
Il tag boundary è usato per indicare i confini di aree geografiche, principalmente politiche, ma anche di altro tipo amministrativo. 
Gruppo: Boundaries
Applicabile agli elementi
Combinazioni utili
Stato: de facto

"Boundary" è usata per indicare i confini di aree geografiche, principalmente politiche, ma anche di altre aree di tipo amministrativo.

Il modo d'uso iniziamente accettato era di usare questo tag con delle aree.

+ Comunque ora sembra esserci un consenso ad usare la chiave boundary anche con ways, usando eventualmente relazioni per aggregarle.

Vedi anche the boundary relation.

Valori del Tag

Sono possibili i seguenti valori,sebbene alcuni potrebbero essere vecchi a causa dei nuovi admin_level tag.


+ admin_level=2

indica i confini nazionali, come i confini fra Austria e Germania. I nomi dei paesi sono specificati tramite i tags ""left:country", "right:country", se vengono usati su ways piuttosto che su aree.

Ci sono alcune controversie riguardo l' esatto significato di nazione. Per chiarezza, solo le entità politiche elencate su ISO 3166 standard sono considerate nazioni.

I nomi nella tabella di seguito sono scritti in inglese.


+ admin_level=3 to 10

indica i confini sub-nazionali. I nomi delle entità sub-nazionali sono specificate secondo i tipi di confini specifici del paese, come "comune", "distretto", "regione", "provincia", "stato"


boundary=national_park indica i confini di un parco nazionale.

boundary=political è approvato ma non documentato. Qualcuno può controllare il suo uso con tagwatch ?

boundary=national è approvato ma non documentato. Qualcuno può controllare il suo uso con tagwatch ?

boundary=civil è approvato ma non documentato. Qualcuno può controllare il suo uso con tagwatch ?



admin_level=1 to 10 è stato introdotto per permettere un rendering consistente fra diversi paesi (usando border_type avrebbe richiesto la conoscenza della gerarchia delle divisioni di ogni paese).

10 valori di admin_level per ogni paese

Se il vostro paese non è documentato, usate la talk page o la mailing list nazionale per discutere l'argomento e aggiuntelo di seguito.

Se il vostro paese usa più di 10 livelli amministrativi, vedere la tabella successiva.

Country 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Algeria (proposed) N/A border around Algeria N/A N/A Wilaya borders (departement) Daïra borders (group of municipalities) Communes borders (Municipalities) N/A N/A
Australia (proposed) N/A border around Australia N/A State and Territory border N/A Municipal Council Border (Cities, Shires, Municipalities, Towns) N/A Postcode border (used for GIS and census) N/A Suburb and Locality border
Austria (proposed) N/A national border N/A Bundesland
N/A Politischer Bezirk
Gemeindekennzahl: xxx
N/A Gemeinde
Gemeindekennzahl: xxxyy
Wiener Gemeindebezirk subdivision of big cities
Belarus (proposed) N/A Border around Belarus N/A Region (область) border N/A Region (район) border Soviet of settlement (cельсовет) border Municipal (населённый пункт) border Suburb (район города) border Suburb (микрорайон и т.п.) border
Belgium (proposed) N/A national border N/A regions communities provinces administrative arrondissements municipalities deelgemeenten/sections N/A
Brazil (proposed / in use) N/A national border
fronteira nacional
N/A state border
fronteira de estado
N/A municipality border
divisa municipal
Bulgaria N/A National Borders N/A Рegions (Райони за планиране) N/A Provinces (Области) N/A Мunicipalitiesmits (Общини) N/A Borders of city, town, village (Кметства/землища)
Canada (proposed) (See also: ) First Nation / Indian Reserve (See discussion page) national border N/A provinces N/A regional municipalities (Ontario's York Region, Peel, Quebec's MRCs, etc.) and counties N/A townships, cities, villages, etc. N/A N/A (arrondissements?)
Chile N/A Fronteras N/A Regiones N/A Provincias N/A Comunas N/A N/A
Cyprus / Κύπρος / Kıbrıs (first draft proposal)

Cyprus is divided into 4 defacto partitions:

N/A TRNC border with all others (not technically a country border but has passport control, barriers, soldiers etc.)
left:state=Republic of Cyprus
left:state=UN buffer zone
left:state=UK Sovereign base area
right:state=Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

UN border with all others (UN area should also be marked military:danger_area where applicable)

N/A SBA border with RoC N/A the borders of the 6 districts
N/A municipalities N/A N/A
Czech Republic N/A National Borders N/A regions (kraje) N/A Provinces (okresy) N/A municipalities, city limits (intravilan) N/A suburbs (casti obci)
Estonia (proposal by imapi) N/A National Borders N/A N/A N/A Countys (Maakond) N/A municipalities (Omavalitsused vallad/linnad) villages (Külad) suburbs (Linnaosad)
Ethiopia (proposal by alexm) N/A National Borders N/A Administrative States (9) N/A Zones (68+2) N/A Woreda (550+6) Subcities Kebele
Finland (proposal by Boozeman) N/A National Borders N/A Provinces (Läänit) N/A Regions (Maakunnat) Sub-regions (Seutukunnat) municipalities (Kunnat/Kaupungit) villages (kylät) suburbs (Kaupunginosat)
France N/A border around France N/A boundary of the "Regions" like Auvergne N/A boundaries of the "Départements" like Aude boundary of "intercommunalités" (communes groups like "Communautés Urbaines") boundary of communes like Paris, Montpellier, Perpignan N/A boundary of "Arrondissement municipal" (in Paris, Lyon, Marseille only)
Country 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Germany see also Grenzen in Deutschland

N/A national border

Deutsche Außengrenze

N/A federal states border



state-district border



county borders

Landkreis / Kreis / kreisfreie Stadt / Stadtkreis



Samtgemeinde, Verwaltungsgemeinschaft

LAU 1 (aka NUTS 4)

Towns, Municipalities / City-districts

Stadt, Gemeinde

LAU 2 (aka NUTS 5)

Parts of a municipality with parish councils /self_government

Stadtbezirk / Gemeindeteil mit Selbstverwaltung

Parts of a municipality without ...

Stadtteil / Gemeindeteil ohne Selbstverwaltung

Germany: Umgestellt Dez. 2008 / levels changed Dec. 2008 (siehe Diskussionsseite / see discussion page), see also the proposal with 11 values in next table below
Hungary (proposed) N/A Országhatár (national border) N/A Országrészek (Groups of Regions, NUTS 1) Régiók (Regions, NUTS 2) Megyék / főváros (Counties / capital city, NUTS 3) Kistérségek (LAU 1) Települések (LAU 2) Kerületek (Districts) N/A
India (proposal by User:Planemad, also seeAdministrative divisions of India) N/A National Border Division State District List Subdistrict (Tehsil / Mandal / Taluk) Metropolitan Area Municipal Corporation / Municipality / City Council Civic Zone Village/Civic Ward
Indonesia N/A National Border N/A Province City / Regency (Kotamadya/Kabupaten) Subdistrict (Kecamatan) Village (Kelurahan/Desa) Community Group (Rukun Warga) Neighborhood Unit (Rukun Tetangga)
Iceland Efnahagslögsaga - Exclusive Economic Zone Landhelgi - Territorial waters N/A Kjördæmi - Constituencies N/A Sveitarfélög - Municipalities N/A Borgar- og bæjarmörk - City and town borders N/A Hverfi (Suburb)
Italy (come discusso nella mailing list Italiana Vol 16, Issue 27, Dieterdreist) N/A per i confini nazionali (en: national borders) N/A per i confini regionali (en: boundary of regions) N/A per i confini provinciali (en: boundary of provinces) Per le comunità di Valle (tipiche Trentine) e/o per le UTI (Unioni Territoriali Intercomunali) per i confini comunali (en: boundary of municipalities) N/A per le circoscrizioni (dove sono rimaste) o per le località (en: boundary of districts)
Japan (copied from Japan tagging#Boundary) N/A border around Japan (Not really applicable) N/A Region border (or reserved for state border -


N/A Prefecture border N/A Municipal border (Cities, Towns, Villages, Special wards of Tokyo, Wards of cities designated by government ordinance

政令指定都市 , Wards designated by local ordinance -

地域自治区 )

N/A Suburb and Hamlet border - 町名・街区
Madagascar (as proposed in project page) N/A border around Madagascar (Not really applicable) N/A Faritra (regions) N/A Distrika (districts) N/A Kaominina (communes) N/A Fokontany (no translation)
Malaysia N/A sempadan negara (national border) N/A negeri (states) N/A daerah (districts) N/A mukim (counties) N/A PBT, kampung, taman, dll (municipalities, including townships, cities, villages, etc.)
Mexico N/A national border N/A state borders N/A municipal border N/A city/town limit district limits / delegaciones city sectors / colonias
Netherlands (Proposed)

Last update --Skywave 12:22, 18 November 2008 (UTC) --PaulBe 16:52, 26 January 2009 (UTC)

N/A border around The Netherlands. N/A Provinces like Zeeland, Noord-Holland etc. (provincie) N/A plusregio urban regions in some parts of NL N/A boundary for municipality (gemeente) (like Amsterdam , Schiermonnikoog) boundaries for autonomous city districts in Amsterdam (stadsdelen) en Rotterdam (deelgemeenten) boundaries for other local subdivisions
Paraguay (proposed) N/A national border
frontera nacional
N/A states
N/A N/A N/A municipal, city limits
N/A suburb and locality
barrios y compañias rurales
Philippines (first proposed by Ianlopez1115, now in use) N/A National Border (not applicable, due to territorial disputes and its impracticality) N/A Regions N/A Provinces N/A Cities and Municipalities/Towns Barangays and Geographical districts of Manila N/A
Poland Same as every other country in the world Poland has its own, unique and superb system of

administrative divisions that needs to be roughly described here and fitted into admin_level constraints. This may change in the future if the usage of NUTS in OSM is accepted. Steelman 18:42, 15 December 2007 (UTC)

N/A The Republic of Poland, N/A województwa (voivodships, priovinces, regions), N/A powiaty (counties) and for cities with county status (urban counties), N/A gminy (municipalities) and cities as above. N/A towns in urban-rural communes if a town boundary is not a boundary of a coummune, villages and hamlets if an official boundry exists.
Romania (România) (proposal)

In theory there exists another intermediar level between county and country, the regions created because "the european union demands it" by arbitrarily grouping some counties, but neither the government nor the people are using these regions

N/A the country border the boundaries of historical provinces (Transylvania, Moldavia ...), but I don't think they will ever be drawn, as these are not administrative boundaries any more. Counties (Judeţe) and the Municipality of Bucharest N/A Municipalities (Comune), which includes the surrounding area around the city/town/village, see following example

Moldova (Moldova Republic of) (proposal by Golovco Anatolie)


N/A the country border N/A region(ro:Raion ru:Район), municipality (ro: Municipiu) Administrative borders N/A N/A N/A townships, cities, villages, etc. N/A borders of suburbs, localities, city sectors
Russia (Russia) (proposal by Bedouin) N/A National border (RU: Государственная граница РФ) Okrug's border (RU: Границы округов РФ) Region's border (RU: Границы регионов (Областей, Республик, Краёв)) Reserved (RU: Зарезервировано, может быть для муниципальных округов?) County's border (RU: Границы районов) Reserved (RU: Зарезервировано, может быть для муниципальных районов?) Borders of suburbs, cities, towns, villages, hamlets (RU: Границы Городов, посёлков, сёл, деревень и.т.д) Borders of city's counties (RU: Границы городских районов) N/A
Russia (Russia) (proposal by Afonin) N/A National border (RU: Государственная граница РФ) Closed cities' border (RU: Границы закрытых городов ("колючки", например, ЗАТО г. Северск)) Region's border (RU: Границы субъектов РФ (республик, краев, областей, автономной области, городов федерального значения, автономных округов)) N/A (RU: Похоже, не требуется) Municipies' border (RU: Границы муниципальных образований (например, МУ "Город Томск", САО г. Москвы, Слюдянский район Иркутской области) Inner municipies' border (RU: Границы районов внутри городов (например, Ленинский район г. Томска) Borders of settlements (RU: Границы сельских поселений внутри муниципальных образований (например, Копыловское сельское поселение Томского района Томской


Borders of suburbs, villages & hamlets (RU: Границы микрорайонов, пригородов, а также сёл и деревень внутри сельских поселений) N/A
Slovakia N/A national border (SK: štátna hranica) N/A region borders (SK: hranica kraju, vyššieho územného celku) N/A borders of Bratislava and Košice (SK: hranice miest Bratislava a Košice) N/A district borders (SK: hranica okresu) N/A the official borders of suburbs, city, town, village, hamlet (SK: hranica mestskej časti, obce)
South Africa N/A the national border N/A provincial borders N/A district borders (borders of district municipalities and metropolitan municipalities) N/A municipal borders (borders of local municipalities within districts) N/A the official borders of suburbs
Country 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Spain (proposal by Ivansanchez) N/A National Border / Frontera nacional (Unused) Groups of autonomous communities, equal to [

NUTS 1] / (No usado) Grupos de comunidades autónomas, equivale a NUTS 1

Autonomous communities / Comunidades autónomas N/A Provinces / Provincias Counties / Comarcas Municipalities, equivalent to townships/communes / Municipios, equivalente a


Districts (e.g. of Madrid), equivalent to parishes / Distritos (p. ej,

en Madrid), equivalentes a parroquias civiles

Wards / Barrios
Switzerland (proposal by studerap) N/A national borders N/A Cantons (Kantone)
Example: Zurich, Berne
N/A Districts, group of municipalities (Bezirke/Kreise, Zusammenschluss von Gemeinden)
Example: Kreis 1 (Zurich), Visp (Valais), Schaffhausen doesn't have distri
N/A Municipalities (Gemeinde, Ort)
Example: Thun (Berne), Visp (Valais), Steckborn (Thurgau)
Sweden N/A National borders Landsdelar (4) Example: Svealand Län (County/NUTS3)
(21) Example: Västra Götalands län, Örebro län etc
N/A N/A Kommun (Muncipiality/LAU2)
(290) Example: Göteborg, Alingsås etc
Församling Stadsdelsområde / Stadsdelsnämdsområde (Stockholm/Göteborg)
Example: Frölunda, Skarpnäck etc
Example: Masthugget, Södermalm etc

See NUTS (tr) as well

N/A the (land) border around Turkey N/A the Census-defined geographical regions of Turkey (which are used for administrative purposes and are well-known in the country)







LAU 1 (aka NUTS 4)


LAU 2 (aka NUTS 5)

N/A the boundary of cities
United Kingdom N/A the Northern Ireland/Republic of Ireland border N/A the England/Scotland/Wales border N/A Greater London / counties / unitary authorities. (Includes the City of London as an enclave of Greater London) N/A (England only) districts / London boroughs / metropolitan boroughs. N/A parishes / communities
United States Indian Reserve (see discussion page) national border N/A states N/A counties or parishes N/A municipalities, including townships, cities, villages, etc. N/A N/A
Country 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 valori di admin_level per paesi specifici

Country 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Germany: Umstellung auf: / changed to: (siehe Diskussionsseite / see discussion page), see also the original list with 10 values in table above
new levels:

Germany see also Grenzen in Deutschland

N/A national border

Deutsche Außengrenze

N/A federal states border



state-district border



county borders

Landkreis / Kreis / kreisfreie Stadt



Samtgemeinde, Verwaltungsgemeinschaft

LAU 1 (aka NUTS 4)

Towns, Municipalities / City-districts

Stadt, Gemeinde

LAU 2 (aka NUTS 5)

Parts of a municipality with parish councils /self_government

Stadtbezirk / Gemeindeteil mit Selbstverwaltung

Parts of a municipality without ...

Stadtteil / Gemeindeteil ohne Selbstverwaltung

Neighbourhoods staistical or historical

Stadtviertel etc.


Sono disponibili statistiche per stimare la dimensione degli oggetti a livelli differenti. Per dettagli vedi Statistics.


(reso obsoleto da "admin_level"? oppure no ?) L'attuale importazione degli Stati Uniti ha iniziato ad usare l'estensione border_type=* per dare il nome al tipo di boundary.I valori attualmente conosciuti sono:

Stati Uniti

  • stato
  • contea
  • comune
  • città
  • villaggio

Questo dovrebbe inidicare lo stato legale del boundary. Questo potrebbe essere differente dal valore di place=*.


  • provincia
  • prefettura
  • contea
  • comune
This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.