
Defines the type of operator.  
Group: Properties
Used on these elements
Useful combination
See also
Status: de facto

This tag is used to give more information about the type of operator=* for a feature.

operator:type=privateA privately owned operator, as opposite to a public operator.
operator:type=publicA public operator, thus operated by a public organisation linked to the government but which has its own director and management structure, for example a public school.
operator:type=governmentA governmental organisation is the operator, thus operated directly by a local, regional or country government, for example a city tax office, the city municipality, ...
operator:type=communityA community-based organisation (CBOs) or informal community-run collectives.
operator:type=consortiumAn association of two or more individuals, companies, organisations or governments.
operator:type=cooperative An autonomous jointly owned, democratically run organisation to cater to the needs and issues of its members, usually operating not for profit or by passing on the profits to its members directly.
operator:type=militaryA military organisation.
operator:type=ngoA non-governmental organisation.
operator:type=religiousA religious organisation.
operator:type=charitableOperated by a charity organisation.

Note that in practice difference between operator:type=government and operator:type=public may be unclear, in different places and in use by different mappers exact criteria may be not exactly the same. One should not expect mappers to use exactly the same definition as described above. As usual one should not expect that tricky distinctions will be well applied, especially as difference between this two values is minor and confusingly defined.

Note that it is likely that different groups of people were using different tags for the same things and later someone tried to invent supposed distinction between tags.

See also

  • ownership=* - This indicates what type of organization owns land, facility, etc.
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