Flyers and posters

This page links to various flyers and posters and other promotional materials developed for OpenStreetMap.




  • OpenSeaMap-Flyer (deutsch, Web-Version)
  • OpenSeaMap-Flyer (deutsch, Print-Version)
  • Wassertiefen durch Crowdsourcing - für Skipper (deutsch, Web-Version)
  • Water depths by Crowdsourcing - for Skippers (english, web version)


Big size posters for promotion in real world

  • Poster images
  • OSM licence card
  • For the release of the OSM book, User:Frederik Ramm has made a poster for book stores.


Banners for promoting during local mapping events

see also


Rollups for promoting during events


Tablecloth for promoting during events (exhibitions)

In Use

Posters, Banners, Rollups in use:

See also

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This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.