WikiProject Nigeria

The Federal Republic of Nigeria, Africa
latitude: 9.011, longitude: 8.677
Browse map of Nigeria 9°00′39.60″ N, 8°40′37.20″ E
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The Federal Republic of Nigeria is a country in Africa at latitude 9°00′39.60″ North, longitude 8°40′37.20″ East.


Unique Mappers Team, a YouthMappers group

State of The Map

Admin divisions

Nigeria is divided in 36 states plus Abuja Federal Capital Territory. Each state is divided into a total of 774 Local Government Areas (LGA's), and each LGA is further divided in a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 15 wards. We will tag:


One of the aims and objectives of this project is to map all Nigerian roads in a consistent and systematic way.

Official classification

According to this page, within Nigeria there are three classes of main roads:

  • Expressways - (using the prefix 'E') are what the Nigerian authorities consider the motorways in the country. From a European perspective, many of these roads lack the limited access nature which gives motorways their definition. When mapping expressways in Nigeria, pay attention to the details of the road (i.e. are junctions grade-seperated? Are there gaps in the central reservation between the carriageways? Etc). This should provide enough information to map the roads as either highway=motorway or highway=trunk.
  • Trunk roads - (using the prefix 'A') are what make up the bulk of the main network of roads in Nigeria. These roads should be represented as highway=trunk roads, or where replaced by parallel expressways, represented as highway=primary roads.
  • Federal roads - (using the prefix 'F') F1xx roads run east-west whilst F2xx roads run north-south. These roads form the primary links between the main trunk routes across the country. Thus these roads should be mapped as highway=primary.

The Nigerian FEDERAL HIGHWAYS ACT has slightly outdated info on road names for A and F roads. E.1 is still the only E route.

Other road tagging

As for the rest of the roads, and trying to comply as much as possible with the Highway Tag Africa wiki (HTA), we should take the following tagging schema as a general reference:

  • highway=secondary would be, always according to the HTA, for roads interconnecting big cities with regional capital cities, and highway=tertiary would be for roads interconnecting the towns of some importance (health services, commerce, etc.) and the major streets in towns of some importance.
  • Regional capitals can be a different thing depending the country. As a general rule, we should use de tag highway=secondary for those roads interconnecting the LGA capitals that aren't highway=primary (Federal) roads, and the highway=tertiary tag for the roads that interconnect all the ward capitals.
  • This would be just a reference, because some wards don't have a real capital centre, or are so light populated that a tertiary road could be to much, and would deserve the highway=unclassified tag instead. In fact, other roads interconnecting some LGA capitals could have to be downgraded to highway=tertiary.
  • Worldwide, highway=residential is only for residential streets inside build-up areas, and never to be used outside of them. When a road traverses a build-up area, it keeps its classification type. So, if a highway=primary road traverses a town, it doesn't change to highway=residential inside the town, but keep being tagged as highway=primary. In fact, in big cities we can (and we should) use highway=tertiary for the main streets.
  • highway=track is for the small roads interconnecting hamlets and going outside the residential areas, mainly for agricultural and forestry purposes. In general these roads do not have connecting function with other roads. So we should use this tag with care.
  • Use highway=path for paths. Please avoid using highway=footway, as that is a tag for dedicated footways (a way were only pedestrians can access).
  • In case you are really unsure of the type of tag that corresponds to a road, you can tag it as highway=road. Bear in mind that this tag is provisional, until you or someone else decides what is the tagging that suits it better.

All roads from highway=motorway down to highway=unclassified are assumed to be paved. So in case they are unpaved, add the surface=* tag to it. Tracks and paths are assumed to be unpaved. Please, read carfully the Road Surface Status section of the HTA.


You can check the Roads State of the Map for Nigeria in the Nigeria Roads wiki.

There are many areas missing roads that you can see on Mapbox or Bing. Here they are

  • West and northwest parts of Lagos
  • Northwest parts around Abuja
  • Many roads around Port Harcourt
  • Western part of Ibadan
  • Around Calabar

A method is needed to measure completeness of local streets. The only method for the moment is by checking against aerial imagery or on the field.




Data from eHealth Africa Foundation and from GNS have been imported. See Nigeria Imports wiki for more info.


An uMap showing the areas covered by High Resolution Bing imagery:

  • For Central and Northern Nigeria can be seen here. In blue you have the areas not covered. Bear in mind that some of these areas are actually covered by MapBox High Resolution imagery. (as of 9th May 2014)
  • For Ogun State can be checked here. In brown colour are the areas covered by the imagery. It's also as of 9th of May 2014.

There is still the need to assess the High Resolution imagery coverage for South Nigeria.


States of Nigeria: Abia · Adamawa · Akwa Ibom · Anambra · Bauchi · Bayelsa · Benue · Borno · Cross River · Delta · Ebonyi · Edo · Ekiti · Enugu · Gombe · Imo · Jigawa · Kaduna · Kano · Katsina · Kebbi · Kogi · Kwara · Lagos · Nasarawa · Niger · Ogun · Ondo · Osun · Oyo · Plateau · Rivers · Sokoto · Taraba · Western · Yobe · Zamfara · Special status: Federal Capital Territory

Mapping Niger State (2017 -2018)

During 2017-2018, MSF focuses with Missing Maps on the mapping of Niger State - Please see the Niger state page for more info.

HOT activation North East Nigeria crisis (2015)

The Boko Haram insurgency began in 2009, when the jihadist rebel group started an armed rebellion against the government of Nigeria. In 2013, more than 1,000 died in the war. The violence escalated dramatically in 2014, with 10,849 deaths and over a million displaced people. The fighting has spread to Cameroon and Niger.

The insurgency takes place within the context of long-standing issues of religious violence between Nigeria's Muslim and Christian communities.

Nicolas Chavent and Rafael Ávila Coya coordinated this response to the North East Nigeria Crisis. Email contact :

Get an overview of the affected areas on this umap and check out the projects related to this activation here: WikiProject_Nigeria/HOT_Activation_projects.


The YouthMappers network and researchers at Arizona State University are teaming up to map buildings and roads to support the design of power distribution networks. This data will be used for electrification planning by municipalities and energy sector stakeholders. Utilize this linked how-to-guide to understand the tools used and process in the Sierra Leone pilot program.


State of the Map Nigeria 2022

Unique Mappers Network - The OpenStreetMap Community NGO in Nigeria organised the Inaugural State of the Map 2022 from 01-03 December which held at the Institute of Petroleum Studies, University of Port Harcourt Nigeria. Programme can be found on the State of the Map Nigeria website.

Several participants published OSM diaries covering the event Includes:

  1. Obianinulu
  2. vicksun
  3. Danirazi
  4. Dannyoung
  5. Mamman1999
  6. johanespeter9's
  7. Chinnygirl
  8. BoromaJR
  9. Hopeful20%Bafamodei
  10. Chisom Okwuchi

Quality control



Please feel free to add your Name to this list and describe your mapping efforts. Please mention if you live in the area you're mapping. Street names and POIs are heavily needed.

User Mapping efforts Map
--Cambodia 2009 - 2010 Tracing residential roads in Benin City from Yahoo!Imagery. Join me.
--macmobee 2007 - 2012 Initial collection of raw GPS data, upload and rendering for Lagos and Port-Hacourt.
Additional work was done on federal roads below;
  • Lagos - Ibadan expressway.
  • Ibadan - Ife - Ilesa Expressway.
  • Ilesa - Ondo - Ife.
  • East - West Road (Sagamu - Benin - Warri - Ughelli - Patani - Mbiama - Ahoada - eleme).
  • Portharourt - Owerri - Onisha - Benin.
--Crackers250 2013 Mainly focusing on tracing main A and F roads, using hi-res Bing imagery where possible. There's loads to do (see PDF and table below) so help me get stuck in! Roads fully covered in hi-res and finished so far: A1-2, A151, A152, F210.
--Dammy E 2013 Making edits to areas of Nigeria I am familiar with. Adding Hydrology, POI and AOI features, as well as edits to street names in major cities particularly Ibadan and Lagos.
This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.