
a valley with grassy slopes around a dry or intermittent watercourse 
Group: Natural
Used on these elements


Useful combination


See also
Status: in use

This tag has been used along with natural=valley to specify a Balka - a Russian and Ukrainian term without a simple English translation, for a valley with grassy slopes around a dry or intermittent watercourse.

Similar to a "gulch" but less steep, or a long hollow, or gentle and wide gully.

In the steppe regions, a balka forms in a dried up river bed. A balka has a gently concave bottom, often without a pronounced channel, the slopes are convex, smoothly turning into watershed spaces.

The length of a balka is usually from hundreds of meters to 20-30 kilometers, the depth is from several meters to tens of meters, the width is up to hundreds of meters.

The slopes and the bottom are grassy or sometimes covered with shrubs or forests, but bottom erosion is common in balkas. Most often they develop from a ravine, but can occur without a ravine stage. Common for highlands and plains of forest-steppe and steppe.

(The main text of this page was roughly translated from ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Балка_(рельеф) and may contain errors. The tag has been in use since 2019, but had no English or Russian description until August 2019)

See also

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