
Водна поверхня річки  
Група: Річки
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Статус: затверджений

Покрита водою зона річки, що використовується з natural=water. Має містити waterway=river всередині.

There are multiple tagging systems in use for tagging river areas.
The OpenStreetMap community has not achieved a consensus on which tagging scheme is preferred.
Статус: затверджений
Used with
Статус: не рекомендований

Як позначати

Намалюйте контур річки і додайте natural=water + water=river.

Для довгих річок територія повинна бути розділена на кілька сегментів керованого розміру (Area 1 та Area 2 на зображенні нижче).

Крім того, шлях, позначений як waterway=river, повинен бути намальований у напрямку течії річки (way 4 на зображенні). Усі теґи річки (наприклад, name=* та інші додаткові теґи) повинні бути додані до цієї центральної лінії.

More information on river area mapping can be found under waterway=riverbank.


To map islands in a river you can use a multipolygon relation and the island and the main riverbank should be included in the relation. The main riverbank way (way 1 in image) will have the role 'outer' and the way for the island (way 2 in image) will have the role 'inner'.

Areas intermittently covered by water


These areas can be flooded during high water level and are covered by plants when the water level is low. Tag such areas as natural=wetland + wetland=marsh;swamp;reedbed. Do not double tag or overlay with duplicate area of water=river or natural=water as the definition of wetland indicates occasional cover with river water.

Areas without vegetation

Some areas of river do not support growth of plants, but the surface of the riverbed can become exposed during low water levels. Some people tag these with surface=* e.g.surface=mud;gravel;rock in combination with natural=water + water=river + intermittent=yes. (Similar to tagging of natural=shoal or wetland=tidalflat)

In addition, there are past proposals with smaller count of uses: Proposed features/Water cover, Proposed features/waterway=riverbed

Tagged objects distribution


The area of the river is tagged with waterway=riverbank alone - that tagging is slightly less common

See also

This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.