
bind all parts of a street together and everything else that belongs to it 
Group: Addresses
  • - street
  • - address / house
  • - associated / others
Status: proposed

This is a variant of the more widely used associatedStreet relation. In common with associatedStreet, the purpose of this relation is to group all the elements that make up a street together. One advantage of doing this is that it avoids the need to repeatedly use tags that apply to an entire street, such as addr:street or addr:city. These tags can instead be included once inside the relation. Street relations also provide an explicit connection between addresses and the street to which they belong.

Note that this relation is not established and unsupported by some applications. It has also not been approved by vote. You can still use it, but you should not delete existing tagging in its favour.

There is now a proposal to change this relation to include more members, see Proposed_features/Relation:street

Differences from associatedStreet

Street and associatedStreet relations are in most ways inter-compatible and data users should have little difficulty in utilising both.

  • this relation favours using the role 'address' instead of 'house' for objects representing addresses. This makes sense because addresses are not just houses, but shops, offices, factories, and so on. The 'address' role is therefore more accurate and less potentially confusing.
  • this relation also allows for including features that belong to a street but are not addresses using the 'associated' role.
  • clear definition about custom user tags * Any Tag that applies to all parts of the street. With associatedStreet it is up to software how to use Karlsruhe Schema on building=* vs relation.


Key Value Comment
type street Defines that this is a Relation of the type 'street'.
name * The name of the street (required).
any * Any Tag that applies to all parts of the street.


Type Role Recurrence? Comment
street One or more All ways that are part of the street (as in with the same name)
address / house Zero or more All objects representing addresses along the street (typically tagged with addr:housenumber or addr:housename).

A node representing one or more addresses belonging to the street.
A housenumber interpolation line.
A building or other area that represents one or more addresses belonging to the street.

associated / others... Zero or more Anything else that belongs to the street, but doesn't contain an address.

Software that support this tagging schema

See also

This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.