
Welcome to the Chad mapping project!
This page describes activities of the Chad OSM community and the development of open-source cartography in this African country.

Chad, Africa
latitude: 15.626, longitude: 18.737
Browse map of Chad 15°37′33.60″ N, 18°44′13.20″ E
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Chad is a country in Africa at latitude 15°37′33.60″ North, longitude 18°44′13.20″ East.


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Geographical data for Chad

Access OSM data for Chad in various GIS formats throught the HOT Exports Tools - Chad.

Access OSM data for Africa in various GIS formats throught the Geofabrik Downloads.

Open Data published on Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX) about Chad.

Download the OSM map of Chad for your Garmin GPS. This map is updated every 24 hours.

HOT in Chad

HOT started its activities in Chad in October 2012, conducting a mapping project in Southern Chad (Goré), as part of the EUROSHA project together with ACRA and France Volontaires. The initial focus was on baseline mapping of Goré and surrounding refugee camps and villages. Lately the EUROSHA projet's activities expanded to other Chadien towns - Maro, Doba, Moundou, N'Djamena and Mongo. The field activities of HOT and of the EUROSHA volunteers were finished in April 2013.

The second mission of HOT in Chad is planned to start in September 2013, as part of the pilot project Espace OSM Francophone.

All these activities are meant to support the growth of a local OSM group in Chad and the growth of the OSM project Chad.


  • Mapping party with EUROSHA CHAD Project at ACRA (Goré) field surveys of central Goré 10-27-2012 and 11-17-2012
  • Mapping party with EUROSHA CHAD Project at World Food Program (Goré) field surveys of central Goré 10-30-2012 and 11-10-2012
  • Mapping party with EUROSHA CHAD Project at CARE (Goré) field surveys of central Goré 11-22-2012 and field surveys of Amboko and Gondjé camps and outskirts 12-14-2012
  • Mapping party with EUROSHA CHAD Project at Moundou University [field surveys of the campus and central Moundou] 01-16-2013
  • Mapping party with EUROSHA CHAD Project at ISFOP with Association pour le Développement du Logiciel Libre (ADIL) and the High Technology Centre (N'Djaména) field surveys of Sabangali district in N'Djaména 01-30-2013, 02-01-2013 and 02-02-2013
  • Mapping party with EUROSHA CHAD Project at Goré's Police Station with various local authorities (Goré) [field surveys of central Goré] 02-07-2013
  • Mapping party with EUROSHA CHAD Project at ACRA (Maro) with its various partners [field surveys in the base] 02-07-2013
  • Mapping party with EUROSHA CHAD Project at Doba University (Doba) [field surveys of the campus] 02-08-2013
  • Mapping party with EUROSHA CHAD Project at Moundou's Municipality with staffs from the Municipality and local civil servants from the Ministry of Spatial Planning (Moundou) [field surveys in the base] 02-12-2013
  • Mapping party with EUROSHA CHAD Project at Centre National d'Appui à la Recherche with the main actors of Geomatic and Mapping scene in Chad (N'Djaména) field surveys in the base 02-14-2013, 02-15-2013 and 02-16-2013
  • Conference (Friday of Scientific Research) with EUROSHA CHAD Project at Centre Al Mouna “La Cartographie Libre sous OpenStreetMap” (N'Djaména) 02-15-2013
  • Mapping party with EUROSHA CHAD Project at France Volontaires Tchad (N'Djaména) [field surveys in the base] 02-18-2013
  • Mapping party with EUROSHA CHAD Project at Moundou University [field surveys of the campus] 02-27-2013
  • Mapping party with EUROSHA CHAD Project at the base of ACRA (Maro) with its partners 02-28-2013
  • Mapping party with EUROSHA CHAD Project at Centre National d'Appui à la Recherche with the students of N'Djaména University and the NGO Sahel (N'Djaména) field surveys in the base 03-07-2013, 03-08-2013 and 03-09-2013
  • Restitution of EUROSHA CHAD Project in the National Library (N'Djamena) 03-14-2013
  • The days of open-source with EUROSHA CHAD Project in the National Library (N'Djamena) 03-15-2013 and 03-16-2013
  • Restitution of EUROSHA CHAD Project at the base of ACRA (Goré) 03-20-2013
  • Mapping party with EUROSHA CHAD Project at World Food Program (Mongo) with ACRA and AURA partners 03-20-2013 and 03-21-2013
  • Mapping party with EUROSHA CHAD Project at Centre National d'Appui à la Recherche with the teachers of Abéché, Ati, Mongo and Sarh Universities(N'Djaména) field surveys in the base 03-26-2013 and 03-27-2013


If you have a goal that you are working towards or one that you would like to see get done then add it to the list here, create a section where it can be coordinated and tracked, and a way of measuring progress.

  • Place names. This item is especially important if you are located in Chad: remote mapping can do a lot, but finding local names is best done on the ground.
  • Street layout of major cities. Ndjamena, Goré are taking shape nicely, but other cities (Moundou, Doba, Maro) are barely getting started.
  • Adding street names and housenumbers in the larger cities, if they exist.
  • Completion of the network of major roads, including roads to neighboring countries.

Naming scheme

The official languages of Chad are Arabic and French.

Over hundred languages are spoken in Chad. The most spoken languages are Arabic, Sara, Ngambay, Zaghawa, Hausa, Kim, Moundang, Toupouri, Maba, Massalit, Amdang, Kenga, Barma, Tama, Sungor, Mararit.

Commonly used languages codes and their tags:

  • name=<Primary name> Most commonly used name by the local population and on-the-ground
  • name:ar=<Arabic name> Arabic
  • name:bmi=<Bagirmi name> Bagirmi
  • name:en=<English name> English (useful to make it easier for mappers and users, who don't speak one of the languages of Chad)
  • name:ha=<Hausa name> Hausa
  • name:fr=<French name> French
  • name:sba=<Sara name> Sara Ngambay
  • name:zag=<Zaghawa name> Zaghawa

See also Names, Key:name and Good practice.


  • Names.
    • Often no exact names exist, especially in smaller villages. Try to use the most common name. Alternative names can be added under alt_name; local pronounciations under loc_name.
    • Name tagging inconsistencies
  • Data quality
    • Errors and warnings in JOSM and Osmose
  • Quality check of the imported data from GNS

Where & what to Map

  • Maro and refugee camps with their surrounding villages
  • Harazé and refugee camp with their surrounding villages
  • Ndjamena
  • Moundou
  • Doba
  • Mongo

Tasking Manager

In the following table you can find the list of jobs that have been created in the HOT Tasking Manager in order to better coordinate the remote mapping activities for Chad. Feel free to participate in remote tracing of buildings, roads and areas.

Click here to check the list of all jobs for Chad in Tasking Manager

Place Tasking Manager Job Tasking Manager Progression Comments
N'Djamena EUROSHA Chad N'djamena job 1: mapping roads and buildings. 4% We need more mappers to continue in this job as well as to check the already existing data quality.
N'Djamena, Sabangali Eurosha Chad, N'Djamena, Sabangali, cartographie à distance 47% remote mapping of the neighborhood Sabangali in N'Djamena
N'Djamena, Sabangali Eurosha Chad, N'Djamena, Sabangali, travail sur le terrain 24% field mapping of the neighborhood Sabangali, N'Djamena
Doba Eurosha Chad, Doba: mapping roads and buidlings 4%
Maro Eurosha Chad, Maro: mapping roads and buildings 0%

Field Mapping (MSF project)

MSF's principal medical activity in the district of Moissala in southern Chad is to provide preventative and curative care for malarial infection for pregnant women and children under 5. In 2015, MSF is planning a pilot activity of indoor residual spraying (IRS) in the eastern zone of Moissala to further increase the prevention of Malaria for families who are isolated on the other side of the Bahr-Sara River, far from the referral hospital. The first round of spraying is scheduled for April 2015.

The logistics team in Moissala is working hard on a detailed map of the 133 villages in the zone in order to plan for the month-long spraying campaign with the help of local volunteers. Mapping the area will greatly help the team effectively plan their movements between villages and ensure they are able to reach all households and further decrease the transmission of this deadly disease for the population.

They have collected the field data below and we need to add it to OSM.

Note, this is not a task on the HOT tasking manager and should be managed by editing the table below to indicate that you are working on a Canton.

In the following table you can find the data and gpx data (by Canton) and the associated survey. Please upload the tracks and points to JOSM, then trace any missing roads and residential areas, and add the village names.

Tagging villages
Tag Description
name=*The name of the village

Please remember to indicate if you have started to work on any of the cantons listed by editing the table below. One canton per person please to prevent duplication!

Canton Data User Comments
Bekamba GPX and survey data for Bekamba Pete Masters Done.
Gabian GPX and survey data for Gabian Lisa Marie Owen Done.
Dembo GPX and survey data for Dembo Pete Masters and Laura Green Done.
Nadili GPX and survey data for Nadili Pete Masters and Laura Green Done.

Please use the default Bing imagery to help with the digitisation. Please add the following as the changeset comment: Moissala, #Chad #FieldMapping, #MSF, #MissingMaps, source=survey

Imagery and sources

Bing coverage for Chad is available at a high resolution in many areas including Ndjamena, Moundou, Doba and Goré. It does not need to be offset and the imagery is relatively recent 2010-2012.

Historical maps from the Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection provide resources - make sure you cross-check them.


Among many others :

This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.