
Author: pietervdvn
License: GNU General Public License
Platform: Web
Status: Active
Version: 0.19.1 version (2022-05-07)
Language: multiple languages
Source code: pietervdvn/MapComplete
Programming languages: Typescript, HTML, and CSS

MapComplete shows a single theme which is relevant for a single interest, e.g. cycling, nature, ... The editor offers the capability to modify tags on existing features and to add new points.

MapComplete is an OpenStreetMap editor which aims to be really easy to use. The core idea is that it shows a single theme which is relevant for a single interest, e.g. cycling, nature, speeds, trees... It is however possible to switch the theme in the app.

This web-based editor enthusiastically reuses ideas from StreetComplete and MapContrib. The editor offers the capability to modify tags on existing features and to add new points. Modifying geometry is not possible, neither is adding ways.

While it is easy to create custom themes, there are some built-in (official) themes too. To create your own theme, follow the video tutorial and have a look to the the official docs. Get in touch with the MapComplete-community in the chatroom with any Telegram or Matrix client chat software.

For an introduction oriented to people who aren't into OSM yet, see the project page at

List of official themes

For all the official themes, visit MapComplete where all themes will be presented.

Or you can browse the (generated) table below:

Name, linkGenreCovered regionLanguageDescriptionFree materialsImage
personal POI, editor, personal Worldwide English, Dutch, Spanish, Catalan, Galician, French, German, Japanese, zh_hant, Russian, Italian, Danish A MapComplete theme: Create a personal theme based on all the available layers of all themes Yes
cyclofix POI, editor, cyclofix Worldwide English, Dutch, French, Galician, German, Japanese, zh_hant, Italian, Hungarian, Spanish, Danish A MapComplete theme: The goal of this map is to present cyclists with an easy-to-use solution to find the appropriate infrastructure for their needs Yes
waste POI, editor, waste Worldwide English, Dutch, German, French, Italian, Catalan, Danish A MapComplete theme: Map showing waste baskets and recycling facilities Yes
etymology POI, editor, etymology Worldwide English, Dutch, German, Italian, zh_hant, Hungarian, French, Spanish, Catalan, Danish A MapComplete theme: What is the origin of a toponym? Yes
food POI, editor, food Worldwide Dutch, English, German, Spanish, nb_no, French, Danish A MapComplete theme: Restaurants and fast food Yes
cafes_and_pubs POI, editor, cafes_and_pubs Worldwide English, Dutch, German, Catalan, Spanish, French, Danish, nb_no, pa_pk A MapComplete theme: Pubs and bars Yes
playgrounds POI, editor, playgrounds Worldwide Dutch, English, French, Japanese, zh_hant, Russian, German, Italian, nb_no, Indonesian, Hungarian, Catalan, Spanish, Danish A MapComplete theme: A map with playgrounds Yes
hailhydrant POI, editor, hailhydrant Worldwide English, Japanese, zh_hant, Russian, French, German, Italian, Hungarian, Spanish, Catalan, Dutch, Danish A MapComplete theme: Map to show hydrants, extinguishers, fire stations, and ambulance stations. Yes
toilets POI, editor, toilets Worldwide English, German, French, Dutch, Russian, Japanese, zh_hant, Polish, Italian, Hungarian, nb_no, Danish A MapComplete theme: A map of public toilets Yes
aed POI, editor, aed Worldwide English, Catalan, Spanish, French, Dutch, German, Indonesian, Italian, Russian, Japanese, zh_hant, Swedish, Polish, pt_br, nb_no, Hungarian, Slovenian, zh_hans, Danish, Filipino, Czech A MapComplete theme: On this map, one can find and mark nearby defibrillators Yes
bookcases POI, editor, bookcases Worldwide English, Dutch, German, French, Russian, Japanese, zh_hant, Italian, Hungarian, Spanish, Danish, Catalan A MapComplete theme: A public bookcase is a small streetside cabinet, box, old phone booth or some other objects where books are stored Yes
artwork POI, editor, artwork Worldwide English, Dutch, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, zh_hant, nb_no, Hungarian, Polish, Catalan, zh_hans, Filipino, Danish, Czech A MapComplete theme: An open map of statues, busts, graffitis and other artwork all over the world Yes
atm POI, editor, atm Worldwide English, German, French, Dutch, Catalan A MapComplete theme: This map shows ATMs to withdraw or deposit money Yes
benches POI, editor, benches Worldwide English, German, French, Dutch, Italian, Russian, Japanese, zh_hant, nb_no, pt_br, Hungarian, Indonesian, Catalan, Spanish, zh_hans, Danish A MapComplete theme: A map of benches Yes
bicycle_rental POI, editor, bicycle_rental Worldwide English, Dutch, German, Indonesian, French, Spanish, nb_no, Catalan, Danish A MapComplete theme: A map with bicycle rental stations and bicycle rental shops Yes
bicyclelib POI, editor, bicyclelib Worldwide Dutch, English, Italian, Russian, Japanese, French, zh_hant, German, Hungarian, nb_no, Catalan, Danish A MapComplete theme: A bicycle library is a place where bicycles can be lent, often for a small yearly fee Yes
binoculars POI, editor, binoculars Worldwide English, Dutch, German, Italian, nb_no, zh_hant, Hungarian, French, Spanish, Catalan, Danish A MapComplete theme: A map with fixed binoculars Yes
blind_osm POI, editor, blind_osm Worldwide English, German, Dutch, French, Catalan A MapComplete theme: Help to map features relevant for the blind Yes
campersite POI, editor, campersite Worldwide English, Italian, Russian, Japanese, French, zh_hant, Dutch, pt_br, German, Hungarian, Spanish, Danish, Catalan A MapComplete theme: Find sites to spend the night with your camper Yes
charging_stations POI, editor, charging_stations Worldwide English, Italian, Japanese, zh_hant, Dutch, German, nb_no, Russian, Hungarian, French, Spanish, Danish, Catalan A MapComplete theme: A worldwide map of charging stations Yes
climbing POI, editor, climbing Worldwide Dutch, German, English, Russian, Japanese, zh_hant, French, Italian, Hungarian, nb_no, Danish A MapComplete theme: On this map you will find various climbing opportunities such as climbing gyms, bouldering halls and rocks in nature Yes
cycle_infra POI, editor, cycle_infra Worldwide English, Dutch, German, Italian, nb_no, zh_hant, Hungarian, Spanish, French, Catalan, Danish A MapComplete theme: A map where you can view and edit things related to the bicycle infrastructure. Yes
cyclestreets POI, editor, cyclestreets Worldwide Dutch, English, Japanese, zh_hant, nb_no, German, Italian, Hungarian, Catalan, Spanish, French, Danish A MapComplete theme: A map of cyclestreets Yes
drinking_water POI, editor, drinking_water Worldwide English, Dutch, French, Japanese, zh_hant, Italian, Russian, German, nb_no, Hungarian, Spanish, Catalan, Danish A MapComplete theme: On this map, publicly accessible drinking water spots are shown and can be easily added Yes
education POI, editor, education Worldwide English, Dutch, German, French, Catalan, Danish A MapComplete theme: On this map, you'll find information about all types of schools and eduction and can easily add more information Yes
facadegardens POI, editor, facadegardens Worldwide Dutch, English, Japanese, zh_hant, Italian, French, German, Hungarian, Spanish, Danish A MapComplete theme: This map shows facade gardens with pictures and useful info about orientation, sunshine and plant types. Yes
fritures POI, editor, fritures Worldwide English, Dutch, German, French, Danish A MapComplete theme: On this map, you'll find your favourite fries shop! Yes
ghostbikes POI, editor, ghostbikes Worldwide English, Dutch, German, Japanese, zh_hant, French, Italian, Hungarian, Danish A MapComplete theme: A ghost bike is a memorial for a cyclist who died in a traffic accident, in the form of a white bicycle placed permanently near the accident location Yes
hackerspaces POI, editor, hackerspaces Worldwide English, German, Italian, zh_hant, Hungarian, Dutch, French, Danish A MapComplete theme: A map of hackerspaces Yes
healthcare POI, editor, healthcare Worldwide English, Catalan, German, French, Danish, Dutch A MapComplete theme: On this map, various healthcare related items are shown Yes
hotels POI, editor, hotels Worldwide English, German, Danish, nb_no, Dutch, French A MapComplete theme: On this map, you'll find hotels in your area Yes
indoors POI, editor, indoors Worldwide English, German, French, Danish, Dutch A MapComplete theme: On this map, publicly accessible indoor places are shown Yes
kerbs_and_crossings POI, editor, kerbs_and_crossings Worldwide English, Dutch, German, French, Danish A MapComplete theme: A map showing kerbs and crossings Yes
maps POI, editor, maps Worldwide English, Dutch, French, Japanese, zh_hant, German, Italian, Spanish, Danish A MapComplete theme: This theme shows all (touristic) maps that OpenStreetMap knows of Yes
maxspeed POI, editor, maxspeed Worldwide English, German, French, Dutch, Danish A MapComplete theme: This map shows the legally allowed maximum speed on every road. Yes
nature POI, editor, nature Worldwide English, Dutch, German, Spanish, French, Danish A MapComplete theme: A map for nature lovers, with interesting POI's Yes
notes POI, editor, notes Worldwide English, Hungarian, Dutch, German, Spanish, French, Danish A MapComplete theme: A note is a pin on the map with some text to indicate something wrong Yes
observation_towers POI, editor, observation_towers Worldwide English, Dutch, German, Italian, zh_hant, Hungarian, Spanish, French, nb_no, Danish A MapComplete theme: Publicly accessible towers to enjoy the view Yes
onwheels POI, editor, onwheels Worldwide English, German, French, Dutch, Danish A MapComplete theme: On this map, publicly weelchair accessible places are shown and can be easily added Yes
openwindpowermap POI, editor, openwindpowermap Worldwide English, French, German, Italian, zh_hant, Hungarian, Spanish, Dutch, Danish, nb_no A MapComplete theme: A map for showing and editing wind turbines Yes
osm_community_index POI, editor, osm_community_index Worldwide English, German, Dutch A MapComplete theme: An index of community resources for OpenStreetMap. Yes
parkings POI, editor, parkings Worldwide Dutch, English, German, Italian, nb_no, zh_hant, Indonesian, Hungarian, Spanish, French, Danish A MapComplete theme: This map shows different parking spots Yes
pets POI, editor, pets Worldwide English, Danish, German, Dutch, French A MapComplete theme: On this map, you'll find various interesting places for you pets: veterinarians, dog parks, pet shops, dog-friendly restaurants, Yes
postboxes POI, editor, postboxes Worldwide English, German, Italian, zh_hant, Hungarian, Spanish, Dutch, French, nb_no, Danish A MapComplete theme: A map showing postboxes and post offices Yes
rainbow_crossings POI, editor, rainbow_crossings Worldwide English, German, French, Danish, Dutch A MapComplete theme: On this map, rainbow-painted pedestrian crossings are shown and can be easily added Yes
shops POI, editor, shops Worldwide English, French, Japanese, German, Italian, Hungarian, Spanish, Dutch, Danish A MapComplete theme: An editable map with basic shop information Yes
sport_pitches POI, editor, sport_pitches Worldwide Dutch, French, English, Japanese, zh_hant, Russian, German, Italian, Hungarian, Spanish, Danish A MapComplete theme: A map showing sport pitches Yes
sports POI, editor, sports Worldwide English, Dutch, German, French A MapComplete theme: Map showing sport facilities. Yes
street_lighting POI, editor, street_lighting Worldwide English, Dutch, zh_hant, Hungarian, German, Spanish, French, Danish A MapComplete theme: On this map you can find everything about street lighting Yes
surveillance POI, editor, surveillance Worldwide English, Dutch, Japanese, zh_hant, French, Polish, German, Italian, Hungarian, Danish, nb_no A MapComplete theme: Surveillance cameras and other means of surveillance Yes
transit POI, editor, transit Worldwide English, German, French, Danish, Dutch, nb_no A MapComplete theme: Plan your trip with the help of the public transport system Yes
trees POI, editor, trees Worldwide English, Dutch, French, Italian, Japanese, zh_hant, Russian, Polish, German, nb_no, Hungarian, Catalan, Spanish, Danish A MapComplete theme: Map all the trees Yes
waste_basket POI, editor, waste_basket Worldwide English, Dutch, German, Italian, zh_hant, Hungarian, French, nb_no, Danish, Catalan A MapComplete theme: A map with waste baskets Yes

Running an assisted import with MapComplete

All OSM-based layers in MapComplete will automatically read the OpenStreetMap-notes and show notes which might indicate a possible missing feature matching the layer.

For example: if a layer shows all key=value-features, then a note with the following text will be shown:

There might be a feature of type XYZ here key=value key0=value0

This means that it is possible to run a campaign to resurvey data from an external dataset which has to be imported.

There are no requirements on whom creates these notes.

There is a page on mapcomplete which helps to create these notes and which performs validation, filters out duplicates and makes sure that all goes smoothly. There is an additional page with an overview of the import campaign and with a few tools to update or to close the notes from a single batch (e.g. to clean them up after a year of inactivity)


There are a few forks running, separate from the official instance on

List of unofficial themes

MapComplete allows to load a self-made theme. A theme-configuration is basically a JSON-document. If this json document is encoded with base64 and passed in via the URL-hash (together with ?userlayout=something), this theme will be loaded.

This has given rise to quite some custom themes, which can be visited below. Keep in mind that some of them can be rough around the edges. If you see something that can be improved, you can change this! The theme can be loaded in the custom generator by visiting the theme, opening the 'share'-panel and clicking the edit-theme-button.

If you make substantial improvements, copy the share-link and update it below to 'publish' your change. This way, the themes below can grow and become better. If they are useful, have a decent English translation and are somewhat polished, they might be made official - open a PR or issue on the issue tracker then.

Name, linkGenreCovered regionLanguageDescriptionFree materialsImage
Velocidad POI, editor, search, maxspeed Worldwide English, Spanish, Catalan missing tagged ways with maxspeed and oneway key

maxspeed=* oneway=*

Arbre o tallat? POI, editor, search, trees Worldwide Catalan nodes tagged as trees, to review if is there a tree or a tree_stump

natural=tree natural=tree_stump source=survey source=local_knowledge source:date=* note=*

Container on vas? POI, editor, search, recycling Worldwide Catalan, Spanish nodes tagged as containers to specify which type of rubbish it is collected

amenity=recycling recycling_type=container recycling:paper=yes recycling:cans=yes recycling:PET=yes recycling:cartons=yes recycling:glass_bottles=yes recycling:organic=yes recycling:waste=yes

Crossing time POI, editor, search, crossings Worldwide Catalan, Spanish nodes tagged as only highway=crossing to extend their information

highway=crossing crossing=unmarked crossing=uncontrolled crossing=traffic_signals crossing_ref=zebra crossing_ref=pelican crossing_ref=toucan crossing_ref=puffin crossing_ref=tiger bicycle=yes

Where the sidewalks have no name POI, editor, search, sidewalks, crossings Worldwide Catalan, Spanish, English names,width and accessibility on sidewalks and crossings to improve pedestrian navigation

highway=pedestrian footway=crossing footway=sidewalk name=* width=* wheelchair=*

Where the streets have number POI, editor, search, addresses Worldwide Catalan, Spanish Entrances without complete address

entrance=yes nohousenumber=yes addr:postcode=* addr:housenumber=* addr:street=*

Códigos postales POI, editor, search, postal codes Worldwide Spanish Municipalities without postal code


Wikidata POI, editor, search, wikidata Worldwide Spanish Add missing wikidata tag to boundaries


Restaurants POI, editor, search, restaurant Worldwide Catalan, Spanish Add missing restaurants tag

addr:housenumber=*addr:postcode=* addr:street=* name=* opening_hours=* website=*

Turn back time (names from the past) POI, editor, search, history Worldwide Spanish Add data from other years for amenities, shops, offices and tourism places

name:2010=*name:2000=* name:1990=* name:1980=* name:1970=* name:1960=* name:1950=* name:1940=* name:1930=* name:1920=* name:1910=* name:1900=*

Opening_Hours:COVID19 (wiki) POI, editor, search, COVID19 Worldwide English, Catalan, Spanish Add Opening_Hours data and Opening_Hours:COVID19 in shops and offices


Opening_Hours:COVID19 POI, editor, search, COVID19 Worldwide Catalan, Spanish Add Opening_Hours data and Opening_Hours:COVID19 in all business


Kerbs accessibility, editor, search, kerbs Worldwide Catalan, Spanish , Spanish Add kerbs information


Sidewalks, crossings and pedestrian ways editor, search, lit, perception Worldwide Catalan, Spanish , Spanish Add accessible info about pedestrian streets, footways and crossings

wheelchair=* footway=sidewalk footway=crossing highway=pedestrian

Lit editor, search, wheelchair, sidewalks, crossings, pedestrians Worldwide Catalan, Spanish , Spanish Add lit and lit:perceived information


1roadAllLanes editor, search, lanes Worldwide Catalan, Spanish , Spanish Add lanes information


Skateparks editor, search, sport Worldwide English Add skateparks


Walking Node Network editor, search, Walking Node network Worldwide Nederlands, English Add Walking Network nodes and edit node tags and route tags. Yes
Benches and picnic tables editor, search, benches, picnic tables Worldwide Nederlands, English Find, edit and add benches & picnic tables. Change the type of bench, or mark as gone. Yes File:File:Chairbook 4 kids 001.JPG
Fitness station map editor, search, fitness, sport Worldwide Nederlands Add, review, or improve the location or attributes of leisure=fitness_station Yes File:Https:// 493643.png
Stolpersteine map editor, search Worldwide English Add or review attributes of Stolpersteine or clusters of Stolpersteine no
Railway crossings in Argentina editor, search Worldwide {{{lang}}} Improve railway crossing data yes
OpenImageMap  ? Worldwide English A map showing OSM features that have an image linked to it. Not necessarily useful, but cool anyway. yes
Infotafel editor, search Worldwide Deutsch A map showing information boards, maps and plaques. yes
OpenLightHouses  ? Worldwide English A map for showing and editing lighthouses. yes
Veterinarians map viewer, editor Worldwide English A map with veterinaries yes

Schools map viewer, editor Worldwide English A map with schools, universities, colleges and kindergartens yes
Composthoekjes map viewer, editor Worldwide Nederlands A map with (public) compostation containers and facilities yes
churches POI, editor, personal Worldwide English Shows churches Yes
scales map viewer, editor Worldwide English A map with small weighing scales yes
Slipways map viewer, editor Worldwide English A map with slipways yes
This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.