State of the Map 2018

28 Mar. Call for venues opened (see the proposals: Heidelberg or Milan).
1 May Call for venues closed.
19 Aug. Milan selected as venue.
Call for logo started (see the submitted proposals).
30 Nov. Call for logo closed.
9 Jan. Event website launched with new logo based on selected design.
11 Jan. Call for session proposals starting.
17 Jan. Opened scholarship applications.
14 Feb. Deadline for scholarship applications.
18 Feb. Deadline for sessions proposals.
25 Feb. Registration open! Tickets on sale at early bird discount.
4 Mar. Deadline for academic track proposals.
23 Apr. Poster competition started.
10 May Program announced.
17 May Early bird discount ends.
30 Jun. Deadline of poster competition.
27 Jul. Venue setup and installation.
28 Jul. Main conference opening day with presentations and discussions.
29 Jul. Main conference second day with presentations, discussions and the academic track.
30 Jul. Main conference third day with presentations and discussions. Closure of the conference, OSM Awards.

State Of The Map 2018 took place on 28-30 July 2018 at the Politecnico di Milano (map), in Milan (Milano), Italy.

Thanks for coming!

Thank you to our Italian hosts and the rest of the SOTM organising committee.

What happened?

Most presentations and some lightning talks were recorded. Breakout sessions also took place outside of the pre-arranged program (not recorded).

Social channels

Blog write-ups

Please add links here, to your blog posts or notes that report on the conference.

Posts by SotM 2018 scholars: Please note that scholars are required to share something about their time at State of the Map, if they want to apply for future SotM international scholarships (with the exception of SotM 2019 scholarships, for which they cannot apply). If what is shared is a post, its content, language and length is up to each scholar.

in English

in general

in general - by SotM 2018 scholars

on particular sessions or topics

in French

in German

in Indonesian

in Italian

in Portuguese

in Russian

in Spanish

OSM awards

The 2018 award ceremony took place on 30th of July at the State of the Map 2018 conference. The winners were:

  • The Core Systems Award went to Sarah Hoffmann
  • The Innovation Award went to Wikimedia Foundation Collaboration Team
  • The Influential Writing Award went to Christoph Hormann
  • The Greatness in Mapping Award went to Tshedy
  • The Expanding the Community Award went to Christine Karch
  • The Improving the Latin America Award went to Natalia da Silveira Arruda
  • The Improving the Africa Award went to Crowd2Map Tanzania
  • The Improving the Asia Award went to State of the Map Asia 2017 organizing team
  • The Ulf Möller Memorial Award went to Richard Fairhurst


Please see: Scholars


We want to thank our conference sponsors for their support!

Gold: Microsoft/Bing, Facebook, Mapbox
Silver: Telenav,
Bronze: Garmin, Kaart, Mapillary,, OsmAnd

Would your company be interested in supporting the next State of the Map conference in this way? Write to for information.

The international State of the Map conferences 
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