
Collection of international, national, regional and local bicycle routes in Baltic States Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia and their neighborhood (Poland, Russia, Finland). The routes are orientated to "cycleability now": They avoid most crowded roads as well as bad quality surface roads. Thus both - gravel roads and small parts of cycling along heavy traffic routes - stay inevitable and just can be minimalised. Opposite to the National routes the long-distance routes connect main points of interest and do not stop at the national border. The routes are a temporary network until the national and international signing of all routes will be implemented (at the moment only Lithuanian coast and Estonia).


Latvian Bicycle Routes IDs[1]
Vidzeme Latgale Kuzeme Zemgale
International routes

(EuroVelo, Euroroute R1)

network=icn EV{ID}, R1
National routes network=ncn 1-9
Regional routes

(at least 150km long)

network=rcn 10-32 33-54 55-76 77-99
Local routes network=lcn 100-324 325-550 551-775 776-999

a) long-distance routes are build by relations. There are cross-country or international.

Tag Comment
network=ncnfor the long distance routes, see below
ref=numbersee below

Long-distance routes

Route (ref) Title from ... to ... (region) Remarks Relation Link
LT1Warsaw-VilniusKapčiamiestis-Vilnius (Dzūkija region)planned EuroVelo No. 11 EV11 232048Info / Route description on
in Lithuania
LT5Seaside cycle routeNida-Klaipėda-Butingė (3 routes at the Lithuanian Sea Coast),Signed as (EuroVelo) Nr. 10 EV10 plus one extra route 269905 Eurovelo 10  63584Info / Route description on
LT2Nieman Cycle Trail / Memelradweg plus Vilnius-KaunasVilnius-Kaunas-Šilutė-Klaipėdasome variations 232049Info / Route description on
LT4Suvalkija Cycle Circuit2 circuits: one in Poland, one in Lithuania (Suvalkija region) 305420Info / Route description on
LT3The Baltic lakeland routeRiga-Latvian border (Aukštaitija region) 232057Info / Route description on
LV3The Baltic lakeland-routeLithuanian border-Riga (Latgale region)Latvian part, two variations in Latvia 269985Info / Route description on
LV1The Castles' routeRiga-Klaipėda (Kurzeme region)to the main route (proposed EuroVelo 10) there are some extra routes added, not signed 270194Info / Route description on
LV2The National Park RouteRiga-Tallinn (Vidzeme region)two versions: close to the Baltic sea coast or to the East (Gauja National Park) 270230Info / Route description on
EE1 (ncn ref "1")The coast and islands' routeRiga-Tallinn National Route Nr. 1EuroVelo No. 10 EV10, Iron Curtain Trail 122848Info / Route description on
EE3 (ncn ref "3")Routes of the Forests and LakesRiga-Tallinn National Route Nr. 3EuroVelo No. 11 EV11 270428Info / Route description on
EE4 (ncn ref "3")National Route Nr. 4Euro-Cycle route R1 270860Info / Route description on

Regional and local routes

Tag Comment
network=rcnRegional routes: In Latvia usually by Regional tourism associations, in Lithuania: by the districts (Apskirtis)
network=lcnlocal routes: operated by municipalities, forestries or nature protected areas (National park et al.)
ref=numberaccording to local numeration
operator=usually regional tourism agencies or local municipalities

List of local and regional routes

details will follow

Nr Region from ... to ... (region) Remarks Relation Link
LT1Dzūkija regionSouth of VilniusRelation not defined yet
LT3Aukštaitija regionNorth of VilniusRelation not defined yet
LT4Suvalkija regionSouthwest LithuaniaRelation not defined yet
LT5Western Lithuania / ŽemaitijaCoast and East of KlaipėdaRelation not defined yet
LV1Kurzeme regionWest of RigaRelation not defined yet
LV1bZemgale regionSouth of RigaRelation not defined yet
LV2Vidzeme regionNorth East of RigaRelation not defined yet
LV3Latgale regionSouth East of RigaRelation not defined yet
EE1Western EstoniaWest of TallinnRelation not defined yet
EE3Eastern EstoniaSouth East of TallinnRelation not defined yet

to do list

inserting the main routes - untill August 2009 - ok!

inserting the "Suvalkija Cycle Circuit" as LT4 - 2009-10-29 - ok!

-- correction of errors - November 2009

Route LT3 Vilnius- Latvian Border corrected 2009-10-31

Route LT2 Vilnius-Kaunas Nordroute corrected 2009-10-31

inserting some local & regional routes - ?

The Estonian National Bicycle Route No. 4 from Valka to Tartu is completely available on OSM 2009-11-04

web page of the project

wiki on cycling in the Baltic States (in English, German and Lithuanian

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