
Whitewater Tags
Proposal status: Proposals with undefined or invalid status (inactive)
Proposed by: Ashimema
Tagging: whitewater=*
Applies to:
Definition: Officialise proposals in WikiProject Whitewater Maps
Rendered as: OpenLayer, (much like OpenCycleMap)
Draft started: 2009-12-29
RFC start: 2009-12-30
Vote start: 2010-01-15
Vote end: 2010-01-30


I wish to Officialise the whitewater=* Key so that documentation can be written regarding it. The Key is already in common use due to the proposal within WikiProject Whitewater Maps, and should be a simple matter of vote and implement.


A community of (Kayakers, Canoeists, and Whitewater Rafters) can already be found on this Wiki and have started tagging rivers for human powered navigation. Having a definitive tagging system for them would be beneficial.

Similar and Related Proposals can be found below;


Currently in use, but not agreed upon unanimously and not documented in full;

  • whitewater=put_in - A good/recommended/commonly used place to put in. Node placed on one side of the river (like a bus_stop is placed one side of a road).
  • whitewater=egress - A good/recommended/commonly used place to take out. Node placed on one side of the river
  • whitewater=hazard - Minor or Major hazard. Also use a description tag. Should be accompanied by whitewater:description=*.
  • whitewater=put_in;egress - A good/recommended/commonly used place to both put in and take out! (WARNING NEEDS DISCUSSION)

Addtional Tags in this proposal;

  • whitewater=# - Feature, Playspot, or similar? A named feature on the river that is know to paddlers for certain characteristics. i.e Playspots, Slalom Sites etc. NOT a Danger, but a worthwhile mention in river topography? Should be accompanied by whitewater:description=*.


An overall proposal regarding whitewater mapping can be found here. Please only comment upon this specific proposal here, and leave comments on the overall proposal there;

This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.