AnyLogic AnyLogic is a cross-platform proprietary multimethod simulation modeling tool, which is also available for personal use.
                    https://www.anylogic.com/ || anylogic-pleAUR, anylogic-universityAUR, anylogic-professionalAUR

                    Artificial intelligence

                    See also Wikipedia:Comparison of deep learning software.

                    https://xneur.ru/ || xneur-devel-gitAUR, gxneurAUR


                    See also Wikipedia:Comparison_of_photogrammetry_software.

                    • AliceVision A software package.
                    https://alicevision.org/ || alice-vision
                    This article is issued from Archlinux. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.