
La civilización que creó la característica. 
Grupo: Histórico
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Estado: aprobado

Este artículo es una traducción incompleta de Key:historic:civilization: puede tener carencias, errores no corregidos o partes que todavía no han sido traducidas.
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Esta es una etiqueta para describir de manera aproximada qué civilización (o cultura antigua) ha construido una característica o está, de alguna manera, vinculada a ella. La etiqueta está destinada principalmente a funciones históricas como subetiqueta para dar más detalle sobre determinada característica en el mapa.


For more detailed classification use historic:period=* to describe a narrower period, see values below for usage. This still leaves room for yet another subtag historic:era=* e.g. named after a regent, a family or similar, if needed. This allows to tag a suitable detail level, while the approximative tag historic:civilization=* can be easily applied without any special knowledge.


<k="historic:civilization" v=defined list>
<k="historic:period" v=defined list>
<k="historic:era" v=defined list>


This is the current set of values. In some cases the dates might be disputed. Please be also aware that this is (/should be) based on scientific classification (i.e. an interpretation) and might be disputed or due to change along with scientific progress. If you are not sure how to exactly classify a feature, don't add the detailed tags but add only what you are sure about. Consider also to set (additionally) start_date=* if you have this information.

Feel free to amend the list and add other civilizations, periods and eras.


If possible try to specify the period (or possibly the era for the longest period of stone age). But note that this classifications may only be appropriate for Europe and immediate borders of the Mediterranean Sea, and it may not be very accurate for Asia, America, and Eastern Africa (from where the whole humanity historically originated):

Note that some civilizations have lasted longer than Bronze Age, such as the Nuragic one (in Sardinia) and Ancient Chinese civilisations (see below). Generally the site should be classified under these civilisations if they were constructed after the arrival of scriptures. If there are only decorations with no obvious textual meaning, these sites remain prehistoric, and could remain in this classification (e.g. the Pre-Nuragic civilization, during Bronze Age could be specified by historic:era=pre-nuragic, under historic:period=bronze-age). Also some Ancient Chinese and Mesopotamian civilizations started to write their history in an era where Europe was still in the (neolithic) Stone Age, even if these old civilizations still did not have discovered iron (scriptures started to be written on stones, then bones and wood, without needing metal for tools, arms and early currencies and jewelry).



to be amended

Antigua China

China Imperial



to be added. If you are familiar with this topic feel free to add a classification



Antiguo Egipto

Egipto Greco

Egipto Romano y Bizantino


Edad de bronce griega

Antigua Grecia

Cultura nurágica



Península Ibérica

Europa (resto = no predominante mediterránea)






Otras culturas

(Siéntete libre de crear una subsección dedicada arriba si tienes conocimientos sobre alguna cultura).


For example this could be attached to an roman excavation site:



Ver también

  • Proposed features/heritage - subtags contain references to various international or national public databases. These databases frequently reference the civilizations, eras or periods, when effective dates of constructions cannot be estimated with precision.
This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.