< ES:Mapa OSM en Garmin

ES:Mapa OSM en Garmin/Mapa ciclista

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Puedes poner un mapa específico para rutas ciclistas en tu GPS Garmin, hecho a partir de datos OSM. Esta página explica cómo construirlo - si sólo quieres descargar uno ya pre-elaborado para Reino Unido, consulta Mapa OSM en Garmin/Descarga.

What it does

  • Produces a map with the following features:
    • NCN/RCN/LCN cycle routes are highlighted
    • So's the UK National Byway, making this the only electronic map of the National Byway in existence :)
    • On-road. off-road, and difficult off-road routes are differentiated
    • Other roads are toned down a little
    • Cycle route numbers are shown in lovely pretty shields
    • Shows cycle parking and bike shops, too
  • Routing
  • Roughly comparable with OpenCycleMap
  • Stops you getting lost on the National Cycle Network
  • Displays the nodes in a cycle node network
  • Allows one to search for cycle nodes using the Find Man-made POI search function on your gps.

What it doesn't

  • The style could be (and will be!) refined
  • POIs need a bit more work
  • Routing is a bit erratic


svn co https://svn.openstreetmap.org/applications/utils/export/garmincyclemap/network/cyclemap


Make sure you can remember where you've downloaded things, and change the paths accordingly!

Splitting the planet file

Most countries are too big for mkgmap to handle as is, so you need to split them into several tiles. Use a command like this, checking the paths to splitter.jar and your planet extract:

java -Xmx1024m -jar splitter.jar --max-nodes=900000 great_britain.osm

Creating Garmin .img files

Make sure that you edit the path to the cyclemap rules if not in a subdirectory named "cyclemap". Confirm that the cyclemap rules are available:

java -jar mkgmap.jar --style-file=cyclemap --list-styles

mkgmap should respond with something like:

The following styles are available:
.svn               1.0: Cyclemap

You now need to convert your (split) .osm files into Garmin .img files.

java -Xmx1024m -jar mkgmap.jar --remove-short-arcs --style-file=cyclemap --route --net -c template.args

Getting contours (optional)

For a really cool map, it's good to have some contours. The .typ file already includes styles for these, but you need to download the contour data, and convert it into Garmin .img files.

For Great Britain, just download all the .zips from the Scottish Mountaineering Club, unzip them all, and put the .img files in one directory. Alternatively, use Ordnance Survey OpenData contours - OS OpenData Contours on Garmin.

For other countries, you can use the very latest versions of mkgmap to create .img files from NASA SRTM files. There are two pages with some information on how to do this:

Combining them all into a Garmin map

Make sure that you edit the path to cyclemap.TYP if it's not in the same directory:

java -Xmx1024m -jar mkgmap.jar --gmapsupp --family-id=NNN *.img cyclemap.TYP

Where NNN is the family id of TYP file. NOTE: If you don't know what the family ID is, just replace NNN with 0 (the default family ID).

You now have a gmapsupp.img file you can copy to your GPS. Just connect via USB, select 'USB Mass Storage' on the GPS (Setup->Interface), go to the Garmin directory (create if there isn't one - upper case 'G', lower case 'armin'!), and copy gmapsupp.img there. The UK is 240Mb in size.

Please note the extension of the type file must be .TYP, .typ does not work.

More information

Can you help?

You could help fix the routing or refine the styles (using this TYP editor). All the code is in svn, patches are welcome.

Or why not help by producing maps for your country, and offering them for download?


Thanks go to:

  • Andy Gates for his Garmin cycling map, which has been a great inspiration and especially helpful in figuring out what goes where; and also for having the generosity to release the source. Several of the icons and some colouring are taken from his work.
  • The Scottish Mountaineering Club for the contour files
  • Andy Allan whose fault all this open cycle mapping
  • Steve Radcliffe and the mkgmap community for a superb, ever-improving program and for being consistently helpful

Why doesn't it work?

  • Ask Richard

Other Garmin cycle maps are available!

You might find another map suits your form of cycling:

  • For the original version using a preprocessor script, see /Preprocessor.
  • Nearly worldwide ready made cyclemaps including contourlines www.VeloMap.org.
  • Mountainbikemaps nearly worldwide for download including contourlines Openmtbmap.org.
  • Here's a popular cycle map for the UK, with source.
  • A UK OSM including Cycle routes and routable. Built using the above method. openstreetmapgarmincycleuk.
  • Garmin map of Iceland has a cycle map for Iceland and there's a self-contained script for generating it that can be adopted to eat any OSM file given to it
  • Openfietsmap Routable cycling map for the Benelux countries (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg), updated weekly; Germany and other European countries (no regular updates).
  • BBBike.org extract service offers Garmin maps for an area of your choosing, style OSM, cycle, BBBike or Leisue
This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.