State of the Map France 2015

The State of the Map France conferences 
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2021 2022 website

The third edition of State of the Map France took place in Brest (Brittany), from May 29th to May 31st 2015, organised by the french association, OpenStreetMap France

Photos: sotmfr2015 tag on flickr

Brest is large city with an important military harbour located at the far west end of France. Its universities (Université de Bretagne Occidentale) are opening their facilities for SOTM-FR and excellent conditions are expected for the conferences and workshops.

SOTM-FR is a major event in France and is the best opportunity to meet people contributing to and using OpenStreetMap, to share experiences, make contacts, plan projects, and so on.

This year the theme of the conference is : What usages for the OpenStreetMap ecosystem ?



The event will be hosted at the Faculté Victor Ségalen in the city centre, on Friday 29th and Saturday 30th. We will carry on on Sunday 31st in a place yet to be defined.

Map of the university on OSM


Online registration is available on Eventbrite.

Go ahead, we're looking forward to meeting you !


The association OpenStreetMap France is responsible for organizing the event. The local contact is Louis-Julien de la Bouëre - feel free to contact him at: ljbouere [at]

If you wish to present a project related to OpenStreetMap please send your proposal at: sotm [at]


Program translated from the french version, which may be subject to further changes

Friday 29th May

At l'UBO Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines : 20, rue Duquesne - Brest

An opportunity to meet OSM contributors and professionals interested in OSM and its uses (GIS specialists, health services, transport, town planning, environment, etc.).


University Forum

  • 8:45 : Registration and coffee

Amphi Guilcher

09h30 - 12h30 : Conference opening and project Bano

  • 09h30 - 09h45 : Opening of SOTM 2015 with Christian Quest, Gaël Musquet and Louis-Julien de la Bouëre. For OSM France, and Ronan Pichon (Vice-président of Brest city council in charge of digital, social funding and sustainable development)
  • 09h45 - 10h15 : Keynote: "OpenStreetMap, another way to produce data" Simon Chignard.

> 10h15 - 10h30 : Interval

  • 10h30 - 12h : A year of Address Base - Christian Quest (President of OSM-France running the BAN project Etalab), Yohan Boniface (developer of Etalab), and Vincent de Château-Thierry (contributor to project BANO).
  • 12h - 12h30 : GéoBretagne : 8 years with OSM, constructive relations between public services and the OSM community - Fabrice Phung (DREAL Bretagne) and Stéphane Mevel (Région Bretagne).

12h30 - 14h : Lunch - University forum, ground floor

Afternoon  :

TODO translation from french version

Saturday 30th May

TODO translation from french version

Sunday 31st May

TODO translation from french version

Practical Information


Brest Métropole Océane Tourist Office

Getting there

  • Railway : National SNCF line : Brest is the terminus. Paris-Rennes-Saint-Brieuc-Morlaix-Brest and Nantes-Quimper-Brest. Timetables availables on the French Railways (SNCF) site
  • Flights : Brest-Bretagne Airport is located at Guipavas 8 km from the Brest city center. Acces by bus and taxis. Regular lines from Barcelona, Bordeaux, Paris (CDG and Orly), London (Gatwick), Lyon, Marseille, Toulon
  • Road : Brest is the national express terminus.

Moving around

Brest Agglomeration has a collective public transport Bibus, including a tramway line and many bus lines.

Having fun

  • Restaurants of various types and prices - do not miss the lovely pancakes in crêperies !
  • Bars and pubs and cafés
  • Cinemas
  • What about taking a tour on the coast of Brittany : the spectacular Crozon peninsula, Pointe Saint-Matthieu, middle-age churches, the amazing islands of Molène and Ouessant, and so on. Spare a few extra days to enjoy the best part of Brittany !
The State of the Map France conferences 
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2021 2022 website
This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.