State of the Map Asia 2020

With the Covid-19 situation still going on across the Asia and related travel and health concerns , we have to sadly cancel the SOTM Asia 2020 conference which was planned to be held in Sri Lanka this year. We believe the face-to face gathering is the best way to provide the environment to connect with each other and share the OSM journey. Still we are looking at having a small scale on-line conference to keep the community together in this difficult time.

Thank you for everyone who have contributed to organising the SOTM Asia 2020.

State of the Map Asia (SotM Asia) 2020 is the annual conference held by OpenStreetMap Asian community. This year it will be held in Sri Lanka. Mappers,, developers, users and supporters across the Asian countries and the world are warmly welcome to share their valuable experiences related OSM in SOTM Asia 2020.

More information may be found on the official website ( updates will be available soon)


31st October 2020 -1st November 2020

There will be pre-conference workshops and a tour afterwards so keep few more dates free!


University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya - Sri Lanka

University of Peradeniya is situated close to the hill capital of Sri Lanka, Kandy in lush greenery adjoining to the Hantana mountain range , spreading over seven square kilometres.

Main Themes

The conference will be organised around the following topics but not limited to them.

  1. Use of OSM and OSM based applications (software tools/ apps) ,  mapping experiences,  challenges, stories, gaps and innovative solutions in the domains of  :
    • Health applications
    • Disaster management
    • Environment
    • Government & local governmental context
    • Education & training
    • Location based services
    • Community development & social applications
    • Natural Resource Management
    • Urban & Land use Planning
    • Sustainable Development
    • Social justice , diversity,, inclusiveness and peace
    • Cultural heritage & Tourism
  2. Analysis and insight related to all aspects of the long term success of OSM as a platform such a
    • Quality aspects of OSM data
    • data validity issues
    • analysis of contribution patterns
    • socio-cultural aspects of using OSM data
    • comparison/analysis of tools for supporting OSM

Call for contributions

Come and join with us to share your story related to maps ! You may be working hard preparing maps useful millions of people or you may use OSM for solving problems related to your domain. whatever the case others will love to hear your OSM story.

The contributions can be of the following forms and feel free to contact the organizers if you need more details or any support. We understand there can be many first time presenters and we are happy to help you if you need any help.

  • Lightning talk (5 minutes)
  • Presentations (20 minutes)

There will be pre-conference workshops and feel free to propose workshops ( Lab facilities are available)

  • Workshop (60-90 minutes)

For presentations and lighting talks, we need a 300 -500 word abstract highlighting your contribution. The submission details will be make available at the conference website.

Important Dates

Call for contribution:

  • Announcement of Call for contribution : 04th March 2020
  • Deadline for submitting contributions: 25th May 2020
  • Inform the acceptance : 30th June 2020
  • Camera ready Abstracts : 13th July 2020

Registration :

  • Registration opens  1st April 2020
  • Early bird registration 15th July 2020
  • Normal registration 1st October 2020
  • On-site registration 31st October -1st November 2020

Program schedule

There will be key notes ( 40 minutes), standard presentations / talks ( 20 minutes ) , Lightning talks (5 minutes) and Panel discussions spread across two days .

The schedule will be updated as we come closer to the conference dates.

Code of conduct

Ideas and information are exchanged most effectively at the State of the Map Asia events in an atmosphere free of abuse or harassment, and characterized by courtesy and respect. To that end, SotM Asia expects all individuals who attend to conduct themselves in a manner that establishes an atmosphere free from discriminatory practices. The full Code of Conduct is available here.


State of the Map Asia is a non-commercial event driven by the community, where no organizers, participants or speakers are reimbursed for their roles in the event. However in order to support the under privileged communities, promote diversity and gender equality, SOTM Asia always provide several travel grants and scholarships to the deserving community members. SOTM Asia 2020 will also honour this tradition and wish to support most possible number of participants via its scholarship & travel grants program. There would be discounts for student registrations and travel grants covering travel and /or accommodation for limited number of suitable participants. Details and application process will be available soon in the conference website


To be updated

Information for travellers

To be updated



    See also

    (2013) · 2014 · 2015 · 2016 · 2017 · 2018 · 2019 · 2020 (cancelled) · 2022
    This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.