RUIAN (or RÚIAN) is one of the four central registers of the public administration of Czech Republic. The main website (in Czech language only) is at

It contains information about:

  • buildings registered in Czech Cadastre (only in the areas where the cadastre was digitized so far) (including info about the building type, its use, number of floors, entrances, ...)
  • address nodes
  • real estates (including the type of land and its predominant use (roughly equivalent to landuse=*)

The Czech community is preparing a semi-automatic import of the available data to OSM. See below.

As the data are specific to Czech Republic the discussion and information about project are on the Czech language version of this page.

We will try to translate the most important parts to this page when we reach the agreement here as well.

License for data

The data are freely available to anyone by law as they were created by government agency using tax payers' money. There are no copyrights on the data. The basic registers are created according to the Lawe No. 111/2009 Sb.. The possibility of extraction and use of data for OSM is based on § 62 of Law 111/2009 Sb. Sorry, we are not aware of any English translations of Czech laws.

RUIAN data format

The data, supplied by CUZK (Czech Cadastre), are in XML format.

They are available at RUIAN VDP.

You can download Example XML file of the town Ceske Budejovice.

XML files can be converted to the PostgreSQL database using utility ruian2pgsql.

Czech address import

See Main page about import of Czech Addresses

Import managed by Petr Vejsada
The bot will add not yet existing address nodes from RUIAN or compare all the existing addresses on nodes/ways/relation in Czech Republic, match them to the addresses in RUIAN a rewrite the existing addresses in OSM with correct and full details from RUIAN. In places where the bot will not be really sure if he has a match we will proceed manually.
The import is listed in Import/Catalogue

Czech address format

The addresses based on RUIAN are in this format:

Key Description Note
addr:conscriptionnumber=*Conscription number of a buildingJust a number
addr:provisionalnumber=*Provisional number of buildingJust a number
addr:streetnumber=*Street number of a buildingNumber, optionally followed by a letter
addr:housenumber=*House numberFormat - if there is street number assigned to the building: conscriptionNo (or ev. provisionalNo) / streetNo
- or only conscriptionNo (or ev. provisionalNo)
Examples: 1367, 1367/67, 2238/1a, ev.21, ev.21/1
addr:street=*StreetName of the street, if there is such.
addr:place=*Small village / City quarterName of a small village (not having a village council, belonging administratively under another village tagged addr:city=*) or a city quarter. RUIAN and Czech cadastre calls this část obce.
Should never be used if the street has a name.
Essential tag for searching using Nominatim in places where there are no streets. If there the street has a name, this tag should not be used; Nomination ignores addr:place=* it if the street name is specified anyway.
Examples: Lhotka, Libív, Vysočany.
It is not possible to omit this tag as addresses in small villages are not defined by boundaries but by simple list of addresses.
addr:suburb=*City subrubAdministrative division of city. Exists in large towns only.
Examples: Praha 9 or Plzeň 2-Slovany
It is not necessary to add this tag for all addresses as we will create boundary polygons in OSM in near future. This tag is added only in rare cases where the address node lies outside of its respective suburb boundary polygon.
addr:city=*Village / CityName of city, town, small town, military area or village (having a village council).
Examples: Brno, Jince, Brdy, Lhota.
It is not necessary to add this tag for all addresses as there are boundary polygons in OSM (boundary=administrative+ admin_level=8). This tag is added only in rare cases where the address node lies outside of its respective city boundary polygon.
addr:postcode=*ZIP codeNumber in format nnnnn without space.
Examples: 19000
It is unnecessary to add this tag as there are valid country border polygons in OSM.
or older ref:ruian=*
RUIAN id of address nodeUsed for establishing a link with RUIAN for possible future automatic corrections of addresses by bot based on the correction data published by RUIAN
You can view the details using link:<ref:ruian:addr>

Czech buildings import

Semimanual import by modified Tracer plugin in JOSM written by Marián Kyral. Source code is available on Github. The RUIAN data is processed and provided by Petr Vejsada. Visualized data are available on Layers "Budovy" and "Budovy-todo". Ghosts instead of building geometry means that RUIAN data are not yet available. Building with black geometry has already reported problem.

Czech buildings tagging

The buildings based on RUIAN have the following tags:

Key Description Note
building=*Basic building tagFor values used during the import see building:ruian:type=*
building:flats=*Number of flats in the buildingNumber
building:levels=*Number of levels in the buildingNumber
building:ruian:type=*Type of the building in RUIANNumber - for its meaning see building:ruian:type=*
or older ref:ruian=*
RUIAN id of the buildingUsed for establishing a link with RUIAN for possible future automatic corrections of buildings by bot based on the correction data published by RUIAN
You can view the details using link:<ref:ruian:building>
start_date=*Date when the building was builtDate
source=cuzk:ruianSource of datacuzk:ruian
This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.