
Type de toit  
Groupe: Bâtiments
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Statut: de fait

Cet article est une traduction incomplète de Key:roof:shape : il comprend des lacunes, des erreurs non corrigées, ou certaines parties qui ne sont pas encore traduites.
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La clé roof:shape=* décrit la forme du toit d’un bâtiment ou d’une partie de bâtiment.


Cette clé s’applique sur un area portant la clé building=* ou building:part=*.

Voir Simple 3D buildings pour plus de détails à propros de la forme et l’apparence de bâtiments.

Les valeurs courantes sont décrites ci-dessous :

Roof shape

You can characterize the roof shape of a building using a catalogue of well-known roof types.

roof:shape gabled flat hipped pyramidal skillion half-hipped
roof:shape round gambrel mansard dome onion sawtooth
roof:shape cone crosspitched parabolic gabled_height_moved

Other common values.

Value Comment
side_hipped Half of a hipped roof, not the same as half-hipped. One vertical gabled side, one 'hip' with three sloped faced. This is common on semi-detached properties where the whole building has a hipped roof, but each house has a side_hipped roof.
many Marks that building has multiple different roof shapes at once. Such building may have building:part=* carrying own roof:shape values. History described in detail in roof:shape=many

value with problems

Value Comment
saltbox, double_saltbox, quadruple_saltbox conflicting definitions and meanings of "saltbox" in this context.[1] [2]
conical duplicate of cone
lean_to Unclear, probably should be skillion.
shed Mono-pitched roofing, also sawtooth
gabled_row Unclear, sometimes used on a sawtooth roof, sometimes a row of gabled terrace.

Other roof tags

Key Comment
roof:orientation=along/across For roofs with a ridge the ridge is assumed to be parallel to the longest side of the building (roof:orientation=along). But it can be tagged explicitly with this tag.
roof:height=* The height of the building (i.e. the height of the façade) is calculated as the building's total height=* minus roof:height=*.
roof:angle=* Alternatively to roof:height=*, roof height can be indicated implicitly by providing the inclination of the sides (in degrees).
roof:levels=* Number of floors within the roof, which are not already counted in building:levels=*.
roof:direction=* Direction from back side of roof to front, i.e. the direction towards which the main face of the roof is looking.
roof:material=* The outermost material of the roof. Useful in conjunction with roof:colour=*.
roof:colour=* The (dominant) colour of the roof. Useful in conjunction with roof:material=*.

Proposed tags

Some roofs (e.g., square buildings) cannot be accurately modeled with the simple techniques described on this page.

Additional roof shapes are suggested in S3DB Proposals, including advanced approaches for manual modelling (e.g., ProposedRoofLines or parts of OSM-4D/Roof table).

This section is a wiki template, editable here.

Erreurs possibles

Si vous connaissez des endroits avec cet attribut, vérifiez si d’autres attributs sont plus appropriés.
Les éditions automatisées sont fortement déconseillées, à moins que vous ne sachiez vraiment ce que vous faites !

Voir aussi


  1. By some users/editors, the roof shape which is shown on this picture may be interpreted as double_saltbox, whereas saltbox then has only one upper roof edge.
  2. What is a saltbox?, Tagging ML, 12 Feb 2020
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