< Software


OpenStreetMap software running on the Java ME (formerly J2ME) platform.

Software list

General information

Name Screenshot Creator Platform Display map Navigate Make track Monitor License Price Languages Version Description
8motions 8motions Ltd. yes yes yes no nonfreeProprietary free EN
Ape@map Onyx Technologie Java ME,Android yes no yes yes nonfreeproprietary free EN
BT747 Dirk Haase, Mario De Weerd, Thomas Mohme Java ME, Linux, Mac OS, Palm, Windows, Windows Mobile no no yes yes GPL free DE; EN 2010-08-13
MTK GPS chip sets only!
Endomondo yes no no no nonfreeProprietary free
An app for recording and logging workouts. It also allows seeing the position on an OSM map.
GPS Track for J2ME Dana Peters Java ME no no yes no GPL free EN

GPSed Mobile Application GPSed.com yes no yes no nonfreeproprietary free EN

Client for gpsed.com but works without this service, too
GpsMid Harald Mueller, Kai Krueger, S. Hochmuth, Markus Baeurle, Jyrki Kuoppala & others Java ME; Android yes yes yes yes GPLv2 free EN; DE; FI; CS; PL; RU; FR; IT; ES; SK 2012-09-08
very portable navi for Android and J2ME mobile phones, uses offline vector maps, audio navigation
HotSpot Navigator Oleg Chubarev yes yes yes no nonfreeproprietary nonfree15$ EN 2011-04-25
FON Wi-Fi Spots over OSM tiles
LoroDux Lulu-Ann Java ME no no no no GPL free DE 2010-10-14
Routing for visually impaired/blind users
Map Mobile Navigator Pavel Raev Java ME yes yes yes yes nonfreeproprietary free 12+ 2011-05-03
Mobile Atlas Creator Java ME yes no no no GPL free
Tiles export for lot of mobile offline nav tools
Mobile GMaps Christian Streng Java ME yes yes yes no nonfreeCC-nc-nd
EN 2009-08-22
Mobile Trail Explorer Tommi Laukkanen Java ME yes no yes yes GPL free 5 2009-03-24
RoadMap Editor FreeMap Israel Java ME yes yes yes no GPL free EN; HE
Fork of RoadMap
ShareNav Jyrki Kuoppala, S. Hochmuth, Kai Krueger, Harald Mueller, Markus Baeurle & others Android; Java ME yes yes yes yes GPLv2 nonfree€2.99 on Google Play Store (may vary depending on local taxes) EN; DE; FI; CS; PL; RU; FR; IT; ES; SK 2012-11-12
very portable navi for Android&J2ME mobile phones, uses offline vector maps, audio navigation
SikaSimplex Antti Järvinen Java ME MIDP-2.0 with JSR179 no no yes no GPL free EN 2009-09-08
Log Roads directly to OSM
TrackMyJourney Stephen Dartnall yes yes yes yes nonfreeproprietary nonfree12/18 EUR for 6/12 months EN

Limited Free Version Available
TrekBuddy Ales Pour (Kruch) Java ME, Android yes yes yes yes nonfreenonfree free EN, localizations 2014-07-29
Highly customizable navigation/map display tool
VGPS Digital Mobile Map Android; Java ME yes yes no no nonfreeproprietary nonfree5$ EN 2011-11-28
OSM and Garmin offline map with routing turn-by-turn navigation for Android and J2ME mobile phones
We-Travel [http://Main We-Travel.biz site] Java ME yes yes yes no nonfreeproprietary free EN 2010-02-09
Highly modular and customizable navi
Wisepilot Appello yes yes no no nonfreeproprietary nonfree€1.79 monthly EN; DE; ES; FR; SV; and much more 2014-04-03
online turn-by-turn navigation

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Map display features

Name Shows map as vector Shows map as bitmap Stores map-data on-board Stores map-data off-board (downloads from internet) Rotate map 3D view
8motions no yes no yes no no
Ape@map no yes yes (cache) no yes no
no yes
GPSed Mobile Application
GpsMid yes yes yes yes yes yes
HotSpot Navigator no yes yes yes no no
Map Mobile Navigator no yes yes (cache) yes yes no
Mobile Atlas Creator no yes no yes no no
Mobile GMaps no yes yes (cache) yes yes no
Mobile Trail Explorer no yes yes (cache) yes no no
RoadMap Editor yes no yes no yes yes
ShareNav yes yes yes yes yes yes
TrackMyJourney yes yes yes yes yes yes
TrekBuddy no yes yes no yes no
VGPS yes no yes no yes no
We-Travel yes yes yes no
Wisepilot yes yes no yes yes yes

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Name Navigate to point Find location Find nearby POIs Navigate along predefined route Create route manually Calculate route Calculate route without internet Car routing Bike routing Foot routing Turn restrictions Navigation with voice Keep on road Works without GPS
8motions yes yes no
yes no no no no no
GpsMid yes yes yes no no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes
HotSpot Navigator yes no yes
no no no no no no yes
Map Mobile Navigator yes yes no
no no no no no no
Mobile GMaps
yes yes
no no no no no no
RoadMap Editor yes yes no
no no
ShareNav yes yes yes no no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
TrackMyJourney yes yes yes
yes yes yes
no yes partial
no no no yes
VGPS yes yes yes no
yes no no yes yes yes yes
We-Travel yes yes yes
yes yes yes
Wisepilot yes yes yes
yes no yes yes yes

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Track making features

Name Customizable log interval GPX format KML format NMEA format All formats Geo-tagged notes Geo-tagged photos Geo-tagged audio Fast POI buttons
8motions yes yes yes no gpx;kml yes yes no no
Ape@map yes yes no yes gpx;nmea yes no no no
BT747 yes no no no GPX, KML, CSV, HTML, PLT, TRK no yes no yes
GPS Track for J2ME yes yes yes no gpx;kml;csv no no no no
GPSed Mobile Application
yes no no gpx;proprietary
GpsMid yes yes no yes gpx;nmea no yes yes yes
HotSpot Navigator no no no no bin no no no yes
Map Mobile Navigator yes yes yes yes gpx;kml;nmea;ozi yes yes no yes
Mobile GMaps
Mobile Trail Explorer yes yes yes no gpx;kml yes no yes yes
RoadMap Editor
ShareNav yes yes no yes gpx;nmea yes yes yes yes
SikaSimplex yes yes no no gpx yes no no
TrackMyJourney yes yes yes yes gpx;kml;nmea;csv;txt;ozi yes yes yes yes
TrekBuddy yes yes no yes gpx;nmea yes yes yes no
We-Travel yes yes yes no gpx;kml yes yes no yes

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Monitoring features

Name Show current track Open existing track Altitude diagram Show DOP value Satellite view Show live NMEA data Send current position via SMS Upload current position
Ape@map yes yes yes
yes no yes yes
BT747 yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes
GpsMid yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no
Map Mobile Navigator yes yes yes yes yes no yes yes
Mobile Trail Explorer yes yes yes yes yes no yes yes
ShareNav yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no
TrackMyJourney yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes
TrekBuddy yes yes yes yes yes no no no

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OpenStreetMap editing features

Name Add POIs Edit / Delete POIs Edit arbitrary tags of existing OSM objects Edit geometries Support imagery offset DB Upload to OSM
GpsMid yes yes yes not directly, will open web browser editor for area
ShareNav yes yes yes not directly, will open web browser editor for area

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Some small applications, which can't display OSM map, but maybe useful for mapping.

AFTrack (Symbian OS, $32)
creates tracks, shows speed, altitude. Exports in a number of formats.
GETrack (Java ME, $13.99)
logs your location at a variety of intervals. Exports the data in a number of formats, including GPX on some Nokia phones.
gpspys60 (Symbian OS/Python)
dumps the NMEA-0183 lines into a file that works with most bluetooth GPS receiver.
Loadstone (Symbian OS)
a useful navigational tool for everyone, it is particularly useful for blind and visually impaired people using screen readers.
LocateMe (Java ME)
shows direction to a target, satellite view and live NMEA data.
Navlet (Java ME)
shows current position, HDOP value, live NMEA data and sends SMS.
Nokia Location Tagger (Symbian OS)
can geotag photos on some Nokia phones.
PyS60Editor (Symbian OS/Python)
an OSM editor.
trakkcor (Java ME)
uploads current position to a server.
Run.gps (Win CE)
uploads tracks and current position to a server.
SikaSimplex (J2ME, GPL)
Datalogger that uploads logged tracks to OSM server.
Explorers Tracker by CEALogs (Symbian S60 3rd & 5th Ed. OS, $11.90. Free 30 day trial version.)
creates tracks, shows direction and distance to local places, shows speed, altitude. Free PC utilites transfer data to and convert to KML.
  • Mom - Mobile Open Mapper
  • GpsMid - free software, licensed under GPL, has also preliminary routing support
  • 8motions - Free software, commerciale lincense under request, can be used to render OSM data and KML/GPX data on top of OSM but also to create GPX informations to be used to create OSM maps
  • Mgmaps - gratis, licensed under Attribution - NonCommercial - NoDerivs Creative Commons license.
  • LoroDux - GPS Software with OSM POIs for the blind
This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.