
Segui questa guida per sostituire il gruppo dello schermo Retina del tuo MacBook Retina del 2015.

Per evitare di danneggiare la scheda madre, quando hai completato la riparazione del tuo MacBook, ma prima di accenderlo, collegalo ad un alimentatore a bassa tensione usando un caricatore per iPhone da 5 W e un cavo da USB-A a USB-C. Questi accessori non sono inclusi con il tuo MacBook, quindi assicurati di averli prima di iniziare.

  1. WTpjAPhBML2eX4Z1
    • Prima di iniziare, stacca dalla corrente e spegni il tuo MacBook. Chiudi lo schermo e giralo a testa in giù.

    • Svita le seguenti otto viti che tengono ferma la copertura inferiore:

    • Due viti Pentalobe P5 da 1,8 mm

    • Quattro viti Pentalobe P5 da 2,9 mm

    • Due viti Pentalobe P5 da 6,1 mm

    • Ricordati la posizione delle viti mentre le rimuovi: devono essere riavvitate ad un leggero angolo.

    • Durante la riparazione, tieni traccia di ogni vite e assicurati di riavvitarle nella posizione originale per evitare di danneggiare il tuo dispositivo.

    If, like me, you didn’t have a P5 Pentalope screwdriver but did have one that fits an iPhone.

    You can sand down the tip until it’s the right size.

    Stuart -

    Thank you Stuart! I would never have thought of this and it worked perfectly.

    R McP -


    where do I plug the USB-C to USB-A cable on MacBook MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015)

    I can’t any port suitable for USB-c !??

    sissi -

    My MacBook had P4 pentalobe screws, notP5

    Greg Lavardera -

    Big thanks to Jeff for such thorough and detailed instructions. This is definitely a more advanced repair so if you're not comfortable with making such repairs, like having experience working on iPhones, computers, etc., you might think twice before attempting. It's very helpful to read all the instructions thoroughly before starting. Plan on 3 to 4 hours—the battery removal along with its adhesive is a real $@$*-show, but totally doable if you followed Jeff's recommendations.

    I'll post a few tips in the comments on each step that I think is worth noting but I will mention here one of the trickier steps. ZIF connectors on the flat cables can be a little tricky, especially if you have never done these. Before attempting to do the first one (step 8) review the others in steps 16, 20, and 25. You'll get a better sense of how these little retaining flaps flip up and what they actually look like when you study each photo in each step—they are very tiny and fragile.

    Steven Gibson -

    Just finished replacing the battery. I followed the directions that came with the battery instead of this guide. In short, Steps 15 to 35 are not necessary. You don't have to completely disassemble the laptop to replace the battery.

    Andrew Mohan -

    Thanks. I skipped it too and it worked.. It was a painstaking to remove the two side batteries as the cables were connected. But a little patience gets the job done. I did however remove the audio jack connector but from the audio board. Removed the display connector and the usb-c bracket to get the bottom case free.

    Paras Tolani -


    David Nagle -

  2. oFRbloAsCqR4kMZO
    • Infila le dita tra la copertura inferiore e quella superiore, iniziando dal retro del MacBook, tra le cerniere.

    • Solleva solo leggermente la copertura inferiore per evitare di danneggiare i cavi che collegano la copertura inferiore a quella superiore.

    • Tenendo una presa salda, solleva costantemente la copertura inferiore finché non si separa leggermente da quella superiore.

    • Potresti sentire molta resistenza mentre sollevi la copertura inferiore. Se necessario, infila un plettro o un altro strumento per fare leva anti ESD lungo i lati della copertura inferiore per rilasciare i due ganci di bloccaggio nascosti.

    • Durante il rimontaggio, per riagganciare i ganci, premi con decisione vicino a entrambi i lati della copertura inferiore (vicino a dove è infilato il plettro nella terza immagine) Finché non senti i ganci scattare in posizione.

  3. WhfqVDXiYnDGnLgT
    • Mentre tieni ferma la copertura inferiore, gira attentamente il MacBook in modo che il logo Apple sia rivolto verso l'alto.

  4. MKqpe3xqSy2LdV36
    • Solleva insieme la copertura superiore e lo schermo dal bordo anteriore ad un angolo di circa 45°.

    • Potrebbe essere utile bloccare il MacBook in questa posizione per il prossimo passaggio.

    This step at the suggested height tears the ribbon cable. do step 7 first. carefully

    Kiernan -

    If you carefully open the display all the way and then lift the upper case, you can let the display rest on your flat working surface. The upper case will be held in place at an appropriate angle by the display hinge.

    Mike C -

    It's a two-spooger-job.


    Elixir2 -

  5. EhZji2KUBnRgJuel
    • Usa la parte piatta di uno spudger per tenere premuto il tasto dorato " battery disconnect".

    • Se il LED di alimentazione è acceso, continua a tenere premuto il tasto finché il LED si spegne, quindi rilascialo. Questo può richiedere fino a 10 secondi.

    • Se il LED non si accende, rilascia il tasto dopo 5-10 secondi. Premilo ancora per 5-10 secondi, quindi rilascialo. Infine, premilo ancora per 5-10 secondi e rilascialo.

    • Questo passaggio garantisce che il MacBook sia completamente spento e sicuro per lavorarci.

    Wow okay could someone explain why this is necessary? What happens if you skip this step and simply undo the screw to disconnect the power?

    EB Computers -

    Removing the screw does not disconnect the power—power comes from the battery terminals contacting the underside of the logic board, and they’re tricky to separate reliably at this stage of disassembly. This step is the safest and easiest way to kill power; don’t skip it.

    Jeff Suovanen -

    What if I can’t get my LED to power on when reassembling the machine?

    greg2b -

    Update: Realized my USB-C connector (Step 14) wasn’t properly seated.

    greg2b -

    Hi what will happen if i skip this step, coz i did tried to power down the battery by pressing small gold button, but no avail. the LED light still there even after more than 5 times press (5-10secs or more) each press.

    Dimitri Zaborski -

    Did you learn the answer to your question? I'm having the same issue -- I keep pressing the gold button but the battery light stays on.

    R McP -

    Mi laptop doesn’t turn it on doing that ):

    alexisaguinagam26 -

    • Chiudi il MacBook e giralo attentamente a testa in giù.

  7. 2GYsPBbAwkEqs2xq
    • Solleva il bordo anteriore della copertura inferiore ad un angolo di circa 45°.

    • Stai attento a non danneggiare i cavi a nastro che ancora collegano la copertura inferiore al MacBook.

    Before the IPD flex cable can be removed the battery disconnect button has be held down for up to 10 seconds. If the LED near the battery connector is switched on it shows that there is power going through the logic board from the battery, once the button is pressed and this light goes off the machine is safe to be worked on.

    Aaron Dalziel -

  8. lGBQcICtFaslxUHu
    • Usa delle pinzette per rimuovere il nastro nero che copre il connettore ZIF del cavo del trackpad.

    Only peel back the first half of the tape covering the trackpad cable ZIF connector—do not completely remove.

    Steven Gibson -

    Gently - lift tape while wiggling cable side to side. Be sure tape is released, but do not remove completely

    David Nagle -

  9. iImRKXAcEWwgyePw
    • Usa uno spudger per ruotare attentamente verso l'alto l'aletta di bloccaggio sul connettore ZIF del cavo del trackpad.

    This is very tricky indeed - at least on my computer. I failed at this point - having skipped to it as sugested above so as not to stress the ribbons on the other side. The ZIF was not as I expected. They had opened when I pulled up the stick cover and I found I was working on the socket itself. The top edge came adrift after almost no pressure being put on it. The ribon did not come free with gentle pulling though. At that point I put the back on again… waited until the battery recharged a bit and found I had not nroken it after all. I doubt I shall try again. It is much harder to replace than the 15 inch - much…

    Simon Anthony -

    I’ve just found that I have broken it after all. No keyboard. Bluetooth still works so I can use the machine.

    All in all, an expensive mistake. BTW - I did NOT get the kit from IFIXIT - not sold here.

    Simon Anthony -

    I found “Recognizing & Disconnecting Cable Connectors”

    Riconoscimento e scollegamento dei connettori dei cavi

    useful, esp. for someone who has not used ZIF connectors and retaining flaps before. There are several retaining flaps that need to be opened. The first time is tricky as you need a sense of how much force to apply. I used the flat end of the provided spudger. Apply progressively firmer upward pressure until the retaining flap pops open. The first time is tricky, but straightforward thereafter.

    Ki Park -

    Mouse back and forth between the two right-side thumbnail photos and you will get a little animation feel showing how these ZIF connectors operate—it's very helpful. Apply light but consistent pressure to pop them up. Helps to go side to side if they're a little stubborn.

    Steven Gibson -

    this is a great tip Steve!

    Eric -

  10. WeOX4JZDcQrqklNd
    • Scollega il cavo a nastro del trackpad dal trackpad stesso tirandolo delicatamente attraverso la sua fessura nella cornice.

    it would be nice to have a specific picture of the cable and contacts and how it is oriented in the ZIF connector. This isn't clear in any of these photos or text.

    My trackpad cable snapped so had to replace it and none of the replacement cables have the tape which is on the smaller end to the trackpad. The other end is fairly easy to figure out but the trackpad end isn't as the cable makes a 180 degree turn inside the case (poor design).

    Marc -

  11. iLYAVQ2N3yLQFkvC
    • Ruota attentamente il MacBook in modo che la copertura inferiore sia appoggiata al piano.

    • Ruota la copertura superiore/gruppo dello schermo ad un angolo di circa 90° e appoggialo contro qualcosa di robusto in modo da non doverlo tenere.

    • Aggiungi un pezzo di nastro adesivo vicino al trackpad per fissarlo alla copertura superiore ed evitare dei movimenti accidentali.

    • È possibile aprire il MacBook del tutto e appoggiare entrambe le parti sul piano di lavoro, ma questo potrebbe danneggiare i cavi a nastro e non è raccomandato.

    You can open the laptop screen all the way open with it flat in the table (screen facing up) and the keyboard should stay up.

    xavierviveros -

  12. AMWf6WIendtSbCD4
    • Svita la vite Torx T5 da 2,9 mm che fissa il connettore della batteria alla scheda madre.

    • I modelli del 2015 hanno un gancio di messa a terra argento con due pad in schiuma sotto questa vite, che può cadere. Assicurati di reinstallarla durante il rimontaggio.

    the moment you opening macbook case and before any tinkering with connections, you MUST press little yellow button on logicboard, located on the right from battery connector - this will disable all power to the board. You can check by looking at the small led on left side of the battery connector - if there is very faint light, it means that power is still there. After pressing button light should go off. Removing screw is not necessary at all, and like I said - you MUST disable power before any touching to connections etc.

    DigiHead -

    Where it says

    “2015 models have a silver grounding clip with two foam pads directly under this screw“

    I have a 2015 MacBook & the grounding clip is not there!

    I’m using this guide to investigate why there are lines on screen or darker screen at certain angles of opening it. Also a background ghosting effect on screen too.

    No obvious damage or loose connectors so wondered if the lack of grounding clip can cause these symptoms?

    Anybody out there know?

    nijafe -

    Either buy the clip and check, or replace the screen (or LB), but the macbook would more likely not start if there is a missing grounded connection, depending on what is being grounded.

    Sean -

  13. pTJmavEfBv2DXgVU
    • Come precauzione aggiuntiva, puoi scollegare fisicamente la batteria infilando un blocco per batterie tra la scheda madre e il connettore della batteria.

    I HAD TO DO THIS TWICE. After replacing the battery while following this guide to a 'T', the battery was not being recognized by the logic board. Strangely, with the power unplugged it would still light up the screen and tell me the battery was at a critical level, but it would not boot. Resetting the SMC had no effect. I thought I killed my computer or got a bad battery, so as a last ditch effort I re-opened the case, pressed the battery disconnect button, removed the screw and inserted the battery separation tool again to Physically Disconnect the battery from the mainboard. After about 5 minutes I then removed the tool and reassembled everything, plugged in via 5v iphone charger and USBA-C cable again and LO, the battery is now reporting correctly, charging correctly and allowing me to boot on its power .

    Neil Schultz -

  14. NxUtySGy3uWmfBTN
    • Svita le due viti che tengono ferma la copertura del cavo della porta USB-C.

    • Una vite Tri-Point Y00 da 1,1 mm

    • Alcune varianti di questo modello potrebbero usare una vite a croce Phillips #00.

    • Una vite Torx T5 da 3,5 mm

    This was oddly the hardest part. That Tri-Point screw just wouldn’t budge! I had to sand the end of the only Tri-point screwdriver I had in the end to get it to fit.

    Stuart -

    Be sure to get the metal plate under the chip near where the PT5 screw is before tightening

    abscate -

    I should have read the comments before using the provided 1.1 mm Tri-point Y00 bit. I almost stripped the screw but was able to use a small flat head bit to open the screw.

    Ifixit: you may want to update this part in the instructions. Not everyone reads the comment section, esp. when it comes to specification of bits which is basic and must be accurate. This is one of the more critical ones in the procedure that can easily go south. The rest of the instructions are excellent.

    Ki Park -

    early 2015 model here. I’ve used a Y1.5 with cautiously applied down force.

    beaudry.ian -

    My 2015 had a 2.5mm Y screw not a Y000.

    Michael Bonney -

    Adding to the helpful comments above, on replacing the 1.1mm tripoint screw, I found the the magnetism of the nearby speaker coil overcame that of the driver and would draw the screw away or the combo of forces would fling it out of the work area! After fiddling with it for too long, I used some of the battery adhesive removed earlier to attached the screw to the driver. Wax would probably work better if I’d had some.

    jefflyons -

    I used the PH00 head to unscrew what they call the “1.1 mm Tri-point Y00 screw”, NOT the Y00 head, and it unscrewed perfectly fine.

    Grace Escamilla -

    Agreed, my screw was a PH00.

    stephen delaney -

    I have an early 2015 MacBook and it was a PH00 head I needed to use.

    Sean Stein -

  15. aPJDUSEVa24G5wDu
    • Usa la parte piatta di uno spudger per scollegare la copertura del cavo della porta USB-C tirandola verso l'alto dalla scheda madre.

    • Per ricollegare il cavo, prima allinea la copertura in metallo con i fori delle viti, quindi premila sul centro. Assicurati che sia allineata correttamente, o potresti danneggiare il connettore.

    Emphasis on aligning the bracket correctly. What the pictures do not show is that underneath the flat part of the metal bracket (the area between the two screw holes) is a connector that needs to be accurately aligned. Aligning the two screw holes does not imply that the connector is seated correctly.

    After I re-assembled my 2015 MacBook power would not come on. I thought I had damaged the logic board despite being careful and following instructions. Diagnosing the problem took a while. Retracing the steps and focusing on power supply I was able to determine that the metal flap which hides the connector underneath had not made proper contact.

    What I did was to use a finger to get a tactile feel for the connector underneath the metal bracket aligning properly and then press down vertically when it seemed to be aligned. It’s a subtle tactile feel. After re-doing this step, I got power back. Be careful not to damage the connector as noted in the instructions.

    Ki Park -

    Good tip. It’s so easy to damage these fragile connectors by forcing the plug in and reattaching the mounting plate screws

    Peter Newman -

  16. cnkkpqnImOJBKvGP
    • Usa uno spudger per ruotare verso l'alto l'aletta di bloccaggio sul Connettore ZIF del cavo della scheda della presa jack.

  17. gWObarmSQqX4gWjO
    • Scollega il cavo a nastro della scheda della presa jack sfilandolo parallelamente al connettore ZIF.

    • Durante il rimontaggio, posiziona il cavo in modo che il lato con la striscia bianca sia rivolto verso di te, come mostrato.

    hey my macbook do not have sound after replacing the topcase, i did connect everything like here you did, also I did the reset of PR and NVRAM. What Can I check more? simply when I open the OS, there is no audio device at all

    dkflu -

    The audio jack cable is a bit of a pain to reinsert. I found if I turned the screen and the bottom on its side, like an open book, I had much better orientation and it was much easier to insert.

    Steven Gibson -

    Excellent guide and all works like a sharm, but was one issue. After full assemble there wasn't sound. Then I open Macbook again and disconnect and connect audio cable. You must insert cable so, that white stripe will not visible. And sound reveal!

    Pzs Serv -

    This helped me, thanks!

    Egbert Kappert -

    • Usa delle pinzette per rimuovere il nastro nero che copre il connettore del cavo dello schermo.

  19. FsBPT1dfUmOMtEDR
    • È possibile che l'aletta di bloccaggio in metallo si apra, restando incollata al nastro.

    • Se succede, usa la parte piatta di uno spudger per tenere ferma l'aletta di bloccaggio mentre rimuovi il nastro con le pinzette.

    I'm in trouble, pulling the tape I took off the flap, what can I do?

    Alberto Raso -

    • Usa la parte piatta di uno spudger per ruotare verso l'alto l'aletta di bloccaggio sul connettore del cavo dello schermo.

    • Cerca di tenerla lontana dal nastro, o potrebbe richiudersi e rendere difficile la rimozione del cavo.

  21. ZRLuwdSOgysqUIZa
    • Fai scorrere attentamente la parte piatta di uno spudger sotto il cavo dello schermo per separarlo dall'adesivo che lo fissa alla copertura inferiore.

    • Stai attento a non danneggiare il cavo. Se non si separa facilmente, scalda il cavo e/o la copertura sotto il cavo con un asciugacapelli o un iOpener per ammorbidire l'adesivo, quindi riprova.

  22. aPihB1CyJim4IF4c
    • Scollega il cavo dello schermo sfilandolo delicatamente dalla sua presa.

    • Chiudi immediatamente l'aletta di bloccaggio.

    • L'aletta deve restare chiusa quando reinfili il cavo durante il rimontaggio. Allinea attentamente il cavo con i contatti dorati rivolti verso il basso ed infilalo delicatamente nel connettore. Stai attento a non pinzare o danneggiare il cavo. Quando inserito completamente, le rientranze sui lati non non dovrebbero essere visibili.

    A step was skipped. You have to flip up the metal locking tab on the socket before the cable can be removed. See the photo.

    Vin Coniglione -

    And be careful when re-inserting the connector. One end of the two indentations got a little bent (I did not notice) which resulted in a black screen when powering up. I used a heat gun (low setting) to separate the cable from the labtop housing. When re-assembling, first insert the connector (after closing the metal flap as instructed), verify that it’s properly seated, then re-attach the rest of the cable to the laptop housing. In the first try, I first re-attached the cable to the housing, then tried to insert the cable connected into the metal socket. Because of a lack of slack, the cable connector at one end got bent slightly. After identifying the problem, I had to straighten it/unbend out using my fingers. Hence it is easier to insert the connector first, then attach the rest of the cable to the laptop housing.

    Ki Park -

    Black screen upon reboot:

    Inserting the display ribbon cable into it’s contact without closing the metal flap before reassembly will result in a black screen.

    Charlene Lizut -

    I live in a colder climate (and it's winter now) - a hair dryer was absolutely necessary to get this cable loose.

    David Nagle -

    OK, when I read those directions, I did it wrong. I followed the instructions and kept the flap closed when the cable was reinserted during reassembly. Of course I got a blank screen. It should read the flap must be closed AFTER the cable is reinserted during reassembly.

    Eric -

  23. IIqsgKYEokgwdVfo
    • Separa la copertura superiore dal gruppo della copertura inferiore.

  24. VTELnXOdlyBvjHHl
    • Usa uno spudger per ruotare verso l'alto l'aletta di bloccaggio sul connettore ZIF del cavo a nastro del gruppo del doppio microfono.

    Does unplugging the "dual microphone assembly ribbon cable" affect anything other than the microphones? The headphone jack is separate, for example, right?

    wizfish mcfrabblegabben -

    Right. We haven't tested it, but unplugging that cable shouldn't affect anything other than the microphones. You can see the microphone assembly in this guide.

    Jeff Suovanen -

  25. PNEqDCZDlBTbTDt1
    • Usa un paio di pinzette per sfilare il cavo a nastro del gruppo del microfono dalla sua presa.

    I broke the microphone assembly ribbon cable, from step twenty five. Is there anyway to fix this, soldering kit, or can I order a new cable online?

    Read Fuller -

  26. 2TJCpEaewiUiu56i
    • Svita le due viti Torx T5 da 3,2 mm che fissano la scheda della presa jack alla copertura.

  27. BDB2rWtEJ3hXB3Vr
    • Rimuovi la scheda della presa jack.

    On your way back during reassembly, as long as you are VERY careful with the ribbon once you do it, it is easier to reattach the ribbon in the connector before reseating the audio jack board.

    lauren -

  28. nfuW2MjSFyGWExaI
    • Svita le due viti Torx T5 da 3,3 mm che tengono fermo il cavo del gruppo dello schermo.

  29. RN3inVKbkIA5aGW1
    • Svita la vite a croce Phillips #00 da 4,3 mm che tiene fermo il cavo a nastro della porta USB-C.

  30. TFfx6T3PFOVUCb4L
    • Dispiega il cavo a nastro della porta USB-C per avere accesso al supporto del connettore sottostante.

    my a1534 had slightly different connector 821-00828-A an it had two torx screws attaching it

    Maria Belova -

  31. XBUmZSroySVTyR2F
    • Solleva e rimuovi la copertura in metallo che tiene fermo il connettore del cavo della porta USB-C.

    • Durante il rimontaggio, assicurati che l'aletta in metallo sulla scheda della porta USB-C si infili nella fessura della copertura in metallo.

  32. ZdtlNDi1Z1r313uI
    • Usa uno spudger per scollegare il cavo a nastro della porta USB-C facendo leva sul suo connettore per tirarlo verso l'alto.

    • Fai leva dal lato più vicino al bordo posteriore del MacBook.

    • Rimuovi il cavo a nastro.

  33. bNGSQXhPBwAw6T24
    • Apri completamente lo schermo.

    • Appoggia il MacBook sul suo lato destro con lo schermo rivolto lontano da te, come mostrato.

  34. 5jdcYBZIkasCOjHP
    • Svita le quattro viti Torx T8 da 4,8 mm che tengono ferme le cerniere dello schermo.

    On an early 2015 model, I found the T9 Torx bit to be too tight a fit in the hinge screw heads. Almost to the point where one screw head got slightly damaged as the bit slipped when turning as it hadn’t gone in far enough. This is the T9 bit that came with the iFixIt 64 bit driver kit.

    So I used the T8 bit instead and managed to loosen the other screws much more easily. It’s a slightly looser fit but it goes in further and didn’t slip even though the screws on this particular machine were very very tightly screwed in.

    Cool_Breeze -

    @cool_breeze I think you’re right and this is probably a mistake in the guide. Apple commonly uses T8 screws, T9 not so much. But it can be hard to tell for sure depending on which toolkit you happen to be using. I’ll update the text to say T8! Thanks for the heads-up.

    Jeff Suovanen -

  35. aAmVGcAwXwJHt3Sb
    • Tenendo il gruppo dello schermo con una mano e la copertura superiore con l'altra, spingili leggermente l'uno verso l'altra per togliere le cerniere dai loro alloggi nella copertura superiore.

    • Ci sono solo pochi millimetri di gioco tra le cerniere e la copertura, quindi non dovrai spingere troppo.

    • Spingi la copertura superiore in avanti mentre tiri delicatamente indietro lo schermo.

    • Dopo che le due cerniere sono uscite dalla copertura superiore, rimuovi lo schermo e mettilo da parte.

    Furthermore once the repair is complete it's also standard procedure to use a 5Watt power adapter to charge the MacBook until a small chime is heard, at which point the standard adapter can be used

    Jamie H -

    How long does it take usually before you should hear the chime? Any way to test that the USB-C has been properly plugged backed in before reassembling everything?

    Pierre Renaux -

    When reassembling, remember that the keyboard goes UP against the display (erm erm.)

    bredelet -


Per rimontare il dispositivo, segui le istruzioni in ordine inverso. Per evitare di danneggiare la scheda madre, quando hai completato la riparazione del tuo MacBook, ma prima di accenderlo, collegalo ad un alimentatore a bassa tensione usando un caricatore per iPhone da 5 W e un cavo da USB-A a USB-C.

Geoff Wacker

Membro da: 30/09/13

89828 Reputazione

20 commenti

thank you: very good and clear guiding through

errico armandillo -

Is there a guide to replace the LCD without replacing the entire shell with housing? Replacements for the LCD only are alt cheaper than buying the entire thing.

MrNewbhero -

MrNewbhero - You probably can replace it without a full clamshell, however, be advised that the front glass acts as a part of the LCD and the layers underneath are just backlight pieces and so on. It's a very difficult job for a DIY

PC Service Center Oesterbro -

This repair is so nervewreaking. I suggest everyone to take your time and really make sure you're not rushing it, or you may break the connectors, as there's tape on everything almost breaking the connector when you remove the flex cable.

PC Service Center Oesterbro -

My screen bezel is tearing apart in pieces and got no damage, drop or else, since day 1 I use a UrbanArmor cover, how can I change it, I bought a replacement in eBay.

gerardjulien -

Is this valid for the 2016 model? Does the 2016 model use the same display assembly replacement?


David Bolet Alcaide -

The procedure is very similar on the 2016 model, with a few minor differences (screw types, etc). Some differences are documented here, but following this guide should get you 99% of the way there. I'm not sure whether the display itself is compatible/interchangeable between model years.

Jeff Suovanen -

Ive just done a screen replacement after my son spilled tea over it. The MacBook was still functioning, sound, booting up etc but the screen was dead. Ive just replaced the screen, all works fine, but now the trackpad and keyboard are not working/no power and the trackpad is getting very hot. Does the trackpad send power to the keyboard in this design as it seems like the only link to via a cable.

jaj_the_mad_cymro -

I changed the screen but now it won’t start anymore. Any ideas ?

François Deschepper -

I have a broken screen. If I remove the screen, will the MacBook default to external screen? Is it okay to power-up with the display disconnected?

fheald -

Is it possible to remove the aluminum back from the display? I have scratches on the top case of my macbook and I just want to remove the aluminum top case, because the display works just fine and I don’t want to spent this amount of money for a perfect working display.

Adriano -

There’s an alternate way to replace the display assembly shown in a YouTube video from a UK company. It's seemingly a lot less steps, easier, and much quicker. I followed it successfully, so I’m not sure why there is such a big difference between their procedure and this one…

jgregson00 -

I think you were lucky. In that video they do not disconnect the battery, they pry apart ZIF connectors with a screwdriver, they reconnect the TCON cable incorrectly, they skip the 5W charging procedure—all good ways to brick your device. Glad it worked out for you, but I would not recommend anyone follow that example.

Jeff Suovanen -

I did the repair and all works except the when i click the trackpad little harder the screen goes off and i press it again goes on. Is this the battery connector or any suggestions?

larsrissmann -

Hi, I did the tutorial and everything worked out except for one thing. My Macbook isn’t detecting when I close it and open it. I would like some help, does anyone know how to solve it?

Arthur Rezende de Faria -

I broke the microphone assembly ribbon cable, from step twenty five. Is there anyway to fix this, soldering kit, or can I order a new cable online?

Read Fuller -

Excellent guide, as always with I fix it. I always come to your site even for repairs I’m used to just for the screws refs/colors etc which are so convenient.

But now I’m not starting a repair without you since as years go by you keep adding really precious notes and info (I.e in this guide, to power the 2015 models with a phone charger first), which along with all the hi-res pictures makes you the apple products repair authority by far! THANK YOU!

Soulshakepower -

excellent explained! thanks. i. hav the problem that my webcam doesn’t work anymore. I don’t understand why. i’ve tried the Sudo killall in terminal the pram the nvram resets. but he doesn’t find my webcam. does someone know what the problem/damage is? thanks!

Emiel Leuregans -

Everything worked except that when I finished, I discovered that I had no sound and internal speakers does not appear as an option in the sound pane in System Preferences. So I assume I must have accidentally disconnected something but I am not see anything. Any clue what I missed and how to fix this?

quackerback -

Hi my screen had a column of about 3 cm wide that sometime come more dark than the rest of the display, near the center of the MacBook.

I saw that this column with some micro movement of the display sometime goes off. So I had assumed that the problem could be the flex cable that connect the display assembly to the logic board, it's possible or the problem is the lcd itself?

CharlieBrown -