< Ottawa < Import


Tree Inventory[1] is a dataset containing 149,146 trees mostly owned by the City of Ottawa located along their road allowances.


This dataset is available on the City of Ottawa's open data portal, as part of a government initiative for open data.[2]

The availability of this data on OSM could benefit users in searching for or creating a map of trees within the city. For example, fruit-bearing trees that can be harvested for consumption.


Open Data Licence Version 2.0[3] (Approved by the Licence Working Group)

Data Collection

From the dataset source page:

"This data was collected in the field using GPS software on handheld computers"


The data is a modified OSM file that originated from a KMZ file on the Ottawa Data Portal.[4]


You can preview the data here: https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/addxy/cj4nm39du4esb2qlg0jjlvwiv.html


The KMZ format had tags that are not usable in an OSM format and thus had to be cleaned and modified with proper OSM tags. All that remains from the source data is the width, object id number, and common name of species.

Entries without OSM tags were removed from the source data.

Entries with only OSM tags were not part of the original dataset and were manually added based on research (meaning a quick Wikipedia search)

Original Key OSM Tag Example Description
leaf_cycle deciduous Describes if the leaves fall off or not
leaf_type broadleaved Describes if the tree has needles or leaves
natural tree Defines the node as a tree
survey:date 2013 When the trees were surveyed
genus Popolus Latin name for genus
genus:en Poplar English name for genus
taxon:cultivar Italica Cultivar of the tree (if it has one)
species Populus Nigra Latin name for species
SPECIES species:en Lombardy Poplar English name for species
OBJECTID ref 72027
DBH circumference 0.41 The circumference of the tree in centimetres calculated from the (Diameter at Breast Height - in meters)

Calculation: (DBH * π / 100)

ADDNUM 40 Civic number associated with the trees location
ADDSTR ROYAL FIELD CRES Street name associated with the trees location
RDLOCATION Boulevard Is the tree located in a Median, Boulevard etc
LTLOCATION Rear Is the tree located on the side/front of the parcel
DEDTAGNUMB 0 Tag number associated with Elm trees involved in the DED injection program
EABTAGNUMB 0 Tag number associated with Ash trees involved in the EAB injection program
NAME kml_119561
WARD 3 What ward is the tree located in

Common and Latin names

This is the information used to create the species and genus tags. The genus and genus:en tags are simply the first words of each column.

English name Latin Genus and Species Leaf type Leaf Cycle
Amur Maple Acer ginnala on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Bigleaf Maple Acer macrophyllum on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Manitoba Maple Acer negundo on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Black Maple Acer nigrum on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Japanese Maple Acer palmatum on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Striped Maple Acer pensylvanicum on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Norway Maple Acer platanoides on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Red Maple Acer rubrum on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Silver Maple Acer saccharinum on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Sugar Maple Acer saccharum on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Tatarian Maple Acer tataricum on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Ohio Buckeye Aesculus glabra on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Horse-Chestnut Aesculus hippocastanum on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Yellow Birch Betula alleghaniensis on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Alaskan Birch Betula neoalaskana on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
River Birch Betula nigra on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
White Birch Betula papyrifera on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Gray Birch Betula populifolia on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Himalayan Birch Betula utilis on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Bitternut Hickory Carya cordiformis on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Shagbark Hickory Carya ovata on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Northern Catalpa Catalpa speciosa on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Katsura Cercidiphyllum japonicum on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Eastern Redbud Cercis canadensis on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Red Osier Dogwood Cornus sericea on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
American Hazelnut Corylus americana on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Turkish Hazel Corylus colurna on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
European Smoketree Cotinus coggygria on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Russian Olive Elaeagnus angustifolia on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Black Walnut Juglans Nigra on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
American Wahoo Euonymus atropurpureus on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
American Beech Fagus grandifolia on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Blue Beech Fagus japonica on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
European Beech Fagus sylvatica on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
White Ash Fraxinus americana on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
European Ash Fraxinus excelsior on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Black Ash Fraxinus nigra on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Ginkgo Ginkgo biloba on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Honey Locust Gleditsia triacanthos on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Kentucky Coffeetree Gymnocladus dioicus on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Butternut Juglans cinerea on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Golden Chain Laburnum anagyroides on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Tulip Tree Liriodendron tulipifera on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Amur Cork Tree Phellodendron amurense on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
American Sycamore Platanus occidentalis on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
White Poplar Populus alba on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Balsam Poplar Populus balsamifera on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Eastern Cottonwood Populus deltoides on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Large-Tooth Aspen Populus grandidentata on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Lombardy Poplar Populus nigra on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Trembling Aspen Populus tremuloides on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Pin Cherry Prunus pensylvanica on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Black Cherry Prunus serotina on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Flowering Almond Prunus triloba on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Schubert Choke Cherry Prunus virginiana on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Choke Cherry Prunus virginiana on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Common Hoptree Ptelea trifoliata on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
White Oak Quercus alba on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Swamp White Oak Quercus bicolor on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Bur Oak Quercus macrocarpa on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Pin Oak Quercus palustris on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
English Oak Quercus robur on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Red Oak Quercus rubra on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Staghorn Sumac Rhus typhina on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Black Locust Robinia pseudoacacia on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Arctic Willow Salix arctica on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Weeping Willow Salix babylonica on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Bebb Willow Salix bebbiana on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Pussy Willow Salix discolor on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Corkscrew Willow Salix matsudana on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Black Willow Salix nigra on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
European Mountain Ash Sorbus aucuparia on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Showy Mountain Ash Sorbus decora on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Swedish Whitebeam Sorbus intermedia on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Japanese Lilac Syringa reticulata on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Common Lilac Syringa vulgaris on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Basswood Tilia americana on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Littleleaf Linden Tilia cordata on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
American Elm Ulmus americana on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Scotch Elm Ulmus glabra on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Chinese Elm Ulmus parvifolia on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Siberian Elm Ulmus pumila on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Red Elm Ulmus rubra on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
Rock Elm Ulmus thomasii on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
High Bush Cranberry Viburnum trilobum on Wikipedia broadleaved deciduous
European Larch Larix decidua on Wikipedia needleleaved deciduous
Eastern Larch Larix laricina on Wikipedia needleleaved deciduous
Balsam Fir Abies balsamea on Wikipedia needleleaved evergreen
Colorado Fir Abies concolor on Wikipedia needleleaved evergreen
Nootka Cypress Cupressus nootkatensis on Wikipedia needleleaved evergreen
Eastern Juniper Juniperus virginiana on Wikipedia needleleaved evergreen
Norway Spruce Picea abies on Wikipedia needleleaved evergreen
White Spruce Picea glauca on Wikipedia needleleaved evergreen
Black Spruce Picea mariana on Wikipedia needleleaved evergreen
Serbian Spruce Picea omorika on Wikipedia needleleaved evergreen
Colorado Spruce Picea pungens on Wikipedia needleleaved evergreen
Red Spruce Picea rubens on Wikipedia needleleaved evergreen
Bristlecone Pine Pinus aristata on Wikipedia needleleaved evergreen
Jack Pine Pinus banksiana on Wikipedia needleleaved evergreen
Western White Pine Pinus monticola on Wikipedia needleleaved evergreen
Mugo Pine Pinus mugo on Wikipedia needleleaved evergreen
Black Pine Pinus nigra on Wikipedia needleleaved evergreen
Parry Pinyon Pinus quadrifolia on Wikipedia needleleaved evergreen
Red Pine Pinus resinosa on Wikipedia needleleaved evergreen
White Pine Pinus strobus on Wikipedia needleleaved evergreen
Scotch Pine Pinus sylvestris on Wikipedia needleleaved evergreen
Douglas Fir Pseudotsuga menziesii on Wikipedia needleleaved evergreen
Canada Yew Taxus canadensis on Wikipedia needleleaved evergreen
Eastern White Cedar Thuja occidentalis on Wikipedia needleleaved evergreen

Import Process

The process will be dealt with using the osm-ca Tasking Manager to ease the work flow as there is a lot of data to be added.

The time frame can expect to be a week or two after getting approval from the community.


Merging with current trees in OSM

There are about 6,021 trees in OSM within the area of the dataset. Of those, only 3 have anything more than natural=tree and none of them overlap with what is being imported. If any of the remaining 6,021 trees are overlapping with the dataset a simple use of the m key to merge the existing node to the new one will fix this and retain history of said node.

Tree thickness

There are 7 trees with an outlying thickness. All trees are below 9.42m round (3m thick). There's a gap from 3m to 4.5m diameter and then 6 trees between 4.5m and 7m diameter. One tree is listed as being 55m thick. Unless Ottawa hosts the thickest tree in the world that no one knows about then this is certainly not correct.

These 7 trees will be tagged with a fixme to indicate their thickness are not correct and a ground survey is required.

ref Circumference Diameter Notes
25019 14.14 4.50 Based on imagery, it seems like this tree was dug up and a large hole left in its place.

This may have been an accurate measurement and not an error.

20369 14.99 4.77
25169 14.99 4.77
40401 15.99 5.09
5025 21.61 6.88
22578 21.99 7.00
6768 174.83 55.65

Trees inside OSM Buildings

Only 210 trees conflict (fall inside) existing OSM buildings (as of 2017 July 2), these trees will be excluded from the import data and will be handled manually.

Trees which conflicts with buildings can be downloaded here: https://gist.github.com/DenisCarriere/bf7b3a8812516882b6ba510ed979b390

A breakdown of the conflicts based on distance (how far away the tree is from the closest edge of the building)

  • 0 meter => 210 conflicts
  • 1 meter => 120 conflicts
  • 3 meters => 44 conflicts

Trees inside OSM Water

No trees in this import fall inside any water=* OSM features.

Trees nearby OSM Roads

The import data is of high quality accuracy which makes is near impossible to calculate if a tree is exactly on top of a road or in proximity by 3-5 feet away from the centerline which might be the case in some residential neighborhoods. The OSM road centerline might have an offset of a few meters (1-3 meters) based on which type of imagery the road was collected. There isn't any indications that trees are located on major highways or major roads.

Import Data

The original import data has been transformed into both GeoJSON & Vector Tile (MBTiles) formats with the above OSM tags schema.

Tasking Manager Data

Using the Tasking Manager, the imported data is served as OSM tiles using the following schema to be added to the Per Task Instructions.

See Also

  • The discussions for this import in the mailing list for June and July


This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.