
Questo è il punto di partenza per ogni riparazione del tuo MacBook Pro. Ti serve un cacciavite Pentalobe P5 per rimuovere il coperchio inferiore e accedere alle parti interne.

'''Per la tua sicurezza, scarica completamente la batteria del tuo MacBook Pro prima di iniziare questa procedura. Se accidentalmente perforata, una batteria agli ioni di litio carica può creare un incendio incontrollato e pericoloso.

    • Prima di iniziare, devi disabilitare l'Auto Boot del tuo Mac. Auto Boot accende il tuo Mac non appena apri il coperchio e può essere attivato accidentalmente in fase di smontaggio. Usa questa guida oppure segui le istruzioni abbreviate qui sotto per disabilitare l'Auto Boot. Questo comando potrebbe non funzionare su tutti i Mac.

    • Accendi il tuo Mac e apri Terminal.

    • Copia e incolla il seguente comando (oppure digitalo esattamente) in Terminal:

    • sudo nvram AutoBoot=%00

    • Premi [return]. Se richiesta, inserisci la tua password di amministratore e premi di nuovo [return]. Nota: il tuo tasto return può essere etichettato anche come ⏎ o "enter."

    • Ora puoi spegnere in sicurezza il tuo Mac e aprire la copertura inferiore senza accenderlo per sbaglio.

    • Quando la riparazione è terminata e il tuo Mac è stato riassemblato con successo, abilita nuovamente l'Auto Boot con il comando seguente:

    • sudo nvram AutoBoot=%03

    Is this step necessary? I can’t perform this step as I am attempting to repair water damage and need to remove logic board & most likely replace the battery.

    Macrepair SF -

    @mac_medic You definitely don’t want the power coming on while the board is wet. In your case, I think powering on the machine to disable Auto Boot would do more damage than it prevents. I agree, skip this step and be prepared to disconnect the battery quickly if the laptop automatically powers on. Good luck!

    Jeff Suovanen -

    Thats right! You don't want power running while working on your logic board.

    Dan -

    This did not work when running High Sierra.

    Kyle B -

    Tried this on a 2018 MBP 13” Touchbar (there’s no iFixit guide for this model yet). Need to replace a broken screen.

    Luckily I managed to connect to an external screen (Cmd-Down Brightness to switch displays) and enter above command. Seems to work, but there’s another problem with this model - it powers up as soon as any key is pressed……. ffs <gnashes teeth>

    Cool_Breeze -

    I unscrew the battery first and wrap electrical tape over the logic board battery connector before attempting any repairs to the board. Haven’t had any problems yet and I’ve worked on about 10 of these models already. Also when you open the bottom case use a suction cup at the bottom and pull up then run a plastic spudger along the edges to disconnect the clips. Also only use a plastic spudger on the board. Saw a youtube video from a repair shop and he did not disconnect the power and used all metal tools during the entire process of removing the board. His last step was to disconnect the battery terminal.

    Brian -

    Is this step necessary if my mac can turn on? Battery fully dead(

    Nursat b -

    BEFORE YOU START: The included torx head stripped off before I was done (and you might need an additional T4) so stop now and go buy a good one. Also they fail to warn you above to get some blue threadlocker ahead of time.

    Jason Sherron -

    This command did not work for me and I read that sometime in later 2020 Apple stopped this command from working…any ideas on a work around?

    Patrick Machacek -

    Not able to do that with damaged screen

    richardjgreen -

    If you have a damaged screen you can still use a converter from thunderbolt (USB 3) to HDMI and plug your Macbook Pro to your TV as monitor display. Just make sure to chose the right Source (HDMI IN) in your TV. I did it and to make it work I unplug and plug again in my Macbook and so I could disable the Auto boot

    Roberto Sanchez Bustos -

    Hi. This does not work on 2018 13” MacBook Pro with Touch Bar. I did exactly this to disable auto boot. But when I check by using nvram -p it says: auto-boot true. Am I doing something incorrectly? I did everything step by step. Copied and pasted the sudo command, pressed enter and then entered my password. I have Big Sur 11.1 installed. Is there any other way since I need to replace the screen. Thank you. Adrian

    Adrian Vizik -

    Hi everyone. This is also a little pointless if you can’t see anything on the screen, and you don’t have a display adapter to USB C to display it. I agree with Brian about removing the back and disconnecting the battery cable before you even think about opening the lid of the MacBook. Applying the insulation tape is also a handy little tip that just makes sure there is no way to discharge from either the board or battery.

    Roberto Enrieu -

    running `nvram -p | grep 'AutoBoot'` in terminal verifies that it was accepted

    result: `AutoBoot %00`

    Marek Polák -

    Running Big Sur 11.6.7 on a 2019 16" MBP, it's "auto-boot". So it's: nvram -p | grep 'auto-boot' to display the current state, the default is true - and then to change it, sudo nvram auto-boot=false which turns it off.

    Ed Mechem -

    This step is completely unnecessary if you follow the guide to disconnect the battery properly. Just put some tape between the battery and logic board connection to prevent it from accidentally touching and therefore powering on the laptop.

    Grant Ormsby -

    It took me a few tries to make this command work, as I was able to copy and paste the command into Terminal, but could not type in my laptop’s password. I finally typed my password into a text document, copied it (command C), and then pasted it into Terminal and it worked.

    tommy404 -

    I didn’t do this. Mine never auto-booted before I replaced the battery. Now it does.

    hatuxka -


    I-fixit sent me a bad battery, which I didn’t realize until it was already install. They sent me a new one, but I wasted hours uninstalling and reinstalled.

    Get a volt meter and measure the voltage on the output of the battery pack. If it reads 0 V, SEND IT BACK. It should read over 2 V.

    bcardanha -

    I've just received my replacement battery and it reads 0,042V between the two main connectors. Do you think it's dead?

    peter sussex -

    When I did this from within Recovery Mode, the “sudo” was not recognized but I could invoke it without the sudo part. It seems to have been accepted when looking at “nvram -p”

    johann beda -

    When in Recovery Mode, you already have superuser powers. So you don't need to prefix commands with the sudo command to invoke them with root privileges; you already have them. Do a pwd (print working directory) after opening Terminal in Recovery Mode, and you'll see that you're in the root user's directory.

    Ed Mechem -

    I received the battery kit for my 2018 MacBook Pro and as per the above comment from bcardanha - Oct 12, 2021, I checked the voltage on the pads marked + and - . It was zero volts so I panicked a bit.

    I sent a message on the iFixiT Facebook page and I got no reply. I finally found the customer service email for Ifixit Europe and sent them an email voicing my concern as I was not keen to work for couple of hours just to discover that the battery is faulty. I had an almost instant reply on the email (kudos to them) and they adviced me to go ahead and install the new battery as the voltage measured when battery is not connected is not relevant.

    I took a leap of faith and after two hours… the new battery showed 50% charge and everything seems to be working just fine. I am happy it worked.

    Mircea Comanici -

    After removing the old battery and installing the new battery I powered up the MBP before screwing the bottom on. I discovered the my keyboard would not function. It took a few hours of investigation and frustration that I discovered the track pad power ribbon had become partially dislodged from the trackpad. I was able to see that this through the little machined slot where the battery sat. I had to remove the trackpad to reinsert the power ribbon back into the connector in the trackpad. after reassembling and reinstalling the battery etc the keyboard worked. Just food for thought if your run into the keyboard issue.

    Ed Mease -

    This should be the default. IMO I tell you to power on - not the lid.

    G Sena -

    Est ce que cela fonctionne sur un macbook pro 2017 sans touchbar ?

    maël muzelet -

    Bonjour Maël, oui, ce tutoriel concerne "les MacBook Pro 2016 (et plus récents) et les MacBook Retina 12" 2017 (et plus récents)"

    Claire Miesch -

    Excellent instructions. I was able to follow and install the new screen. I recommend that you get a good set of tools before you begin. I started with an inexpensive repair kit bought online. The Penta and torx bits failed. I bought an IFIXIT kit with quality bits and I was able to do everything I needed.

    Tom Markham -

    If you're not running an admin account the sudo command won't work (which honestly, you should not be running admin). Rather than logging in to your admin amount via the OS, in the terminal type "login [admin username]," then the password and you'll be able to do the sudo command as described above. Once you're complete, type "logout [admin username]" and you'll be good to go. Obviously replace [admin username] with whatever the account name for your admin user is.

    arichard2401 -

    For those unable to complete this step because the screen is too damaged I recommend leaving your macbook on until the battery dies.

    Nicholas R Licato -

    Just replaced my 2018 15" MBP battery. Running Sonoma.
    I found no way to disable AutoBoot (The status can be checked in the Power section of system report).

    Anyway, i left my battery completely drain before opening the MBP, and had no issues during the process.

    Cédric Bontems -

    After sending this command in terminal when I checked what happens if I now open the lid, instead the screen lit slightly up (still black) then a battery symbol showing the charging state showed up.

    Now, after replacement of the battery, this is all I get to see.

    No reset of NVRAM nor PRAM helped.

    Currently the new battery charges (58% atm) and it feels like it‘s mocking me.

    webrockers -

    I suspected the keyboard or TouchID sensor wouldn’t work, so I went on and checked every connector.

    I missed connecting the left TouchID sensor from step 31.

    webrockers -

    • Prima di smontare il tuo MacBook Pro, scarica la batteria sotto il 25%. Una batteria al litio-ioni carica può prendere fuoco e/o esplodere se viene forata accidentalmente.

    • Spegni e scollega dall'alimentazione il tuo MacBook Pro prima di iniziare.

    • Usa un cacciavite Pentalobe P5 per rimuovere le sei viti che fissano il coperchio inferiore:

    • Due viti da 6,2 mm

    • Due viti da 5,3 mm

    • Due viti da 3,4 mm

    • Nel corso di tutta la procedura, tieni traccia di ogni vite e accertati che ognuna di esse torni esattamente al suo posto pe rnon danneggiare il tuo dispositivo.

    Before any repair is carried out that involves removing the bottom case, the machines auto-boot function has be disabled. This can be disabled via the terminal command “sudo nvram AutoBoot=%00” once the repair has been completed the auto-boot function can be re-enabled via the vermin command “sudo nvram AutoBoot=%03”.

    Aaron Dalziel -

    I recommend that you have an organizer tray for all the small parts, and label it in advance with the numbered “step” associated with each removal of screws and other parts. It really helped me when I needed to put everything back in reverse order, after the new battery is glued in place.

    tommy404 -

    Finished the repair last week. Some key comments that helped me:

    - Step 12, Robert

    - Step 13, MikeG1

    - Step 13, Rick Jaffe (take a photo when disassembling)

    Also added some own comments on Steps 15, 18, 22

    Per Haglund -

  3. 2D2F4g6jfVQN5UFM
    • Applica una ventosa al coperchio inferiore vicino alla parte anteriore-centrale della MacBook Pro.

    • Solleva la ventosa per creare una piccola fessura tra il coperchio inferiore e lo chassis.

    To replace the bottom just line it up just like it came from the factory. Make sure it clears the display connectors. And press firmly down until the clips connect to the bottom again.

    olivia drinkwine -

  4. ELdcSRREMfOxcv6U
    • Inserisci l'angolo di uno strumento di apertura nello spazio tra il coperchio inferiore lo chassis.

    • Fai scorrere lo strumento di apertura lungo l'angolo più vicino e quindi fino alla metà della parte laterale del coperchio.

    • In questo modo si apre la prima delle clip nascoste che fissano il coperchio inferiore allo chassis. Dovresti percepire al tatto e udire lo scatto della clip che si apre.

  5. VZfGyDwUMCU2qBk5
    • Ripeti il passo precedente dal lato opposto, facendo scorrere il tuo strumento di apertura sotto il coperchio inferiore e fino a metà del lato per sbloccare la seconda clip.

    • Inserisci di nuovo il tuo strumento di apertura sotto il bordo anteriore del coperchio inferiore, vicino alla sede di una delle viti di fissaggio in posizione più centrale.

    • Imprimi allo strumento una torsione decisa per sbloccare la terza clip che fissa il coperchio inferiore allo chassis.

    • Ripeti questa procedura vicino all'altra vite in posizione centrale per far scattare anche la quarta clip.

    My 3rd and 4th clips released simultaneously with clip 1 and 2.

    Therefore I was looking to do something which had already been accomplished.

    David Hutzler -

    yeah be sure not to bend those clips by the display bottom. You pull towards yourself to get it off

    Grant Tyler -

  7. FKBXVGyU3kTdvPhQ
    • Tira con una certa decisione il coperchio inferiore verso la parte frontale del MacBook (allontanandolo dall'area delle cerniere) per separare l'ultima delle clip che tengono in posizione il coperchio stesso.

    • Può essere utile spingere prima da un lato e poi dall'altro.

    • Può essere necessaria molta forza.

    Difficult to explain clearly, but worked easily for me by gripping the adjacent bottom and top corners then pulling in opposite directions, rather than trying to grip the hinge corner which is too narrow to afford a strong grip.

    Andrew Gordon -

    This helped me. It needed more force than what I expected. Basically grab the corner with 6.2mm screw with one hand and the cover of that same corner with the other. Then pull the cover and push the laptop. Careful, it pops off with force!

    Javier De la Garza -

    I initially tried shifting the whole panel off the front after using the separating tool to make some space at the back where the hinges are. I only had luck when I pushed the panel back to it’s normal state and using the separating tool again to open the front, then getting my fingers underneath the slide it off the front was easy. I guess the lesson is to not use the separating tool to “push from the back“.

    Josh Brown -

    This step really through me through a loop. My last two MBP were a 2011 and 2013 and on those the bottom just lifted off when you removed the screws. The clips and this sliding lock design added in the 2017 model was frustrating the first time. I was following a youtube video first and he did not explain the sliding part at all. I should have come here first, this guide explains it pretty well. The second time I opened my 2017, I kept an “opening pick” between the bottom panel and the body on each side, and used my two smallest screwdrivers as levers in both “front” corner screw holes. Used the same method without the picks to put it back together at the end. Wayyy easier that trying to grip the panel or laptop body. Just make sure the screwdrivers/pins that you’re using as levers are small enough to be loose in the screw holes and have room to move

    Jambu Atchison -

    I used a pick underneath one of the back corners and nudge it (push down and towards the front - to get it off the hinge). This will make it easier to do the same for the other corner. The lower case will move off the middle plastic L-clips (which you will see after you inspect it.) Cheers! =)

    LSD -

    I have found that your iFixit blue pry tool is excellent at giving me leverage to slide the bottom case forward to release it from the internal clips.

    themacdoctor -

    the panel is sharp on the edges, sharp enough for you to cut yourself when pulling on it. i learned the hard way, just make sure your fingers are in a good spot before pulling

    Micah P -

  8. tFYjRm6fPkjordk2
    • Rimuovi il coperchio inferiore.

    I used the green prying tool in the air gap at the rear to nudge the bottom forward.

    That is far easier and more reliable.

    David Hutzler -

    David. I agree. I've found the blue iFixit prying tool most helpful. I place it with the curve of the tool around the hinge and move the bottom case towards the front to release it from the slide-in clips. I consider myself to have pretty good grip strength but I have had some bottom cases that just wouldn't budge until I used this method. Scott The Mac Doctor 

    themacdoctor -

    Like Dave and "themacdoctor" said, this job is MUCH easier if you use a spudger or similar tool to gently push the cover away from the air gap, at the rear of the laptop. Once you do this, you've loosened clips that are on the inside of the bottom case. This is much easier than tugging on the case itself.

    ECJohansen -


Per riassemblare il dispositivo, segui i passaggi precedenti in ordine inverso.

Porta i tuoi rifiuti elettronici a un riciclatore certificato R2 o e-Stewards.

La riparazione non è andata come previsto? Consulta il nostro Forum Risposte per la risoluzione dei problemi.

Jeff Suovanen

Membro da: 06/08/13

426759 Reputazione

Un commento

Une ventouse de fixation de crochet sur carrelage,

permet de soulever le fond du macBP.

M. Can -