
A quarter is a named, geographically localised place within a suburb of a larger city or within a town which is bigger than a neighbourhood 
Group: Places
Used on these elements
Useful combination
See also
Status: approved

The tag place=quarter should be applied to a part of a bigger settlement where this part is smaller than a place=suburb (note that this 'suburb' is the 'OSM suburb' which can also be in the centre of a city) and bigger than a place=neighbourhood. This does not have to be an administrative entity.

How to map

  • As a node: place a node at the center of the quarter, tag with place=quarter and the name=* if applicable. This is useful for rendering and routing applications, and is the most common method of mapping.
  • As an area: some mappers prefer to map quarters as a closed way or relation. In this case the relation is usually tagged with type=boundary and boundary=administrative if applicable. Many mappers also add a node tagged place=quarter at the center of the area to assist routing applications.

Tags to use

Other main tags to use if the information is available

More tag suggestions

  • start_date=* - the date (or year) when the first people/business/users moved in (if applies)
  • architect=* - name of the masterplanner / architectural firm that did the urban planning (if applies)

and of course any tag you like.

What can be mapped?

You can map all kind of settlement parts bigger than a neighbourhood and smaller than a suburb with this tag. It can apply to residential areas, commercial areas, industrial areas and all other kind of landuse and mixes of landuses. It depends on history, culture, politics, economy and more how settlements are organized, so more specific rules are avoided. Usually these entities will be around the size of a small village. For villages and small towns you might want to use this tag only if there is also smaller parts (neighbourhoods). If the only division of a village would be quarter (i.e. they would result quite small) then omit quarter and only tag place=neighbourhood. For settlements with exactly two levels of divisions, if they are smaller than a place=borough, use place=quarter and place=neighbourhood and skip place=suburb.

If you know places with this tag, verify if it could be tagged with another tag.
Automated edits are strongly discouraged unless you really know what you are doing!

Original proposals

See Also

This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.