Key:communication:mobile phone

Cell phones mast 
Group: Communications
Used on these elements

man_made=mast or tower:type=communication

Useful combination
Status: de facto

The tag communication:mobile_phone=yes is added to a feature (e.g. man_made=mast) to specify that it is used for carrying antennas and equipment for mobile phone communication (mobile mast/tower).


Dedicated communication mast:

Antennas on a supporting structure mapped as a node, such as a power pylon: add tags to that structure.

Other antennas, such as on a pole atop a roof: create a new node. (If there's a significant mast on the roof, use man_made=mast with location=roof instead.)

See also

Technologies (LTE, 5G, ...)

If the information is available, the communication technology (LTE, UMTS, ...) might be of interest. There are currently two different tagging schemes in use (each more than a thousand times as of April '21):

Both schemes are in use. The first one is rather new, but usage is increasing quickly, while the second one is a bit older.

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