
Defibrillator (AED), an external and portable electronic device that diagnoses and can correct arrhythmia of the heart automatically. 
Group: Emergencies
Used on these elements
Useful combination
Status: approved

Defibrillators tagged in OSM are automated external defibrillator (AED), a first-aid device that automates the process of diagnosing life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia and performing defibrillation. Automated external defibrillators can be found in a growing number of public places, although they are sometimes restricted to use by persons with formal first-aid training.

Hint for using this data

Remember to call emergency services immediately in case of life-threatening situations (probably even before trying to locate an AED) [1].

How to map

Draw tag emergency=defibrillator as a node.

Tag Description Recommendation
emergency=defibrillator Main tag ! Required
opening_hours=* If the defibrillator is only accessible during certain opening hours  Important
phone=* Number of the location responsible for the device  Important
emergency:phone=* Emergency number responsible in this area  Important
defibrillator:location=* A textual description where the device is located (e.g., "in the porter's lounge"). Formerly aed:location; if you are a data user, please recognize both  Important
access=* If the access to the device is restricted  Important
indoor=* If the defibrillator is mounted on a wall, clarify with this tag whether it is the external or internal side of the wall  Important
locked=* Whether or not the device or case is locked, via a code or other key  Important
level=* If indoor=yes add level number ? Optional
defibrillator=manual If the device is not automated (e.g., in hospitals emergencies) ? Optional
defibrillator:location:<lang>=* Multilingual textual descriptions. Useful in multilingual areas, and/or for adding a description in a widely understood language such as English (e.g. defibrillator:location:en=*) ? Optional
description=* If there is something special about this defibrillator ? Optional
manufacturer=* Manufacturer of this defibrillator ? Optional
model=* Model of this defibrillator ? Optional
defibrillator:cabinet=* Type of cabinet the defibrillator is stored in. Values could include vertical_door, horizontal_door, twist, mechanical or no. ? Optional

Maps and applications showing AED


See also

External references

This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.