< Foundation < AGM11

Foundation/AGM11/Election to Board

This AGM 2011 board elections are now over. Each member of the Foundation had a single vote for each available board position and could vote in person at the Annual General Meeting or by an email proxy as described below.


Four seats were available on the board for the 2011 board election. These were the seats previously held by Emilie Laffray, who stepped down in May; and Simone Cortesi, Iván Sánchez Ortega, each of whom vacated their seats for this election. Mikel Maron ran for re-election to the seat he already held on the board. Membership of the board is for a term of up to three years as stated in the Articles of Association

Candidates and results

The following members of the OpenStreetMap Foundation stood for election to the board of the Foundation.

Name Nomination
Nationality Residence Result (Order) Manifesto (Position statement) Notes
Matt Amos (u) (w)Tom Hughes
Dave Stubbs
BritishElected (2)
81 votes
manifesto (en, de, fr)Member of EWG, OWG, DWG.
Former LWG member.
Developer of the API and OWL.
Kate Chapman (u) (w)US AmericanUnited States(5)
47 votes
manifestoOSM US Founder
HOT Board Member
OSM Member since 2009
Member of the SWG
Richard Fairhurst (u) (w)Tom Hughes
Andy Robinson (Blackadder)
Emilie Laffray
BritishElected (1)
98 votes
manifesto (en, fr)Co-author and maintainer, Potlatch
Mapper, developer and OSM activist since 2004
Former OSMF board member
Mikel Maron (u) (w)Oliver Kühn
Kate Chapman
AmericanElected (3)
74 votes
previous manifesto(running for re-election)
HOT president
co-director: Ground Truth Initiative
Dermot McNally (u) (w)Bartosz Fabianowski
Emilie Laffray
IrishElected (4)
68 votes
manifesto (en, de, fr)Mapper since 2007
Based in Ireland
OSM Evangelist
Co-creator of True Offset Process
Author of mapping epic The Girona Tales and the hit songs I've got a little list and Maps! Maps! Maps!
Derick Rethans (u) (w)Richard Fairhurst
Tom Hughes
Emilie Laffray
42 votes
manifestoMapping since 2008
Author, speaker and advocate
PHP core contributor
Niccolo Rigacci (u) (w)EdoM
Alessandro Fanna
41 votes
manifesto (en, it)Mapper since 2005, active in Free Software, OpenStreetMap and GFOSS.it (Geographic Free and Open Source Software) association.
Eugene Usvitsky (u) (w)Henk Hoff
Oliver Kühn
RussianRussia/USA West Coast(6)
44 votes
manifestoOpenStreetMap.ru owner and maintainer
OpenStreetMap Member since February 2008
OSMF Member since 2009
Member: Strategic Working Group and its Articles of Association sub-group
Serge Wroclawski (u) (w)Grant Slater
Emilie Laffray
American/FrenchUnited States(9)
27 votes
manifestoOSM US Founder
OSM Member since 2008
Member of the TWG,EWG
Creator of several OSM Resources, including DC Sidewalks and OSM Video Series

Key: (u) = primary OSM user profile, (w) = primary OSM wiki user page

Questions to Candidates

please use Talk:Foundation/AGM11/Election to Board

Proxy Votes

Proxy voting was closed, as of 08 September 2011 @ 1700 UTC. If you were a member of the OpenStreetMap Foundation, but were unable to attend the AGM you could still vote by proxy. To do this you had to send a message to the following email addresses containing details of your votes:

To: secretary@example.com (Henk Hoff - OSMF secretary)
cc: osmfvote2011@example.com (Derrick Nehrenberg - Independent scrutineer)
cc: vote2011@example.com (Richard Weait - Independent scrutineer)
Subject: OSMF Board Vote 2011 

Proxy voting by email was open from September 1st to September 8th. Votes after that time could only be submitted in person at the AGM.

Key election dates

Thursday, 18 August 2011
  • election announced
  • candidate nominations and declarations open
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
  • candidate nominations and declarations close at 1700 UTC
Thursday, 01 September 2011
  • proxy votes by email open at 0900 UTC
Thursday, 08 September 2011
  • proxy votes by email close 1700 UTC
Sunday, 11 September 2011
This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.