
Prefix GNS:*
GNS is the prefix for keys of the GEOnet Names Server import.
Group: Import
Used on these elements
Status: imported
taginfo: GNS:*

This page describes a key prefix rather than a simple key.

The string GNS is the prefix of keys that are part of the GEOnet Names Server import.

Useful In use keys referencing GNS Import

GNS Data Column Key Description Taginfo
UFI GNS:id=* Unique Feature Identifier. A number which uniquely identifies a feature.
Another in use tags referencing this column:
DSG GNS:dsg_code=* Feature Designation Code. A two to five-character code used to identify the type of feature a name is applied to. For a description of these codes/values, please see GNS:dsg_code=*.
Another in use tags referencing this column:
  • gns:dsg=*
  • gns:DSG=*
  • gns:dsg_code=*
  • gns:type=*
  • gns_classification=*
Name lookup for DSG GNS:dsg_name=* Feature Designation Name
Another in use tags referencing this column:
  • GNS:dsg_string=*
  • gns:dsg_string=*
MODIFY_DATE GNS:modify_date=* The date a new feature was added or any part of an existing feature was modified (YYYY-MM-DD).
Another in use tags referencing this column:
  • gns:modify_date=*

Useless In use keys referencing GNS Import

GNS Data Column Key Description Why Useless
Unique Name Identifier. A number which uniquely identifies a feature name. A Feature may have more than one name, so which name will be referenced?

UFI identify the feature better. There is a possible of repeating the feature with every new name if importer relying in UNI to identify features

Another in use tags referencing this column:
Primary administrative division code. A two character alpha-numeric code from the Geopolitical Entities and Codes (formerly FIPS 10-4 standard) that describes the primary administrative division of a feature, similar to a state level in the United States. For a description of these codes/values, please see the Look-up Tables.... The value is coded so it must be decoded and put in is_in:state=*.

The location of feature and boundary in OSM may describe primary administrative division better.

Another in use tags referencing this column:
  • gns:adm1=*
Region Font Code. A code that determines the equivalent characters used when generating the SORT and NO DIACRITICS (ND) feature names information rendered in Roman script.

1 = Americas/Western Europe;

2 = Eastern Europe;

3 = Africa/Middle East;

4 = Russia/ Central Asia;

5 = Asia/Pacific;

6 = Vietnam.

The renderer will choose font according to the country and locale of name.
Another in use tags referencing this column:
  • gns:rc=*
Feature Class: Nine (9) major feature categories into which similar feature designations are grouped.

A = Administrative region P = Populated place V = Vegetation L = Locality or area U = Undersea R = Streets, highways, roads, or railroad T = Hypsographic H = Hydrographic S = Spot

feature code specify the feature better
Another in use tags referencing this column:
  • gns:fc=*
Military Grid Reference System coordinates. MGRS is an alpha-numeric system for expressing UTM/UPS coordinates. A single alpha-numeric value references an area that is unique for the entire earth. It is another format of location
Another in use tags referencing this column:
  • gns:mgrs=*
Joint Operations Graphic reference This column used internally in thier server only
Another in use tags referencing this column:
  • gns:jog=*
Primary Geopolitical Code. A two alphabetic character code from the Geopolitical Entities and Codes (formerly FIPS 10-4 standard) that uniquely identifies a feature's primary geopolitical entity (countries, dependencies, and areas of special sovereignty).

This field can contain one, or multiple comma separated non-spaced country codes to identify international (shared) features that run through multiple countries for up to 255 characters (example: Danube River - AU,BU,EZ…).

must decoded and stored in is_in:country=*

The location of feature and boundary in OSM may describe country better.

Another in use tags referencing this column:
  • gns:cc1=*
Latitude of the feature in degrees, minutes, seconds and hemisphere (DMSH) - dd:mm:ssH, where H is either N (North) or S (South)

Note: In this format, DMSH values should be interpreted from left to right.

It is another format of location
Another in use tags referencing this column:
  • gns:dms_lat=*
Longitude of the feature in degrees, minutes, seconds and hemisphere (DMSH) - ddd:mm:ssH, where H is either E (East) or W (West)

Note: In this format, DMSH values should be interpreted from left to right.

It is another format of location
Another in use tags referencing this column:
  • gns:dms_long=*
Longitude of the feature in ± decimal degrees; DD; (± ddd.dddddd):

no sign (+) = East; negative sign (-) = West.

Duplicated, must be in Node attributes.
Another in use tags referencing this column:
  • gns:long=*
Latitude of the feature in ± decimal degrees; DD; (± dd.dddddd):

no sign (+) = North; negative sign (-) = South

Duplicated, must be in Node attributes
Another in use tags referencing this column:
  • gns:lat=*
Full name - reading order with no diacritics. Same as the full name but the character/diacritic combinations and special characters are substituted with QWERTY (visible U.S. English keyboard) characters while still maintaining casing and spaces. This field also includes non-roman script based names which are stripped of vowel markings. Duplicated, must be in name=*
Another in use tags referencing this column:
  • gns:n:xx:full_name_nd=*
Full name - reading order. The full name is the complete name that identifies a named feature. The full name is output in reading order, "Mount Everest", vs. reversed generic, "Everest, Mount". Duplicated, must be in name=*
Another in use tags referencing this column:
  • gns:n:xx:full_name=*
Sort name - reading order. A form of the full name that allows for alphabetical sorting of the file into gazetteer sequence. For Roman script names, all character/diacritic combinations and special characters are substituted with QWERTY (visible U.S. English keyboard) characters, all characters are upper-cased, numerals are converted to lower-case characters (0-9 = a-j), spaces and hyphens are stripped out, and commas replaced with a space. Additionally, for non-roman script names in languages using Arabic based letters. , vowel markings/pointers are removed. This field is included for the benefit of the end user of the data to aid in the sorting of names if required. This column used internally in thier server only
Another in use tags referencing this column:
  • gns:n:xx:sort_name=*
Name Type:

C = Conventional: A commonly used English-language name approved by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names (BGN) for use in addition to, or in lieu of, a BGN-approved local official name or names, e.g., Rome, Alps, Danube River. N = Approved: The BGN-approved local official name for a geographic feature. Except for countries with more than one official language; there is normally only one such name for a feature wholly within a country. D = Unverified: A name from a source whose official status cannot be verified by the BGN. P = Provisional: A geographic name of an area for which the territorial status is not finally determined or not recognized by the United States.

VA = Anglicized variant: An English-language name that is derived by modifying the local official name to render it more accessible or meaningful to an English-language user. V = Variant: A former name, name in local usage, or other spelling found on various sources.

NS = Non-Roman Script: The non-Roman script form of the BGN-approved local official name for a geographic feature. Except for countries with more than one official language; there is normally only one such name for a feature wholly within a country. DS = Unverified Non-Roman Script: The non-Roman script form of a name from a source whose official status cannot be verified by the BGN. VS = Variant Non-Roman Script: The non-Roman script form of a former name, name in local usage, or other spelling found on various sources.

For a description of these codes/values, please see the Look-up Tables....

Another in use tags referencing this column:
  • gns:n:xx:nt=*
The date a new name was added or any part of an existing name was modified (YYYY-MM-DD).
Another in use tags referencing this column:
  • gns:n:xx:modify_date=*
The descriptive part of the full name such as Cerro (mountain), Arroyo (river), or Golfo (gulf) (generally does not apply to populated place names or English based generics). Dispensed with feature code and name
Other names in GNS database
must put in alt_name=*

See Also

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