< WikiProject Burkina Faso

WikiProject Burkina Faso/subdivisions

Given that this subproject involves people speaking various languages from various countries (France, Germany, Italy, Russia...) this subpage is currently maintained only in English instead of the official French language spoken in Burkina Faso.
Most of its content however are in data tables showing the progress of mapping of subdivisions, and the toponyms shown in tables below should all be listed in French, to facilitate its understanding by French-speaking people of Burkina-Faso that will want to contribute to this effort. Most translation efforts of toponyms will be in the OSM database itself.

Administrative subdivisions of Bukina Faso

  • All Wikipedia links for locations in Burkina Faso should point to its French edition (other languages of Wikipedia are maintained now in Wikidata). Please complete these pages as much as possible (create draft pages if needed, check their content, document the alternate names, check at least the latest population figures ; some templates like w:fr:Modèle:Infobox Subdivision du Burkina Faso are already ready to facilitate their creation and Wikipedia categories are also being sorted in a separate effort). You're also invited to subscribe to its Wikiproject.
  • But do not import any information from Wikipedia in the OSM database (unless you are the same author of these data on Wikipedia, or you use the same open data source), as its CC-BY-SA licence is not compatible with the ODbL! Notably, do not import population figures (frequently wrong, roughyl rounded or estimated, unsourced, not dated, or simply outdated) or the coordinates of nodes from Wikipedia.
  • However the reverse import from OSM to Wikipedia is possible: articles should be edited to reflect updates.
  • All régions (admin_level=4) are complete (but their borders are often very fuzzy).
  • The borders of departments/municipalities (admin_level=6) may be difficult to determine exactly, even where they are known to group several villages (possibly admin_level=8).
  • All ISO 3166-2 codes (defined in Burkina Faso only for régions and provinces) have already been imported in distinctive tags. But the preferred reference identifiers should be defined on all subdivisions, and will use the tag "ref:INSD=*", whose value will help matching the offical data published by INSD (defining the official national nomenclature), Afristat, the United Nations, or other international organisations (like the World Bank), which need a more precise codification than ISO 3166-2.

National borders (admin_level=2)

ISO 3166-1Name (fr)Relation (admin_level=2)Capital cityCompletion
BFBurkina Faso 192783OK

Régions (admin_level=4)

The content of this section is transcluded from the /regions subpage.
ISO 3166-2INSD codeName (fr)Relation (admin_level=4)Capital cityCompletion
BF-0102Boucle du Mouhoun 2674448 DédougouOK
BF-0212Cascades 2745987 BanforaOK
BF-0311Centre 2746031 OuagadougouOK
BF-0410Centre-Est 2746016 TenkodogoOK
BF-0506Centre-Nord 2746040 KayaOK
BF-0607Centre-Ouest 2813987 KoudougouOK
BF-0713Centre-Sud 2746024 MangaOK
BF-0804Est 1143562 Fada N’GourmaOK
BF-0901Hauts-Bassins 2674447 Bobo-DioulassoOK
BF-1009Nord 1159881 OuahigouyaOK
BF-1108Plateau-Central 2746035 ZiniaréOK
BF-1203Sahel 1159873 DoriOK
BF-1305Sud-Ouest 2745992 GaouaOK

Requête Overpass Turbo pour toutes les données actuelles des régions et afficher une carte

Provinces (admin_level=5)

The content of this section is transcluded from the /provinces subpage.


  • The names of capitals of provinces that are also capitals of regions (above) are displayed with bold characters.
  • Some provinces or their capital cities have several orthographies, the Capital city column shows the one currently used by INSD.bf, the other ones is in the Alternate name(s) column (and have been used by INSD.bf in older reports; they may still be used).
  • The existing boundary relations are now all defined the node with the admin_center role for the place of the capital city (chef-lieu in French), but with their borders defined with limited resolution (within 1 km). These borders need further adjustments by checking all the villages they should include. This requires first subdiviing them in their departments and listing all their missing villages. Then some borders can be more acurately defined by locating the rivers or some other physical features that traditionally separate them. However most villages can be correctly found now in the correct province and trhis already helps disambiguating them as there are lots of homonyms. For further disambiguation we will still need to define the border of their departments.
ISO 3166-2INSD codeName (fr)Relation (admin_level=5)Capital cityIn regionAlternate name(s)Completion
BF-BAL31Balé 2828093 BoromoBF-01 OK
BF-BAN32Banwa 2828094 SolenzoBF-01 OK
BF-KOS13Kossi 2828096 NounaBF-01 OK
BF-MOU15Mouhoun 2828097 DédougouBF-01 OK
BF-NAY40Nayala 2828098 TomaBF-01 OK
BF-SOR27Sourou 2828099 TouganBF-01 OK
BF-COM06Comoé 2828137 BanforaBF-02 OK
BF-LER38Léraba 2828138 SindouBF-02 OK
BF-KAD11Kadiogo 2828095 OuagadougouBF-03 OK
BF-BLG04Boulgou 2828160 TenkodogoBF-04 OK
BF-KOP36Koulpélogo 2828161 OuargayeBF-04 OK
BF-KOT14Kouritenga 2828162 KoupélaBF-04 OK
BF-BAM01Bam 2828631 KongoussiBF-05 OK
BF-NAM17Namentenga 2828632 BoulsaBF-05 OK
BF-SMT23Sanmatenga 2828633 KayaBF-05 OK
BF-BLK05Boulkiemdé 2828693 KoudougouBF-06 OK
BF-SNG22Sanguié 2828694 RéoBF-06 OK
BF-SIS25Sissili 2828695 LéoBF-06 OK
BF-ZIR44Ziro 2828696 SapouyBF-06 OK
BF-BAZ02Bazèga 2868361 KombissiriBF-07 OK
BF-NAO16Nahouri 2868362 BF-07 OK
BF-ZOU30Zoundwéogo 2868363 MangaBF-07 OK
BF-GNA08Gnagna 2914764 BogandéBF-08 OK
BF-GOU09Gourma 2914765 Fada N’GourmaBF-08 OK
BF-KMD34Komondjari 2914766 GayériBF-08KomandjoariOK
BF-KMP35Kompienga 2914767 PamaBF-08 OK
BF-TAP28Tapoa 2914768 DiapagaBF-08 OK
BF-HOU10Houet 2914808 Bobo-DioulassoBF-09 OK
BF-KEN12Kénédougou 2914809 OrodaraBF-09 OK
BF-TUI42Tuy 2914810 HoundéBF-09TuiOK
BF-LOR39Loroum 2915653 TitaoBF-10 OK
BF-PAS20Passoré 2915654 YakoBF-10 OK
BF-YAT29Yatenga 2915655 OuahigouyaBF-10 OK
BF-ZON45Zondoma 2915656 GourcyBF-10ZandomaOK
BF-GAN07Ganzourgou 2916023 ZorghoBF-11 OK
BF-KOW37Kourwéogo 2916024 BousséBF-11 OK
BF-OUB18Oubritenga 2916025 ZiniaréBF-11 OK
BF-OUD19Oudalan 2916144 Gorom-GoromBF-12 OK
BF-SEN24Séno 2916146 DoriBF-12 OK
BF-SOM26Soum 2916145 DjiboBF-12 OK
BF-YAG43Yagha 2916147 SebbaBF-12Sébba ; SebaOK
BF-BGR03Bougouriba 2916226 DiébougouBF-13 OK
BF-IOB33Ioba 2916227 DanoBF-13 OK
BF-NOU41Noumbiel 2916228 BatiéBF-13 OK
BF-PON21Poni 2916229 GaouaBF-13 OK

Requête Overpass Turbo pour toutes les données actuelles des provinces et afficher une carte

Départements / communes (admin_level=6)

Because of its size, most of this section can no longer included here, it is located in the /communes subpage. Within the 351 "départements" in Burkina Faso (in 2012):

  • 2 are "communes urbaines à statut particulier" (subdivided into "arrondissements" grouping unnamed numbered urban sectors and named villages).
  • 49 are "communes urbaines" (subdivided into unnamed numbered urban sectors and named villages)
  • 302 are "communes rurales" (subdivided into villages)

However these 351 "communes" (municipalities) only cover the urbanized area (cities and villages) of their (homonymous) department. The rest of the department is managed by the state. We should delimit these urbanized areas. For this reason, the boundaries of departments are indicative and only made to surround and separate villages in relevant groups. We should however delimit precisely all urban sectors.

TODO: In May 2016, new municipal election took places and new communes were added by splitting some of them to reach a total of 363 communes.

Arrondissements (urban districts, admin_level=7)

  • TODO: map them as in OSM as "districts" in the urban municipalities (communes urbaines, which are départements) of the cities of Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso (which are mapped in OSM both as "cities" and officially as départements)
  • The other urban municipalites (even if some of them qualify as cities in OSM) and all other rural municipalites (communes rurales, which are départements) are not subdivided in arrondissements.
  • Note that arrondissements are splitting the main city of the department in several parts, but they may also contain (in Bobo-Dioulasso) other surrounding villages that are not part of the main city. Technically, these arrondissements (in the department of Bobo-Dioulasso) are not subdivisions of the city, but subdivisions of the department, and the main city is not a subdivision of the department or arrondissement but the group of all urban sectors in all arrondissements of the department.

Cities, towns and administrative villages (admin_level=8)

A commune is grouping all cities, towns and/or villages in the department of the same name, but do not cover the full territory of the department. Their urban extension in the department is controled by the local representant of the national state in the department. The rest of the department is often a very large rural area where villages and towns are enclaved.

Basically, if we define the borders of localities (cities, towns, villages and hamlets), they must be limited to the urbanized area and tagged with admin_level=8, and named according to the locality. These areas may be also tagged with landuse=residential if they cover these urbanized areas. Each area will have a place=* node giving the name of the locality.

Note that even in departments that are urban municipalities, there are some rural areas and villages in those rural area. But national statistics frequently do not distinguish each village in the rural areas surrounding towns and cities, except in data related to municipal elections or to traditional village developement councils. In the best case, data is only available per department (commune) or per arrondissement.

So most villages won't have borders in OSM, unless there's local data on their precise extension. Most of them will be mapped only as nodes within their department/commune.

About 8,400 villages are counted by the INSD : they could be mapped only as nodes (notably in rural municipalities, or for small kernels of population around cities and towns); but they are not subdivided : these administrative villages should still be mapped in OSM (with their borders if possible) with admin_level 8. All of them should map to a "place=village" in OSM (population between 100 and 3,000 inhabitants).

But very small villages which are not administrative villages should be mapped with "place=hamlet", most often as nodes only (no border defined officially, but this could be landuse=redidential polygons), and "isolated dwellings" in OSM should only be mapped as nodes (or only on a single building polygon). They should not have any "admin_level" defined on them. There's no official population statistics on them as they are counted as part of adminsitrative villages. When former villages are now part of urban sectors (in urban municipalities), they are not administrative villages and should not be mapped as "place=village" but may be mapped as "suburbs".

Urban sectors (admin_level=9)

This includes sectors (secteurs in French for the INSD) which are splitting the main city or town of each urban municipality, for which the INSD provides specific census data. The threshold of population for defining them (only in urban municipalities) is above 1,000 inhabitants per sector: most of them would still not qualify as "place=town" in OSM, but only as "place=suburb" as their population is in the range between about 3,000 and 10,000 inhabitants in cities, or between 1,000 and 5,000 inhabitants in towns, and because these urban "sectors" are officially distinguished from rural "villages".

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