< Philippines

Philippines/Geodata detail levels

This page aims to document the levels of detail that can be targeted for OSM geodata in the Philippines. While the long-term goal is to have everything of interest mapped and kept up-to-date, there are intermediate levels of detail that can be attained and which makes the data immediately useful for particular purposes.


Level Parameters Data requirements
Philippine map
Scale / zoom 1:5,000,000-1:500,000 / 7-10
Spatial accuracy 2,500-250 m
Completion unit Philippines (monitor per province)
Use cases
  • Philippine overview maps
Sample products

Natural features:

  • Complete coastline and place nodes of the largest islands (larger than 50 ha, maybe around 1000 islands)
  • Paths and outlines of major rivers and lakes
  • Labels of major straits, bays and gulfs (no tag yet)
  • Nodes locating peaks of important mountains and volcanoes with ele=*
  • Labels of mountain ranges (no tag yet)
  • Labels of peninsulas (no tag yet)

Administrative features:

  • Provincial and regional boundaries
  • Nodes for centers of all cities and municipalities

Transport network:

  • All highway=motorway, trunk, primary roads
  • All railroads
  • Complete Ro-ro routes and notable ferry routes
  • Nodes for all airports
Provincial map
Scale / zoom 1:500,000-1:50,000 / 11-13
Spatial accuracy 250-25 m
Completion unit Region/Province (monitor per city/municipality)
Use cases
  • Provincial overview maps
  • Regional tourist maps
Sample products

The following are in addition to Level 1 coverage. (Take note of the increased spatial accuracy needed.)

Administrative features:

  • City and municipality boundaries
  • Nodes for all barangays

Transport network:

  • All highway=secondary, tertiary roads
  • All established ferry routes
City map
Scale / zoom 1:50,000-1:5,000 / 14-16
Spatial accuracy 25-2.5 m
Completion unit City/municipality (monitor per barangay or other sub-city/municipal unit)
Use cases
  • City/municipal maps
  • City-level tourist maps
  • City-level street atlases
Sample products

Sat nav
Scale / zoom 1:25,000-1:2,500 / 15-18
Spatial accuracy 13-2 m
Completion unit City/municipality (monitor per barangay or other sub-city/municipal unit)
Use cases
  • GPS sat nav systems for motorized vehicles
Sample products

Area map
Scale / zoom 1:10,000-1:1,000 / 16-19
Spatial accuracy 5-1 m
Completion unit Any specific area
Use cases
  • Building maps of business districts
  • Campus maps
  • Industrial park maps
Sample products

Scale / zoom 1:10,000-1:1,000 / 16-19
Spatial accuracy 5-1 m
Completion unit City/municipality (monitor per barangay or other sub-city/municipal unit)
Use cases
  • Geocoding
  • Reverse geocoding
Sample products


Pedestrian nav
Scale / zoom 1:5,000-1:500 / 17-20
Spatial accuracy 3-0.5 m
Completion unit Barangay/area/district
Use cases
  • Pedestrian-level navigation
  • Maybe: navigation for the blind
Sample products


Meaning of parameters

  • Scale / zoom. This is the target map scale for each level with a corresponding zoom level on standard OSM Slippy Maps (assuming a 96dpi screen). The scale and zoom dictates the amount of detail and spatial accuracy needed.
  • Spatial accuracy. This specifies how accurate the features must be positioned. This required accuracy level is estimated such that the allowable error is less than the resolution of 50dpi when a map at that corresponding level's scale is printed.
  • Completion unit. This states the suggested geographic area that should be used to target completion for a corresponding level. For example, for Level 2, a good target is to have the province of Bulacan reach this level.
  • Use cases. Possible uses, products, or services that can be produced when we have complete data for a completion unit at the corresponding level.
  • Sample products. This gives examples of existing non-OSM products and services that fit the corresponding level.

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