
Location of historic underground mine workings for minerals such as coal or lead.  
Group: Historic
Used on these elements
Useful combination
Status: de facto

Location of historic underground mine workings for minerals such as coal or lead.

How to Map

Add historic=mine to a node. The name of the mine and the main mineral(s) mined can also be added if known.


Simple example:

name=Shilton Colliery

Or you can expand with more information to help eventual set up a gazatteer of world mine locations:

name=Green How Hill
description=Lead and previously silver has mined here since Roman times

Associated Tags

  • Where the sites of individual vertical shafts are known, you can additionally map then with historic=mine_shaft
  • Where the sites of individual horizontal adits are known, you can additionally map then with historic=mine_adit
  • Where a spoil heap can be clearly seen, for example on Bing imagery, you can outline it with man_made=spoil_heap[1]
  • An area of (indistinct) shafts, spoil-heaps etc might be mapped with an area historic=archaeological_site


This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.